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Posts posted by LikmyLipz

  1. Originally posted by nycetouch:

    hmmm, maybe instead obscure "drugs are bad" ads, they can tell actual info on how much, what, etc.

    why was that emailed to YOU

    when i first started doing e, i use to subscribe to a email list hosted by someone on the 'bluelight' board.. if anyone actualyl knows what that is.. i just never unsubscribed to it..


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  2. Originally posted by sariman:

    I know how you feel. Some girl squeezed my ass while I was dancing on the steps. wink.gif But, I don't know about the smiling thing. I'm always smiling at clubs... it just makes me happy to see everyone having so much fun!




    i think that guy squeezed that girl back! or so i hear.. lol


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  3. Originally posted by drfunk:

    comments like those only take away from the plur of this site. im disappointed.

    roflmaoooooooo.. hun.. seriously i think the ~*P*L*U*R*~ died along time ago on this site.. i guess you will have to just live and learn..


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  4. so i'm still looking to regester a domain name.. and i am looking to see has www.lipz.com.. and www.lipz.net before i regester www.lipz.org

    low and behold.. i click on www.lipz.net and its a re direct to my aol home page..

    this is odd.. i dont know what the hell to do.. i never regestered a name.. so it wasn't me.. anyone else think thats a lil strange?


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  5. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    Jammy - I think you always have a smile on your face smile.gif But you're right about cheeks hurting LOL..

    Kerry - you are SO right. I know when I smile I get about a 1000 times more attention (maybe that's why I don't smile LMAO).. And if everyone smiled more, it'd definitely make the whole scene seem more friendly.. I'll have to experiment this weekend and smile all night.. I'll report the results back LOL..


    i think ima make lil cards and hand them out.. roflmao i'm a cheeze ball ~smile coupons~


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  6. my new way is straight.. on occasion i'll do a bump, but i have realised doin e just makes me wanna sit and veg out.. I am trying to dance more, so sober is the way to go for me.. and now sober, i dance about 150% more.. i love it its so much more fun sober!

    i feel if i never do e again, i'm not missing out on anything..


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  7. Originally posted by jammy:

    Same here myst. I was outside of LL on Friday night and some bouncer was like, "lemme see you smile...I know you want to" I did at that moment, but I don't walk around with a perma smile all the time. If I make eye contact with someone thats one thing, but don't expect a bunch-o-smiles from me all night. My cheeks would hurt! frown.gif


    awwww its actually easyer to smile.. but i hear ya totally.. i could be having the best time in sf.. and sometimes i just cant smile.. those who seen me at LL sat nite, know i hada perma smile on my face.. lol and zoya will agree, people who passed by kept on sayin hi and stuff... i actually am gonna try to smile more in clubs..

    Hmm ::brainstorm to get people to smile in clubs::

    hey maybe if everyone just smiled at one person in a club, or smiled at a few people the vibe would be alil better.. usually when you smile at someone they smile back.. its nice to see a friendly smile..

    sorry if i sound like some prozac addict, i'm just in a happy caring mood today..

    xoxoxo mwahz


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  8. mondays after a long week of clubbin i usually take a stacker2 to jump start my morning..

    any other day of the week i take my nitrophen (i'm on a diet) and i dont ever mix the 2 on any givin day.. i dont wanna be to wired...


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  9. Originally posted by ichi_gami:

    That's odd, I smile a lot when I am at a club... and most of the people around me do, too. maybe you need friends who go for a good time, and not just to do drizzugs? (I don't know your friends, so that is not an attack, just a question)

    this is gonna sound dumb, but i actually stopped doin e for that reason.. it makes me so blah and drawn back and un talkative.. so i now ama sober girlieeee.. i have alot more fun that way, and i smile alot more..

    i love to smile, i like to see the people around me smile.. and theres nothing better then smiling at someone and gettin one in return.. esp in a club..


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  10. Originally posted by divalicious:

    I don't know, but I'm always smiling... Maybe that's why I meet so many people. I look friendly!

    lol i was smiling all night at the ll sat.. alot of people came up to me, it was pretty cool.. lol some dude spanked me..


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




  11. Originally posted by vj604:

    If youve got a reasonable fast connection, DSL, or optonline, you can download web server software and set up your own HTTP server. Otherwise, someone will have to do it for you, because you see, all the content that is viewed on any page, even this one, is stored on someone elses computer...all this text youre reading is stored somewhere, and it has to be 'served' to users upon request, if you get any kinda traffic, you need to be able to handle it with a reasonable fast connection, hope this helped some.


    yes im on cable.. so how do i go about doing this?


    lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




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