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  1. pod i really could care less about you and your dress code or lack there of. im just watching over saleen( kind of a checks and balance thing) he lies and insults and im there to smack his bottom like his daddy should have.......... i actually get a kick out of watching you find all sorts of excuses to delete my post so you can appease the almighty guido. ;D
  2. is that what u call what you wear a "sense of fashion. BTW, Pod naming calling is not civil in my book
  3. Classic lunch time dance/retro/house mixes, whatever, have been going on in miami radio stations long before you figure out that miami was a better place to live than you beloved N.Y. You as usual have no idea what u are talking about.
  4. Pod your being inflammatory again watch out you might get moderated. Oh by the was if you think i'm paranoid about the house thing take a vote and find out smarty.
  5. Your right you guys dont have an agenda, but your boy Saleen does. he may not be a moderate but by letting him spew his flith and them removing my reaction its like he is a moderator.
  6. Pod does saleen also comform to these high politically correct standars ??? ya know pod using the words "cesspool" is also "inflammatory and offensive" in my book. as for my response it only mimcs those of your boy Saleen. is he not inflammatory and offensive. i will tone down the language, but i will stay as aggressive in promoting my opinion as Saleen does his. he tones down so do i. if you block my account so be it Mr. Stalin your the one who has to live with silencing me. I for one dont really like giving opinions because they are usually biased, but i REFUSE to sit back while Saleen and his chronies bash the hell outta everyone who is not like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Gee thanks for removing my post :Pi guess saline and house rule this place. So i guess people speaking nonsense can post as long as the agenda is house. but when someone defends trance and states the obvious about a place you get silenced, all hail freedom of speech as long as Saline agrees.
  8. Make sure Saleen's has an extra large front for his big droopy tities
  9. Why would i waist my drink on you chubby, when all the girls you try and talk to throw drinks on you anyways.
  10. Are you aware of saleen's comment. i was just reacting to his bashing of Trance.
  11. It's a well know fact that fat guys can't find there balls, so please stop lying to us and mainly to yourself.
  12. First of all you can't fight, you would get your ass kicked just like Private Pile in full metal jacket fatboy. even the skinniest most drug intoxicated crackhead could whoop you, House whore.
  13. Hey remember people were suppose to be making Saltine look stupid not each other. Stay focused damit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. "We love you Space Whistle Boy or SWB for short!!!!! You and Bling make a perfect clubbing duo!!!! Long live SWB and Bling!" [glow=red,2,300] And you make a fine comedian. i loved you in Uncle Buck and Who's Harry Crumb. you were great saltine [/glow]
  15. Trancetastic

    thanks cj

    going outta town for a while. Probably won't make it to space, but don't worry i'll keep my eye on the fat one just to make sure he dosen't get outta control
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