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Ya think IM chats are...?

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You definately talk to people that you would never give the time of day to otherwise.....it sheds light on an otherwise nonexistent situation.

I think IM chats are good, but it definately lacks the personality behind the person. 70% of communication is body language and 20% is tone. That leaves you with 10% spoken word, which is all you get with an IM chat. Kinda why I don't like telephones either that much...........rather it would be face to face, but we can't always have it our way so we have to find other means of conversing.

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They're possibly the greatest thing since sliced bread...

They're free, and you can have like 10 of them at once... Beats the shit out of phone... People who've been using IMs for a while, develop a text mannerism and are usually pretty clear to understand "tone" although, people who haven't, are incredibly difficult to talk to.

Plus, its lowkey, so you can just "Drop" someone an IM that you met at the clubs... phone calls are a whole big procedure...

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unfortunately aol is my isp so i find IMs annoying. usually im trying to use the web and buddys waste my time.

sometimes it's cool though, i can keep in touch with old friends and occasionally i meet interesting people. i have definitely had conversations on aim that were meaningful, it doesnt have to be superficial.

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. . . I agree with Joey on this one . . . IM's are great if you can develop a text style that shows some of your emotional invective . . however, for most people this is hard to do, unless one is a very good writer . . .

. . . One thing that makes it sooo much easier to chat on IM is if you've actually heard the person speak in conversation before, so you have an idea on the inflexion and mannerism conventions that they use when conversing face to face . . . This allows you to "hear" the text better, so that the colorfulness (or lack thereof) their personality comes out into the conversation . . .

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i gotta agree with naked guy up there (unfortunately) ...with this Im stuff u meet so many different individuals and u can be selective as to who u talk to...this is especially great for people like me who just dont know how to tell people who annoy or bore me to fuck off..the scary part about IM's is the willingness of some of these people to meet off line..man ive had friends call me at 1am on a tuesday and tell me to get ready cause he met some chick online who wants to meet him and his friends...and the whole time were chillin with her im thinkin GOD DAMN IM GLAD WERE NORMAL KIDS..IMAGINE IF SHE HOOKED UP WITH SOME ONLINE PSYCHO...scary man..scary

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the only thing i hate bout im chats is that alot of nerds are geting laid that shouldn't be cause they get girls to feel guilty and sh1t for them i hate them people i mean i would of loved he 70's or 80's i mean back then it toke skill to get laid and these days the talent aspect of geting ass is gone and lot of people are geting laid who shouldn't be and damn if ther was no pc's or online i would have so many more b1tchs damn i would of been dead from std's already ;)

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Originally posted by workenonlife

the only thing i hate bout im chats is that alot of nerds are geting laid that shouldn't be cause they get girls to feel guilty and sh1t for them i hate them people i mean i would of loved he 70's or 80's i mean back then it toke skill to get laid and these days the talent aspect of geting ass is gone and lot of people are geting laid who shouldn't be and damn if ther was no pc's or online i would have so many more b1tchs damn i would of been dead from std's already ;)

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Originally posted by joeg

They're possibly the greatest thing since sliced bread...

They're free, and you can have like 10 of them at once... Beats the shit out of phone... People who've been using IMs for a while, develop a text mannerism and are usually pretty clear to understand "tone" although, people who haven't, are incredibly difficult to talk to.

Plus, its lowkey, so you can just "Drop" someone an IM that you met at the clubs... phone calls are a whole big procedure...

yeah i agree

although sometimes if its people you are close to you'd rather talk on the phone and hear their voices.

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Originally posted by workenonlife

the only thing i hate bout im chats is that alot of nerds are geting laid that shouldn't be cause they get girls to feel guilty and sh1t for them i hate them people i mean i would of loved he 70's or 80's i mean back then it toke skill to get laid and these days the talent aspect of geting ass is gone and lot of people are geting laid who shouldn't be and damn if ther was no pc's or online i would have so many more b1tchs damn i would of been dead from std's already ;)

WTF are u serious:confused: :woah:

Well, as for IM's I agree with clubkat, it all depends. But I definitely think they can be annoying, cause whatever you write may get interpreted the wrong way. Its so difficult to express any emotion

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I think that IM has both advantages and disadvantages. I think its great because I have a lot of friends from high school who are now at out of state colleges and IM is a great way for us to all keep in touch. On the other hand, like many of you said, it IS difficult to express emotions online and sometimes difficult to explain or convey something that may be easier said than typed. In such cases, I usually resort to the phone. Additionally, I think IM has social impacts on the social lives and interactions of people. For example, there may be a lot of people who wouldn't be forward enough to talk to people in person the way they do online because there is that time lag and lack of face to face. Does that make sense? :hat: Oh, but I must also mention how time goes by SO quickly when one is on IM!

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Originally posted by workenonlife

the only thing i hate bout im chats is that alot of nerds are geting laid that shouldn't be cause they get girls to feel guilty and sh1t for them i hate them people i mean i would of loved he 70's or 80's i mean back then it toke skill to get laid and these days the talent aspect of geting ass is gone and lot of people are geting laid who shouldn't be and damn if ther was no pc's or online i would have so many more b1tchs damn i would of been dead from std's already ;)

omfg!! Are you serious??? I am scared for you :eek:

Or maybe you do not realize how you sound???:confused:

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i have a dik and i so know how i sound pc kill my stds i mean ther is alot of people who shouldn't get laid but do cause of this onlne sh1t i could fuk way more girls and would wanna fuk way more whores if they wasn't aol tricks ;) life is based upon talken and this online makes talken to easy for people

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Originally posted by workenonlife

i have a dik and i so know how i sound pc kill my stds i mean ther is alot of people who shouldn't get laid but do cause of this onlne sh1t i could fuk way more girls and would wanna fuk way more whores if they wasn't aol tricks ;) life is based upon talken and this online makes talken to easy for people

:rolleyes: um thats great, but how did u get talking abt fucken aol tricks?:confused:

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Originally posted by workenonlife

i have a dik and i so know how i sound pc kill my stds i mean ther is alot of people who shouldn't get laid but do cause of this onlne sh1t i could fuk way more girls and would wanna fuk way more whores if they wasn't aol tricks ;) life is based upon talken and this online makes talken to easy for people

lol. the funny thing is that he is right.
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