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Everything posted by Nolimit

  1. i was being a smart ass... lol all i did was copy fury's 'attn to househeads' thread and put in house instead of trance and howells instead of padilla. guess only a few of u caught on. back to the music, right??? did u guys really think howells would play an olk skool miami trance set?? lol puuuhleeeeeeezzz!
  2. they've already made some minor changes like paint the bathrooms and the dancefloor looks a lot bigger. they got rid of the stage in the corner and moved back the racks in every corner. new sound system will be installed by the end of june and from what I hear, there's going to be a big grand opening party. it won't be a shithole for too much longer. all they need now is alcohol but I suppose one step at a time. looking fwd to the new changes and the continuance of quality music!
  3. nothing unique about either compilation. maybe its just me but i think that sound has been killed to death by almost every dj on balance's roster and then some. dt is great, he has nothing to prove and pappa sticks to his guns. I have my upmost respect for both of them as entertainers but im just not into their sound.
  4. u need to get your ears checked guy. did u see that place when bill handed it over to dave? hands in the air type of shit. bill played his best set to date. the way you're supposed open. flawless mixing, track selection, and programming. perhaps it was over your head because it sure as hell wasn't the dj.
  5. sorry to hear about what happened on friday night. i hope they atleast compensated you with something other than the embarassment.
  6. i might be in san diego that weekend but i'll keep you posted...
  7. next time i see you, the cookies are on me.
  8. Nolimit

    tyrant 2 reviews

    cd2 is the best mix i've heard all year. time to smoke a bowl.
  9. im not just saying this becuz hes my buddy...but...anyone that went to vinyl in downtown last month got a trance music lesson by D.Howells....had a nice crowd who were treated to a old skool Miami trance music session...i love house and i was rockin...Danny was mixing with 3 turntables and breaking out some real old shit.... DUH... MY NAME IS GREGG AND I LOVE TRANCE AND LOVE TRANCE DJS THAT PLAY HOUSE EVEN MORE! let's play!
  10. how old did u say u were again? 34 ? or 4?
  11. Nolimit

    tyrant 2 reviews

    Released May 20, 2002 on Fabric It’s not often I sit for so long considering the most appropriate words to describe the nature and essence of each release, but unfortunately the latest offering from the Tyrant boys is causing me to do just that. Call it creative block, but I can’t find an easy way to sum it up, there’s so much to say, but where to start. It’s chock-a-block full off nuances and every listen reveals more and more levels to the music. Bear with me though… here goes. Following on from the original Tyrant album, released in 2000, this double CD and triple pack vinyl release, called Tyrant 2 no less, is finally with us after the original release was pushed back to allow for some last minute changes to disc 2. Perfectionists? Probably. Thank god! Now I can tell you from experience that when you bung Craig and Lee together in the DJ booth you’re entering a frightening territory where anything goes, and ‘everything’ usually does. They get a vibe off each other like no other DJs I’ve seen. Musical genres and styles are blended and blurred, you’re left dazed and confused… but you know it’s been exciting and that you sure as hell enjoyed it. Thankfully that formula is extended onto the release, so there’s no one DJ per disc here, it’s Craig and Lee all the way, joint input, singular result. And that ‘result’ is simply outstanding. Tyrant 2 is perhaps the most polished and accomplished piece of work I’ve had the pleasure of listening to for the past couple of years. There’s no pigeonholing the musical genre, but it’s the Tyrant ‘sound’ no doubt. Funky, wobbly, groovy, trippy, minimal, layered, heavy, dubby, harmonic, harsh stabs, strange popping noises, reggae, scary vocals, rolling basslines, melting synths, photon torpedoes at the ready, it’s spaced out and fucked up. It’s an aural contradiction, and it works. Both CDs showcase amazing tracks that will have you shaking yo ass for some time into the future, but you won’t know why. There are no standout tracks here, no ‘underground anthems’, you just need to slip the discs in, hide the remote, sit back and enjoy the ride. Skip backwards and forwards through tracks at your peril. You’ve just lost the flow. For the final piece in the puzzle Craig pops his ‘art’ head on and designs the sleeve, while Lee presumably encourages speedy track clearance for the re-jigged CD2, with a baseball bat. Tyrant 2. Wonderful track selection, flawless mixing. Craig Richards and Lee Burridge - I salute you. Catch the Tyrant Soundsystem at Fabric, Tribal Sessions and The Bomb. And I do mean it… catch them. And should you want to get yourself a copy of this release for free, you can always enter our competition to win one by clicking here Rating: 10 / 10 Review by: Andy Kinsella so far i've only heard cd1 a couple of time and it just keeps getting better with each listen. these cats never cease to amaze me.
  12. no one cares man... get over it already... im done with this thread. i'll catch u fewls later..
  13. so the reason behind all this drama was because of my degrading, insulting, cockiness respone to your 'attn all househeads' thread? would everyone go back and reread the post i made and judge for yourselves.
  14. i'll email u my itinerary the next time i go down but i don't think it will do any good cuz your ass can't read or write.
  15. weren't u the one for publicly blaming me on something i never did a while back??? that's an asshole...
  16. 10 hours?? alright, i'll send u down some stuff...
  17. stacey, im not recording this set. get whatever u want off of my audiogalaxy shared folder.
  18. fury is getting furious... stacey, u made some good points. it's obviosly over their heads. it doesn't surprise me though, the same way they look at music, is the same way they look at common sense.
  19. started out deep and then worked his way into some breaks... and now he's picking it up the pace and playing some bangin tech house. too early for the hard stuff though. phrank> grab that 'Shaken not stirred' - babak german producer on plastic city. dude can't mix for shit but the tracks and programming is insane!
  20. simmer down lee, no need to say all that. i don't know any better than the king of funk, the MACFUNK. recognize!
  21. i dont have a problem with the name calling so go right ahead. just to let u know though, i haven't personally attacked anyone with insults. i just give me sarcastic opinions and go about my business. u don't like it, don't read it. that simple... why do u all get so mad when i make fun of your cheesy djs?? it's them that Im making fun of, not you... get on with it!
  22. http://www.groovetech.com/PhoenixData/GT/srvlt/GTController?action=getPage&page=home.jsp&setWarehouseID=1 enjoy!
  23. lay off the K man, i didn't say that, what i did say was that picotto was overrated.
  24. not that my opinion counts here but im with phrank, have some balls and bring the rising superstar dj james zabiela. u won't be sorry!
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