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  1. wasup bisses?? im re-new to clubnyc, wait excuse me, club'PLANET', my how we've growed, we're a whole planet now. who wants to touch my nipples parting thought... ive grown into a planet as well im afraid, hello there. hey mugwump....whats a mugwump?
  2. i would assume it is the combination of three principles the theory of buoyancy. as a particular thing becomes more inflated as its density remains relatively less inflated, it tends to float to the surface where it becomes more and more accessible less mysterious. laterally i think the middle portion of the social bell curve are coaxed and tend to need/want more structure in their lives than those below and above. as well they prefer to reinforce their perceptions as they would have a tendency to assemble with peers. consequently they flock to places said peers consider to be acceptable or preferential. the intention of the "underground" was first to provide a place to convene where those not so inclined or accounted for by the prevailing social standards and values can reinforce the worth of their own perceptions of self worth. consequently these "underground" places would be relatively free and unhindered in the expression and fulfillment of ones' own desires and tendencies. the effect procured of the intermingling of the elements. now no matter how bourgeois one may be, as being human and reserving an individual identity, that person will generally feel the need to express freely, hence the tremendous attraction to a free "underground" environment. but concurrently, as being bourgeois, they bring along those character traits that tend to want to homogenize and structure their environment. this leading to their saturation and in turn overrunnin of just about any environment of interest to them. being it were that the initial value of an "underground scene" was the lack of structure and standards, the influx of genericism and incurring dilution tends to make said scene less pleasing to all. then the superficial novelty is lost and classified as a passing fad, inturn the masses leave and are off to another distraction from their mundane watered-down existence and those that fled "further underground" may tend to reclaim the old relics. kind of like locusts or capitalists. as a final tangent, the notion of standard norms is quickly evolving into an atmosphere of broader inclusiveness in pace with the tremendous and exponential leaps in interpersonal communication. i beleive we are headed in an increasingly pluralistic society, good or bad? i couldnt say. have actually gotten this far? geez, get a life will ya har har har ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  3. my inquiries sound someting like this: 1)Baktun tonight a. is there a valid <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> ? b. is anyone goinging? 2}Void tonight a. same as 1a b. same as 1b Unfun Creatures need not apply ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  4. venetian food is the best, some zorklof basted in hoox, with badunian mzlplz on the side, mmmm mmmmm. but russian is good too, went to a Russian theme restaurant once called The KGBuffet. the 100 meter long line stretched around the corner and the sub zero weather was a killer, but it was worth the wait. once we got in, i ordered toilet paper, shoe laces and 4 day old freshly baked bread, my great great grandfather had the filtered water soup and a peanut, the KGB agent ordered to guard us didnt eat, he was too busy jabbing all of us with his billyclub and cattle prod . then for dessert, we all had the Smirnoff jello shots with Popov sauce. the big occasion was my nephew had just came of the restaurants drinking age.. 3, nope not years, 3 months. it was cool thought they have these little Stoli baby bottles. he was so wasted he couldnt even walk out of the door, oh wait hes only 3 months har har har...*burRrRrp!* ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  5. Whoah, the stories the stories... so so soooo wild, so much more free, I remember they used to lace the handrails of the steps with cocaine to keep the steps from backing up with people, there were these people that would swing bareassed from bungee chords from the ceilings and actually blow the clubgoers and swoop back up into the rafters. here were the ecstasy smoke machines that would bellow evaporated ecstacy througout the club, rememebr that shit! Oh and who could forget the hermaphrodite midget lounge, with all those little naked she-males having orgies on the bar with the dildos that were bigger than them. On wednesdays you could pay one of those midgets 5 dollars to climb into your pants and fondle you all night long, wow fuckin memories! Oh and Peter gatien and breakdancing crew, remember gatien’s suicide bombs, where he would do a flip and all those pills and powder would fall out of his pockets and all over the dancefloor and everyone got naked and jumped into the pile of drugs while the bartenders poured chocolate syrup, whip cream and bailey’s all over us. Damn i miss those days. ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  6. if you need help moving your bed, im your man. ive moved many a bed in my day *wink wink* actually the sad thing is that, this is not innuendo, i use to work for 1800 dial-a- mattres...S<--notice the last "s", thats the "S" for savings people!!! jeez, what a brand statement, i must go and brush my teeth now just for saying that.(plus i havent brushed in weeks) ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  7. piss in the girls soup! hahaha, now thats funny. whoah!just got a flashback! ...ahh yes those sweet memories of serving at tgifriday's, i can still hear the echoes of those melodic last drops carrom off the metal pot like tiny toxic chimes, *BLOOWOOPOOopoopoop, BLOOOWOOPOooopoopoop...* ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  8. *fixing tie and combing hair* the right price...in my eyes that would mean free hehe, and baby once we get it on, youll be back on that bottle trying to forget me, retox, hehe... actually for some reason every girl ive been with tries to forget, hmmmm i wonder why. ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  9. is that an offer in disguise mr. hung? secondly, my impotence would be every girls problem, if you dont believe me, ask your mommy, incidentally you do know i'm your real father right? kids today, no respect for their dads ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  10. ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  11. im sorry but i have yet to meet an asian chick that could turn me on, i doubt even two or three at a time could provoke the proverbial "rise" out of me. from my past experiences no matter how hard they might have tried, they always fail to get me aroused to the point of ejaculation. if you dont believe me and you would consider yourself a sexy asian babe, i dare you to try, go ahead take me out and try an have sex with me, i dare you. (ooooh god i hope this works) ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  12. i disagree, personally i think the relevance of the abundance of uranium in batswana far outweighs that of diamond mining in the political climate of this, our nuclear age! p.s. maybe im trippin but i think its that fat headed blue alien from the sony walkman commercials. ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  13. should i seek professional help??
  14. ...uhhh other stuff too! hi there mr V, havent seen you for a while. its good to hear your voice...uh wait those are justth voices in my head, anywonk its good to see youre still amongst the living. if youre still around and about ill be hoping to see you. when i have a penny to my name again may i suggest we do something civil and social then drink and do drugs to the point of becoming uncivil and asocial. hey i was thinking that we might reunite the old ruffnecks and crash and bash the next twinkie buttcheek nycdinner with bats and pipes and silly string, (Silly<---isnt that justthe perfect sounding word to denote sillyness). well anywoof, emailme and ill send back you my numba<--sounds hip, no? "numba" ...combined with the word yo, it can be extremely profound, "yo", ill email you my "numba"... wait what was i talking about? anyhonk, peace in the middle east homes. ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
  15. yep, he's feelin guilty about somethin', lint brush his jacket to see if there are any long or different color hairs. check his collar for lipstick and sniff his fingers, believe me i know, im a lech. and girrrrl until he bring a ring, dont even touch his thing! [music in the background] "say my name, say my name..." i should have been a regular on ricky lake, i think ive missed my calling ------------------ [iNSERT CLEVER QUOTE HERE]
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