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:cool: I'm just waking up now but I had a blast at ULTRA FEST had more fun than last year and once again made a couple of new friends, it was super cool. I have a story to share just to show that people of all places and race come together for this event. Last year while sitting quitely chillin on my blanket in the main stage listening to whomever was on right before PVD I met these students all from UMASS, they were originially from places like, Pakistan, Brazil, India all over the place basically and they fell in love with these 3 -d glasses I had and that's how conversation began for like 2 hours or so, got there number but surely enough lost my cell and lost it, this year I freakin move location to sit in

another spot on the left side of the main stage where there was more open space to chill and wouldn't you know but the same students were sitting right there and immediately recognized me it was really neat.....small world we freakin live in.

on the downside the water lines killed me.

SPACE Saturday night was good, but Deep Dish was not impressive not my type of tunes at all. :)

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lol...glad 2 hear u r doing well!:) As far as your story...it is a pretty cool one. I know we all say it a million times, but it just goes to show "how small the world really is!" Who would've ever thought! Hmm....It kinda makes you think about all those times your out and about somewhere (not here..miami is waaay 2 small)...and u do something stupid b/c..hey..when r u ever gonna see these people again?!?! You neeeever know! lol.

Were you able to get a number and keep in touch with them this time?? Or r u just hoping to bump into them again? lol...let us know :-p

As far as Space.. I was there on Sat. night also, but I totally enjoyed the music! So far, I can't say I have gone somewhere 4 WMC that I haven't liked the music...guess i've been lucky!


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