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My big Fuck You to Stuckonearth

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I will not not say how much they spent but there was no good amount of money made.

Everything there was rented or brought in personally for this.

Bar was not paid to the promoters that was the venues.

so their profit is capped out at $216,000 - plus sponsorships and minus costs. considering the manmonths that go into planning and promoting a party like this, dj fees, venue rental, insurance, rent-a-cops, bribes to the city council and police, bar and coatcheck staff, etc, a hefty chunk of that is gone.
basically no one is buying a new car,but that wasn'tthe point of doing the event. Sponsors contributed product no $$$. and u forgot catering.

Rob I know u are helping me out at Boo so this is done the right way


Gianni what are you bitching about u told me that u loved it when I saw u on the 2nd level.:laugh: trouble maker

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

I will not not say how much they spent but there was no good amount of money made.

Everything there was rented or brought in personally for this.

Bar was not paid to the promoters that was the venues.

basically no one is buying a new car,but that wasn'tthe point of doing the event. Sponsors contributed product no $$$. and u forgot catering.

Rob I know u are helping me out at Boo so this is done the right way


Gianni what are you bitching about u told me that u loved it when I saw u on the 2nd level.:laugh: trouble maker

This will be a first but I'll take back what I said. I'll just say that it was organized badly......VERY badly....

And I think when we got up to that second floor we were overjoyed....It was getting cold down in that tent.....:shake::D

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Rob I know u are helping me out at Boo so this is done the right way :D

Who, me? Is that an invitation? i would love to help out in any way i can!

nycmuzik2000: we all had the same problems as you did... but aside from the fact that the music was out of this fukkin planet, the guy that hooked up with my lady-friend slipped a pill in my vodka-redbull (it took me a while before i realized why he kept on wanting to buy me drinks and fucking up his pill-math). that explains why the rain felt "soooooooo soft", but looking out at the brooklyn bridge and the ominous river in the middle of the tsunami (as mugz put it) was just so damn cool. the atrium was such a sweet room... once you got up there :P

mugz: yeah that really sucked. but its ok because when i'm a world-famous producer and the security guards won't let her into the tent i'm playing at, she will wish she hung out with me instead! to every cloud (and tsunami) there is a silver lining..... (man i need to find a nice girl)

oh and also a big shoutout to Beverage10!

(FYI these 3 or 4 posts are the most words that i've said all day)



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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Gianni what are you bitching about u told me that u loved it when I saw u on the 2nd level.:laugh: trouble maker

that was the only part of the night that i did enjoy... that view was absolutly amazing....but i was freezing my ass off in the tent because i was still soaked from being stuck in the rain for an hour. I only heard Carl Cox for about 45 mins, and i was excited cuz i knew i would get a chance to warm up and hear a dj for more than an hour. But that ended when i tried to get my coat...

btw...marty...were u able to get my coat or what??

peace out


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I hate to rain further on peoples parade, but what happened to "live and learn"....I have never heard of, nor attended a large event (and I don't mean a typical night at a large club) that did not have a huge line problem in the 12:30 to 2am range. I'm sorry but line management and crowd control are not what big parties are know for, and while SoE is not an exception, they are hardly the first to have this problem....It's as if a bell goes off at every pre-party in NY at around midnight, and suddenly everyone is ready to dance NOW> and can't figure out that if they wanted to be DANCING at 12;30, they needed to leave by 11. It took me 1 time arriving to PVD/Twilo night at 1, to realize that by coming an hour early, i would get inside 3 hours earlier, to make me go whenever possible on the early side. The one time friends delayed, despite my warnings, we arrived to a 2.5 hr line at S&D, only to be told by ppl who arrived 1 hr earlier, that they'd waltzed right in. THAT SILLY PRE-PARTY IS NOT WORTH IT, ppl. BEING FASHIONABLY LATE IS NOT WORTH IT. You paid for a ticket to listen to GREAT MUSIC, starting at 10pm...why risk missing 1/2 of what you paid for?? Especially when you can see that its pouring rain outside and that whatever line there is will be twice as miserable as usual?

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