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Everything posted by glynis

  1. take one of your older friends birth cert. go to dmv and say you lost your licsense
  2. if she is dressed right and she looks good she will be able to talk her way in even if she gets carded. wouldn't bother with tunnel until next friday it should be off the hook next friday. but crappy this weekend. i also wouldn't bother with limelight; unless you wanted to hear corbett. the music will be great but the crowd will lack. -glynis
  3. there is no way that you could take 9 pills of x a day every day and be fucked up all of the time. the seritonin in your body runs out at about 3 or 4 pills after that - all a pill will give you is a headache. even a whole week is not enough for your seritonin level to recover. dont get me wrong i dont think is is good for you. but i think that there is enough bad shit about ecstacy that there is no need to make shit up.
  4. what is so bad about pcp ?
  5. i went to the clubnyc webpage release party by myself. met mad people.
  6. could been; i have had pills with lsd in them, k in them, and mescalin in them.
  7. ow ok my bad. sorry. YOUR LUCKY THIS TIME JASON ODEjA ! BUT I AM WATCHING YOU NOW ! one false step and that's it. thin ice jason odeja thin ice. ~plur
  8. detective this is your mission infiltrate the new york drug culture by way of the world wide web. this message will self destruct.
  9. haha i agree withyou on adam x frankie bones. lenny dee haha INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH IS STILL THE HARDEST !!! i prefer him with his butt pal rog g personally... but anyway. razornguido can lick my nuts. but we cannot forget the HOUSE CONNECTION. bad boy bill and richard humpty vision is my choice...... now give me my money !
  10. agree with you on the clubs becoming way to mainstream and they are just not fun anymore. i have been going back to raves for like 2 months now and am having a blast.
  11. fuck that ! i am going to kidnap you from cheetah on thursday jason odeja. and i am going to tie you up in my basement, along with eminem and metalica. i am going to force you record your new album and i will release it only on napser. We are the consumer you are the musician; you need to find out how you can make money off of us, not vice versa. ~plur
  12. oakenfold. wait oh; sasha i guess. milkweed is for the birds.
  13. went last week was ok. i wore ufo pants sneakers a t-shirt and a cap. they fucked with me a little but not much. so as far as i can see there is no dress code.
  14. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000595.html
  15. June 16 (Friday) - Better Living through Circuitry presented by Slang! Magazine On Friday June 16, Slang! Media group presents the Boston Premiere of “Better Living through Circuitry” at the Kendall Square Cinema in Cambridge. Following the Movie opening is an all night (10PM - Late) party at undisclosed location. Spinning the party will be some of Boston’s hottest DJs including Sachi, Simone, Traylor, Courtney and More. Walk-up tickets are $20; $10 with a movie stub. (All party favors included).
  16. 5-htp and st. johns taken together will make a e-hangover go away. good combination for just general well being also. -glynis
  17. there is a rave going on saturday called eden.
  18. um lets get real. there are 2 types of clubbers, drug dealers and drug users. ~plur -glynis ------------------
  19. interesting night. got there around 12:30 or so waited in line for like 30 seconds. i was wearing ufo pants and a cap so the bouncer was like next time dress up more. which i was like "what"; halkf the people in the place were in jeans and a tee shirt; but anyway people are just racist against ravers; because they are jelous of us because we taught the world to dance. anyway got inside and was disguisted by the crowd. not even guido's; wannabe guido's and wannabe frat boy's. and that's not even talking about all the non-english speakers in the house. music was alright and i danced a little. picked up these funny blue pills which were good but real dirty feeling. when Corbett came on for real he was fucking untouchable. music was so hot for like an hour hour and a half straight. he brought back all the old school techno. cool as shit. then gonzo came back on and span ok for a while. and then at 4:00 am all of a sudden music stops and the lights come on. "ok party's over time to go home" fuck that. overally i dont regret going because of corbett's set; but i wouldn't have regretted not going either. ~plur -glynis ------------------
  20. plextors are the best; yamaha burners are also good if you don't want to spend the money. -glynis(mcse,mcsd) ------------------
  21. YOUR IN MY HUT NOW ! ------------------
  22. anything going on ? i remember in the past there has been some cool sunday events. let me know. ------------------
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