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Everything posted by CrzyC1414779017

  1. Me too!!! Cya there..or maybe before.
  2. YOU ROCK!!! Cant wait to meet you in March!!!
  3. Now if our eyes will just allow US to focus enough so we meet each other on Sat ...LIFE WILL BE GRAND!!!
  4. Me too! Oh wait...were you talking about music?
  5. Happy New Year to all my friends...old and new...and to those I havent yet met. Looking forward to making lots of new friends this weekend!!! Have a great one boys and girls!
  6. Has anyone taken your pic at a club ands posted it on a website?
  7. LOL...Yeah, I tend to bounce around a lot at Crobar. Most of those people were from ClubPlanet and a few of us (like me) are on both sites. It is a very fun group. As far as meetup...how about to the left of the booth (when looking at it) around the time Ferry comes on? Thats where I will be all night anyway and there is enough space that so that you have room to breathe for a moment before you jump back into the crowd to be "one with the people". Or maybe Pod could hook up VIP? 8)
  8. CrzyC1414779017

    one or another

    Thats not too bad. Well, if some of you guys show up I will go...but I will be alone so you better not bail out.
  9. CrzyC1414779017

    one or another

    Cause Im a broke ass bitch that just got a speeding ticket!!! :-[
  10. CrzyC1414779017

    one or another

    Picotto...only if there is a list :-/ Ferry....HELL YEAH!!!! ;D
  11. The only thing big on Saleen is his bald spot!!! j/k ;D Yeah Saleen...come on out to Space for Ferry!
  12. Awwww, thanks! :-* We will def need a meetup spot at Ferry! I wont be making it to Space for NYE!
  13. My real name is Carisa and if you hang you with me you will KNOW why they call me Crazy!!!
  14. LMAO!!! I guess you are also CottonCandyDream?!?! Thanks AGAIN for the info. ;D
  15. Has anybody tried getting these tickets today??? The site still doesnt seem to be up. Any other place to get the $35 tickets online?
  16. CrzyC1414779017


    It would be even better if Edgar V was there too though.
  17. I will be there if there is a guestlist...wanna ride together?
  18. To tell the truth Pod...the only reason I didnt just borrow a copy is cause I knew your work was on it and I thought that was really cool. So there. Dont ever say I dont care for or support you. :-*
  19. My copy should be on my doorstep tomorrow or Tues. ;D
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