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Twilo being sued for $120 Million!

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I was just watching the channel 5, Fox News... the former owners of Twilo are being sued for $120 by the family of someone who died there over 2 years ago. One of the former employees was aquitted on charges of taking 3 overdosed partiers into a back room instead of calling an ambulance.

Anyone hear more about this?

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Originally posted by njdionysus

You are absolutely right, however the kid should have some self control and not overdose in a club!

obviously yeah...i mean you should always watch for yourself but i dont think the parents are suing for the kid overdosing i think theyre suing for the club owners being morons, but i could be wrong

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Originally posted by trancend

obviously yeah...i mean you should always watch for yourself but i dont think the parents are suing for the kid overdosing i think theyre suing for the club owners being morons, but i could be wrong

This is yet another classic case of "pay for my or my loved one's fuck up". The club owners didn't force the drugs down that kid's throat, ain't no way they're responsible for his overdosing. That's bullshit. As if any amount of money is gonna buy the kid's life back or something. :blank:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

This is yet another classic case of "pay for my or my loved one's fuck up". The club owners didn't force the drugs down that kid's throat, ain't no way they're responsible for his overdosing. That's bullshit. As if any amount of money is gonna buy the kid's life back or something. :blank:

I feel the same way...

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

This is yet another classic case of "pay for my or my loved one's fuck up". The club owners didn't force the drugs down that kid's throat, ain't no way they're responsible for his overdosing. That's bullshit. As if any amount of money is gonna buy the kid's life back or something. :blank:

well it can certainly buy a new house for the family + a new BMW for the lawer :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by trancend

youre missing the point

if they helped the kid he could be alive...thats the end of it

Yeah, likewise if the stupid kid hadn't taken the pills in the first place. BTW, following that line of reasoning, the parents would have to sue EVERY single patron there that night that also didn't call an ambulance.

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you people are telling me if someone is on the floor, and looks as if he or she is dead you would stick them in a room in hopes of them comming out of it??? are you guys crazy? i know the staff at twilo aren't doctors but give me a break... if someone is in that state, don't you think it would be wise to call the ambulance???

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Originally posted by preludeboy

you people are telling me if someone is on the floor, and looks as if he or she is dead you would stick them in a room in hopes of them comming out of it??? are you guys crazy? i know the staff at twilo aren't doctors but give me a break... if someone is in that state, don't you think it would be wise to call the ambulance???

there are two issues:

1. is twilo responsible for the death (and i believe that legally they aren't, because there is probably somewhere in their contract a disclaimer about drugs; also the drug-police was very efficient in twilo (at least i felt that way))

2. is asking for money as a compensation for your childs life a genuinely ethical gesture, or pure greed

if we mix the cause and consequence we will get nowhere


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You know what...Fuck Twilo....I really hope they do lose. Maybe some of the other club owners in the city will look at this and start to enforce a no drug policy. Getting searched at the door is bullshit. They dont care if you bring drugs into the club as long as they dont catch you with it. I see way too many people now that are too mangled to even know where they are. You might not agree with me but thats the truth. Get rid of all the drugs and maybe some new clubs will open up that could bring in some top talent. Its not like city doesnt want these clubs opening because they hate the music we listen to. Its cause they attract a large group of people who's first priority is to pop some pills and then hopefully the music will enhance the roll.....

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

You know what...Fuck Twilo....I really hope they do lose. Maybe some of the other club owners in the city will look at this and start to enforce a no drug policy. Getting searched at the door is bullshit. They dont care if you bring drugs into the club as long as they dont catch you with it. I see way too many people now that are too mangled to even know where they are. You might not agree with me but thats the truth. Get rid of all the drugs and maybe some new clubs will open up that could bring in some top talent. Its not like city doesnt want these clubs opening because they hate the music we listen to. Its cause they attract a large group of people who's first priority is to pop some pills and then hopefully the music will enhance the roll.....

but the problem is: the club music is meant to be consumed with drugs.....to drop the drugs is to drop part of the pleasure of going out, while the state still distributes e-based anti-depressants


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club music ain't made for the drugs. The drugs were made for the music.

and as for that kid... I think there should be some apportioning of blame on both the kid and on Twilo, but i don't think twilo should come out of it as if it killed the kid all by itself.

It's a shame that someone can screw up that badly and get themselves killed, but if they die on YOUR doorstep then it's your fault. Fucking lame in my opinon. If you didn't do drugs or were EDUCATED and CAUTIOUS about what you did, then maybe that kind of shit wouldn't happen.

This makes my balls itch. Idiots like that kid are the people who give clubland such a horrible image and the people who chucked him in a room at Twilo just show that this is the REAL WORLD and you're ON YOUR OWN. If you can't handle it alone, then don't stick your neck out that far.

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