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Posts posted by B-SIDE1414779017

  1. B-Side works for Stanton, who is a sponsor of our competition... ;D

    Uh... Well Actually.... I left the company late last year due to "Creative Differences" :-\ Seriously I'm no longer on Salary... but I do have my sponsorship and they've contracted B-SIDE Productions, Inc. for certain R&D projects... (so that might still be a prob for some)

    I'd hate for people to say "It was FIXED" when I win :P

    SO, to avoid conflict I'll wait another year before I enter... 8)

    >> But Hey Nick & Demo, I'm down for spinnin at the Party (if I'm town this time... sorry I missed last year) & Make sure you contact Pablo LaRosa @ the Stanton Ofc. ASAP

  2. FYI: This is the DMC comp. Originally was a Mix & Scratch comp. but the Scratch Nerdz took it over years ago... (DJ Craze 3x Champ.)

    This is the second time I see them tryin to do FL qulaifiers (DMC has serious problems with doing shit RIGHT)

    Unlike the CJ Competition which has been on point since day one.... Just too bad I can't enter :'(

  3. I took a hiatus from recording to develop some DJ gear & tour just as a DJ... and when I went back everything sounded outdated to me!

    :-X >>>>>> Even the new stuff!

    Lately I've gone back to the good old fashion way of samplin' my own (or borrowed gear), thus creating my own library of loops & sounds... Now I mesh that with the few things I do like (like BT's Loop library) and once in a while BIG FISH audio or some ACID loops.

    "Sometimes its not the sounds you have, but how they are used & appear to the outside perspective.."

    BTW: What prog. are you using ?

  4. Well FYI: I'm a Vinyl Junkie ( I have vinyl stored in three states ;D )

    but when I leave (the country) to DJ I can't take most of it..

    so I have to use something else and the next best thing IMO is FinalScratch...

    << Since it has the exact same anount of control as the original vinyl and does not cheat for you like other MP3 DJ tools & CD players. >>

    ??? for you Downloaders where do you find QUALITY mp3

    I'm talking legit, too ( I know about beatport / digitaljaymusic & trax2burn... are there others ???)

    BTW: I love walking the tightrope !!! (great reference)

  5. two places U need to be....

    D'Pleufo (or however ist spelled)


    the "mujeres de la noche" Casino ;)

    There's not much on the underground club tip

    (however they did turn a three strory strip mall into a three floor club, but mostly comerical & reggaeton)

  6. Def. check out... the M.O.S. site but also these others:




    I have quite a few friends out that way...


    Make shure you at least go to Fabric at least one night

    just let me know when and where you will be staying and I get you taken care of...

    There might be chane I'll even be there; but in Sept. usually the first or second week...

    Cheers, 8)

  7. ;D

    I agree w/ LOLA

    They already have two strikes....

    Bad Location

    Bad Name

    Now all they need is a Bad Music Dir. / DJ and they will be closed in 3 weeks

    U know the rules Saleen... so don't front!

    Honestly I was hoping for something on US-1 around Oakland

    tons of property around the right clintelle'

  8. POD: :P

    I didn't include DVD's because I asked DJ's and NOT VJ's :D

    But seriously it's interesting you that brought it up...

    I feel as long as the Vid's are truly in context to what the audio is relaying... why not have DVDs... ALthough I would prefer to use the MIDI Turntbale if I was doing lights along with DJ-ing.

    When I started out (ages ago) I was the Light Jockey & DJ in the only House club in New Orleans... so I value the ability of using visuals...

    FYI: I'm a vinyl whore... even though I endorse FS! 8)

    at the end of the day... I'll use what I gotta, to get the job done! DID someone say 8-Track :D

  9. 8)

    I't like Mardi Gras for Clubbers....

    You party until you pass the Fu(k Out..............

    ..........I love it!

    "I have no plans on planning anything I can't plan to be there for !?!"

    C U ALL Drunk on the Beach!

  10. Thanks for the input....

    I actually am still not satisfied with the CD players on the market.... which is why I keep getting involved. Call me a perfectionist but I'm not satisfied with the CDJ or even the new SL-Digital12. (esp when the price is that high)

    Don't get me wrong they both are incredible units but still have fundemental flaws...



    .....I want it all.. becuase it IZ possible

    ThanX again....

    I also have another one for rackmount players comming soon.

  11. Wassup Y'all :)

    Please visit this link and paricipate in a cool survey that will definately help change the industry...


    I've been a DJ for over 18 years and more recently have been developing & consulting on several revoloutionary DJ products (CDJ-1000, Final Scratch etc..)... so your input won't be wasted or Sold to ANYONE!!!

    Even if you are not a professional DJ but just a bedroom DJ ,or DJ for a Hobby... please participate

    I'd really like to get input from some of the Vinyl Purist around here :P (personally I don't like CD players for several reasons... some of which We can change)

    Thanks in Advance


  12. Some know, some Don't

    But every Wed. night in Hollywood, FL

    One can witness our Obsession with Beautiful women & House Music.... NO COVER & Comp. Vodka for the Sexiest Ladies in SOFL

    Hosted By Jenn Lawrence

    Featuring DJ's : B-SIDE & MATT SPECTOR plus monthly guests...

    Hope to see more of you there...


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