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Spring=Hot girls

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Is it me or right around spring, when it gets warm, all of a sudden all these hot girls start appearing out of nowhere from around your way. They come out like roaches when it gets warm. Eg, I've been in Stony brook since Jan and I rarely see hot girls, then there was few days last week when it was like 65 degrees and all of a sudden BAM, one hot chick after the next. What's up ?

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Spring=Hot guys.......

Shit I was thinking the same thing..all these lil qt's around my way everytime I go out to the store or to walk my dog..I am like where the fuck did you come from.....:D

I definitely agree face is the most important thing... that is the first thing I notice on a guy...

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o' yee of little experience :)

first time i was in nyc i went to the defunct club...yea that one

when i was inside and outside in line i saw so many beautiful faces.....:D <---not ones with buck teeth but girls and guys that made me drop my :jawdrop:

but seeing is one thing and talking to is another...:(

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Originally posted by nychunk

Is it me or right around spring, when it gets warm, all of a sudden all these hot girls start appearing out of nowhere from around your way. They come out like roaches when it gets warm. Eg, I've been in Stony brook since Jan and I rarely see hot girls, then there was few days last week when it was like 65 degrees and all of a sudden BAM, one hot chick after the next. What's up ?

yo i hear what you are saying...im hoping thats the case at adelphi casue ive seen like 1 good looking chick....
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dude, i did research on this issue. you see, the chicks migrate to warmer subtropical climates for the northeastern winter months. when the temperate mesophytical forest temperature increases in spring season, the chicks massively migrate back to reproduce and nest. and also they wear less shit like jackets and more shit like tanktops :)

its all very scientific!

btw, i dont know why, but i keep reading your name as NY Chunk not NYC hunk, hehe

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