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Posts posted by LikmyLipz

  1. check out http://www.mediabuilder.com/

    there you can make your own lil sign and stuff, allthough i think there gifs are kinda cheeze...

    do a yahoo search on "animated gifs"

    put it in quotes though, it narrows the search.. or try looking for "animated cats"

    for example.. lol thats how i found all my lip gifs that everyone hated.. hehehehe







  2. Originally posted by crossy:

    So we've had all kinda chats about sex in clubs, but what about in rollerskating clubs (I guess that'd have to be the Roxy)? Anyone ever do that? With your skates still on?

    I kept tryin', but Lips just wouldn't cum into the bathroom with me biggrin.gif Well, I guess there's always Vinyl on Friday. I just hope they let me wear my blades inside cwm32.gif

    lol i was offered sex? OMG WHERE WAS I?

    hehehe your adorable CROSSY!

    the whole sex on rollerskate thing sounds really really really doable, but ya gotta be nude b4 you put them on.. it might be hard to take pants off over them.. AND THANKYOU for helping me skate.. WHERE THE HELLL DID THAT GIRL COME FROM???

    OMG I CANT BELIEVE THEY PLAYED BARRY WHITE.. i was so wanting to just put my bum in the air and get spanked when that came on.. but i figured spanking on rollerskates may be dangerous..

    I see it kinda like the frogger theory,, Bent over on skating rink, someone going to slap my ass hard, me flyin into some dancin person on skates, or a wall.. lol

    I had a great time! hope to see ya again some time soon !

    xoxoxoxoxo mwwwwwwwahz







  3. Originally posted by gambitx73:

    I fuckin' love your insight..now it's people like you that make these post worth reading...there I have read many posts/replies and you made all that reading worth it....great insight..u have a talent there LIPZ!! Keep it up...

    Thankies sweetie!

    I just dont get it, Let one person like who they want, and let the other like who they want.. Every dj has atleast one fan.. why does anyone give a hoot whos better anyway?

    no matter where any of these big dj's are. theres gonna be atleast one person showin up at the club to hear them spin...






  4. I just wanted to say thanks for whoever i seen last night at the roxy... I CAN NOT rollerskate, but i had a wonderful time!

    Thankyou also to whoever held my hand and made sure i didn't fall on my face or ass...

    ~Odd MoMent Of the Night~

    That chick was just strange commin out of no where wanting to teach me how to rollerskate, WHERE THE FUK DID SHE COME FROM.. all i could notice were the pair of lipz on her shirt...

    And yes trying to cross the roller rink is kinda like Frogger......



    i had a blast, and i would deff do it again.. now whos gonna come with me to karoke??????






  5. Originally posted by visions:

    Well if you knew me you would laugh hysterically in my face

    because this is something of a joke to those who know me but I sayin it

    here for the first time and I ain't fuckin around this time.

    NO MORE GETTIN FUCKED UP!!! at least until the last week in March

    when we go to Cancun for the week. This saturday at Factory did

    it for me.

    First we went to World took a few tazmanian devils, then we went back

    to the nighborhood, picked up a lik, cooked it, brought it to factory,

    polished that, took a couple more pills, left factory at around 10,

    went back to the neighborhood where my boy convieniently had a lik

    waiting for us, took a couple of valliums, had a little snifathon till

    about 9 pm until I finally passed out.

    So that's it! no more gettin fucked up. Who's got my back.

    Alright I'll make sure to give ya the update, let's hope for the best.


    no offence, but if i stopped doing drugs every time i said i would after factory.. and maybe stopped going to factory, becasue of all the complaining i do, but i always end up back there, with someone like droppin candy down my throat.. good luck, and when you go clubbin (or to cancun) keep your mouth shut... lol






  6. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Hello all and Happy Wednesday...

    As usual my hormones are on overdrive...its been a while. Anyway the point of this post is to discuss the above referenced topic.

    Im wondering if anyone has tried this. I know there are some severe repercussions if improperly done. Any tips? Any information about this erotic form of sexual pleasure you can pass along??

    I'm lost, i have noooo clue what this is, i may sound silly.. but can someone discribe what this is ::shy grin::

    thankies smile.gif






  7. Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

    ok so i am at work bored at jacked on caffiene, so my mind is racing so i started to wonder. What is the deal with the stars after someone's name. What do they mean? how does one get more?

    the more free time on your hands you have the more stars.. as you can see i have alot of free time on my hands..






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