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Posts posted by Spinjunky

  1. It's that time again when I dig in the crates and pull out all the goodies that have made Tempts what it is today, simply a land mark for nightlife with an energy unmatched. As every year the party is the weekend after the 4th of July celebration, meaning the weekend of July 12th & 13th. Since there are so many great classics to play we do it on both Saturday and Sunday nights. As you know this is one of the biggest parties of the summer so get there early to avoid the crazy lines. As always, make sure to post your requests under this topic so I can try to get to it that night. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!!

  2. Hey Clubplanet, it's about that time again. For the sun, the beach, and some amazing summer energy. Speaking of energy, this weekend kicks off the summer of 2003 at the legendary Temptations. I will be returning to my favorite club for my 8th season behind the turntables on Saturday and Sunday nights. I welcome back clublands best crowd to join me and our allstar staff, with a few new additions, as we get the party started the way only Temptations can.

    This summer will be jam packed with some special events be sure not to miss. We begin this weekend on Saturday night with NJ's best Dance Party then we go live Sunday night on KTU for 3 hours where we show millions of listeners that nobody can party like Temptations. Keep in mind, Temptations is the ONLY club that "really" broadcasts the music played live to it's listeners. That is a privilege that myself and Temptations hold at high regard.

    Other great events to look forward to this summer are Tempts 22nd year Anniversary, Tempts 1st Annual Toga Party (this should be a site since everyone looks for an excuse to take their clothes off at Tempts), July 4th Weekend with special guest dj Hex Hector, My Classic's Party, and of course my "I'm too old" Birthday Celebration. There might be one more special event before closing party but not confirmed just yet.

    Musically speaking get ready for some great new tracks and vocals as we begin the search for the song of the summer. I have been in the studio the last few months and have finished a couple new projects that will hopefully become Tempts anthems such as "Keep Pushin" & "Until We Meet Again". Also listen for a new rmx of my classic "Angel".

    So all I ask from you is to check your attitudes at the door, bring your A game, and get ready to make summer 2003 another incredible summer at the one and only Tempts!

  3. I cant think of any place I would rather be then at Tempts this past weekend. This years closing party ranks up there as one of the best ever. It was also one of the wettest I can recall both outside and inside! I can't thank everyone enough for making my summers worth while year after year. You guys are a DJs dream crowd to play for. Never have I felt some much appreciation and love in one room. It's a feeling that had me choked up almost the entire final hour. Let me say, that nobody loves playing for you guys more then me. You are my Tempts Family for life and I love you guys! Nobody knows how to party better then NJ. Remember, all the city clubs are good only when NJ is representing!! Thanks again for all the memories and I miss you already.

    Denny Tsettos

    P.S. thanks to my wing man Pete (lightboy) and to all the Tempts bartenders. You guys are a huge reason for Tempts success.

  4. It was definately a weekend to remember. As always you guys managed to make my head spin from all the drinks. By the way, thank you Rich Rydell for the shot. It got to me safe and sound from Brian. I must say that I'm proud of myself because I did not get sick either nights and that's a first. Just for the record Rich and I DO NOT hate each other despite all the stupid rumors. Anyway, I just want to thank everyone who showed up, for an amazing time. I could not have asked for a better birthday weekend. It's because of all of you guys why Tempts is so incredible year after year. We only have 4 weekends left so let's finish off the summer of 2002 STRONG! Big thanks to: Maria, Lynn, Jen, Fran, Sergio, Teo, Santana, Pete M., Binoy, Joe Armenio, ACE, Rich, Ceeotter, Manny the Greek, Atip, DanFury, NJDionysus, Brian1500, all the boys from NJGuido, Sinsational, Ann Marie & Chris, Kermzy, Bella, Tempkid, and everyone from this board as well as anyone I might have forgotten, for all the well wishes. See you all next week!

    Denny Tsettos

  5. Get ready for another amazing night of all the music that makes Tempts the greatest club year after year. Come experience the energy that makes Tempts second to none. So put on your most comfortable clothes, your favorite sneakers and get ready to go crazy. This for sure will be another night to add to your favorite Tempts moments. See you all there!!!!

    Denny Tsettos

    P.S. Make sure you post your requests under this thread.

  6. It's about that time again where the sun and the beach rule all. May the weather be rainless, sunny, and warm every weekend. I'm truly looking forward to an absolutely incredible summer. We all had a very dark and sad winter and it's time to put all that aside and have some fun!!! I welcome my whole Tempts family back for another season of insane music and ENERGY that is second to none!! So I expect nothing short of chaos from all of you. See you all down the shore!!!!

    Denny Tsettos

  7. Tempts is the longest running night club in NJ. It opened it's door in 1981 and has been rocking ever since. I am greatful to be part of the legacy that makes Tempts so special. Remember I'm following in the footsteps of some incredible djs who once graced those turtables. DJs like Mike McKnight, Mojo, Scotty Blackwell, and Franco Iemello. Every dj there created their own excitement and fan base. I'm pleased with the family that I've created down there since I first started in August of '96. Temptations will always be special to me as is the "family" I play for week after week. You guys make it all worthwhile. I can't begin to tell you how looking forward I am to this summer. We all went through some tough times this past winter to say the least. Now it's time to put it all behind us and let magic of Tempts take you through the summer months. See you all down there!!!!


  8. It's so funny that everytime someone posts about me whether it's good or bad, there have always been a handful of users who always have some "choice". Now to give opinions on how I played is fine and it is part of the business to get criticized or complimented. To be in this line of work you must have thick skin to say the least. Especially in todays world where technology has created a new breed of faceless people that flex their keyboard muscles on message boards. It's sad because it truly takes away the main reason of why we go out which is to have "fun". Anyway, let me get back to what I wanted to say about these same handful of people. They don't just criticize the way I play they take it further and get personal. Now this is where you have to draw the line. It is totally unexceptable to tolerate personal comments like this not only to me but to anybody. It truly gives new meaning to being a shameless coward. So I took it upon myself to try to find out who these people are and for what reason they would say these things.

    This is what I found out with the help of Clubplanet: Anything that is written on the internet can be basically traced back to the computer it came from or it's IP Address. Here are a list of names that have all come from the same IP Address. I'll let you guys figure out from what computer these names came from. Then you might just figure out why these people have been so determined to bash me and throw my personal life all over the internet.


    This is what was written to me in a email from Clubplanet:

    All I could find is that the following users all posted from the same IP












    This does not necessarily mean they are all the same user, but there is a

    chance 1 or 2 of them are the same.

    The same computer. Every computer on the Internet has a unique address, so it looks like these were all posted from the same computer. Can't be 100% sure because addresses can change, but this looks pretty likely.




    It bothers me that I had to do this but I think it was well deserved and these people need to be exposed for the way they have conducted themeselves on this and every other message board.

    In all fairness there might be one or two names that have not said anything but we all know who has.

  9. If you haven't heard the news as of yet, I decided to leave my Saturday night party at World. This was purely a business decision based on many incidents that transpired between the promoters and myself. This is very unfortunate because I was not planning on leaving World, but they left me no choice in the matter. I have always said that in order to have a successful party you need to have great teamwork. By that I mean everyone should always work "together" in making the party the best it can be. In particular the promoters and the DJ should have a close working relationship sharing the expertise they have from each of their fields. Clearly in this case that type of teamwork was non-existed. Promotional decisions were made without communication. I found out about upcoming promotions from flyers and from 3rd party. Being the resident dj, I feel that I should be made aware of all promotions. Like I mentioned before I had no intension of leaving this party especially now that times are tough due to the trade center disaster. If anything I was very willing to work closely with everyone involved and do whatever is necessary to bring the party back to a normal level. Instead they completely kept me out of the loop, which I find very disrespectful. I hope this clears up some confusion and some rumors out there.

    Ok, now to the good stuff!!!! Starting this and every Saturday my dear friend Jason Ojeda and myself will be playing together at a new party called King (located on 42nd btwn 7th & 8th). The space is not too big and not too small and the sound system will be amazing. Expect nothing but a great time, as Jason and I are truly thrilled to be playing together. We are hoping that all of Jason's following from CPI and my amazing Tempts crowd can come together and find a great new party to go to in the city every Saturday night. Looking forward to seeing all of you!

    Denny Tsettos

  10. If you haven't heard the news as of yet, I decided to leave my Saturday night party at World. This was purely a business decision based on many incidents that transpired between the promoters and myself. This is very unfortunate because I was not planning on leaving World, but they left me no choice in the matter. I have always said that in order to have a successful party you need to have great teamwork. By that I mean everyone should always work "together" in making the party the best it can be. In particular the promoters and the DJ should have a close working relationship sharing the expertise they have from each of their fields. Clearly in this case that type of teamwork was non-existed. Promotional decisions were made without communication. I found out about upcoming promotions from flyers and from 3rd party. Being the resident dj, I feel that I should be made aware of all promotions. Like I mentioned before I had no intension of leaving this party especially now that times are tough due to the trade center disaster. If anything I was very willing to work closely with everyone involved and do whatever is necessary to bring the party back to a normal level. Instead they completely kept me out of the loop, which I find very disrespectful. I hope this clears up some confusion and some rumors out there.

    Ok, now to the good stuff!!!! Starting this and every Saturday my dear friend Jason Ojeda and myself will be playing together at a new party called King (located on 42nd btwn 7th & 8th). The space is not too big and not too small and the sound system will be amazing. Expect nothing but a great time, as Jason and I are truly thrilled to be playing together. We are hoping that all of Jason's following from CPI and my amazing Tempts crowd can come together and find a great new party to go to in the city every Saturday night. Looking forward to seeing all of you!

    Denny Tsettos

  11. All I have to say is Sunday night is the reason why I do what I do. Nothing can match the feeling I get when I see all of you enjoying yourselves as much as you do at Tempts. That is the ultimate high that no pill, jar, or cap can ever match. What makes it so special is because it's PURE. I appreciate all of you more then you can ever imagine. You truly make it all worth while. Thanks for the memories of yet another unforgettable summer and remember, "Sweet Dream" is what I'll be having all winter long. You guys are the best!

    Denny Tsettos

    P.S. hope to see you all at World this winter.

  12. The truth is bastard, that you're an asshole who is full of shit. Why don't you reveal yourself to all of us on this board since you are the one who is posting this nonsense. Let's see if you have an ounce of honesty and integrity in you. Bottom line is, everyone knows that Eddie and I are great friends and that I would do nothing other than help him in any way, shape, or form. Matter of fact, why don't you ask Pete the owner of Metro about the conversation we had about Eddie prior to him playing that night. I have no time for people like you.

  13. I know this forum is used to post views and comments about clubs and music but after reading what you wrote about me I know you are doing nothing but starting trouble. How dare you post on this board blatant lies about someone that is very dear to me. What kind of a person are you? To make comments on this board about how good or bad of a dj

    I am fine. To post personal and vindictive comments and to make up stories is unacceptable. It’s obvious that you have something personal against me judging by all the posts that you have on this board. It’s also very obvious that you are someone that is right under my nose but is too much of a coward to reveal yourself. Instead, you hide behind a computer and flex your keyboard muscles. Just so everyone can see what an asshole you really are I’ll let the truth be told. First, Eddie Baez is one of my closest friends in the industry and that is the main reason why I went to hear him at Metro. I’m not only of fan of his music but also of his character and heart. He happens to be one of the most generous people that I have ever met. He would bend over backwards for his friends and I would do the same for him. Eddie and I are very close and everyone in our circle of friends is well aware of this and knows that I would never make negative comments about him and his spinning. Now for you to come on this board and make the comments that you made on this board makes you lowest scum on this earth. I really wish you would reveal yourself to me so I can spit in your face. It’s really pathetic that this message board has as much legitimacy as the National Enquirer do to fools like you. This site was created for the purpose of spreading the love of dance music throughout New York and the rest of the world. It’s unfortunate that people like you have to taint something that is so pure. You are a fool and I loathe you and your kind.

    [This message has been edited by Denny Tsettos (edited 03-06-2001).]

  14. Mr. Basmusic69,

    I would love to know where you get all your information or better yet who you are. Your statements could not be further from the truth. First off, where have you been for the last 4 months, correction 4 years? I have been djing at Tempts every summer since '97. Exit did not fire me, I left to do what I do every summer which is, dj at Tempts. Now as far as Tempts firing me, you must really have some inside scoop or you are just wishing that to happen so you can coming running with your demo tape. Finally, I did not get fired from Abyss. Due to the once month residencies I have committed to in Boston,Rhode Island, and other out of town venues, the management and I have come to terms on me being there once a month starting September 22nd. Since you are so informed and up on the latest 411 of my life you should know that Abyss and I are like family and them firing me is so ridiculous. Do me a favor and check your sources or keep dreaming. It is so pathetic that people like yourself would stoop to such levels to defame someone's stature inorder to get ahead.

  15. Mr. Basmusic69,

    I would love to know where you get all your information or better yet who you are. Your statements could not be further from the truth. First off, where have you been for the last 4 months, correction 4 years? I have been djing at Tempts every summer since '97. Exit did not fire me, I left to do what I do every summer which is, dj at Tempts. Now as far as Tempts firing me, you must really have some inside scoop or you are just wishing that to happen so you can coming running with your demo tape. Finally, I did not get fired from Abyss. Due to the once month residencies I have committed to in Boston,Rhode Island, and other out of town venues, the management and I have come to terms on me being there once a month starting September 22nd. Since you are so informed and up on the latest 411 of my life you should know that Abyss and I are like family and them firing me is so ridiculous. Do me a favor and check your sources or keep dreaming. It is so pathetic that people like yourself would stoop to such levels to defame someone's stature inorder to get ahead.

  16. Mr. Basmusic69,

    I would love to know where you get all your information or better yet who you are. Your statements could not be further from the truth. First off, where have you been for the last 4 months, correction 4 years? I have been djing at Tempts every summer since '97. Exit did not fire me, I left to do what I do every summer which is, dj at Tempts. Now as far as Tempts firing me, you must really have some inside scoop or you are just wishing that to happen so you can coming running with your demo tape. Finally, I did not get fired from Abyss. Due to the once month residencies I have committed to in Boston,Rhode Island, and other out of town venues, the management and I have come to terms on me being there once a month starting September 22nd. Since you are so informed and up on the latest 411 of my life you should know that Abyss and I are like family and them firing me is so ridiculous. Do me a favor and check your sources or keep dreaming. It is so pathetic that people like yourself would stoop to such levels to defame someone's stature inorder to get ahead.

  17. For all the people who have so much to say about me on this board I leave you with this. Tempts has been a room that everyone has dear to there hearts for quite some time now. Nobody loves that room more then I do otherwise I would of never left Exit. I have been fortunate enough to play for a crowd that appreciates what I do for them. Their appreciation, like they showed at the end of the night saturday, motivates me even more to show them a good time every weekend. This summer thus far at Tempts has been great on Saturdays, the room has been packed and better yet the music this summer in my opinion is great. Unfortunately, there is a handful of you that have had some choice words about me and the way I've been playing. Keep this in mind, I'm paid to entertain the audience I have in front of me and if that means i have to play a record that is a little older but gets the crowd nuts like a "final chapter", I will play it. If I have to play a few more vocals to keep the girls happy, I again will play them. In addition to entertaining the crowd I will also educate them with what I'm feeling at the moment musically. It's all about having a good time and letting loose for a few hours. That is also why I like to throw in some old records that were big for me at Tempts a few years back, to bring back good memories of summers past. It's all about feeling good. Look at it this way, if you do not like what i'm playing do me and the 2000 people at Tempts that are having a great time a favor and just not go. I personally do not need you there nor does the rest of the club. Finally some food for thought, If I was as terrible as some of you present me to be why are all the venues whether it's Tempts or Exit that I play at always packed? Is it because i suck? Better yet why does a station like KTU want me to do a radio show for them? Is it because I'm sell out? I know I shouldn't be responding to your posts because I know they are trivial but I just had to let my opinion be known once and for all.

  18. First I want to say I had blast this year playing Exit on Saturday nights. The space is beautiful, the crowd was great, and playing together with my dear friend eddie was definitely a treat. As was having a lightman like Vinny working with me every weekend. Just so people are not misled in any sort of way, I'm no longer at Exit since the weekend of May 6th. I am now back at my summer residency at Tempts in Seaside Hts, NJ. Reason why I'm posting is that it has been brought to my attention that my name is still printed on the flyers for Exit. I'm no longer there and uncertain if I will be back in the fall. So to everyone who came to Exit this past year thanks and hope to see you all down at Tempts this summer. Now for all the avid Exit goers lookout for the new rooftop they will be opening soon, it is said to be breathetaking.

    -Denny Tsettos


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