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Posts posted by LikmyLipz

  1. Hehehe tis the season to get fat! lol i'm there allready.. wooohooo.. whats everyones fav xmas cookie??? i know everyone has this past childhood xmas cookie that they love.. so whats yours??? my mom use to make these red and white cookies that were in the shape of candy canes.. i think those are my fav.. or gingerbread men.. hehehe someone come over.. and we can make a gingerbread house! hehehe i'm still tryin to get into the holiday spirit.. sowwie! please share with me ur fav cookie and what you do to get into the spirit!






  2. Originally posted by petrol:

    I can't explain why, but it seems every other morning last week I woke up with 'Night Fever' by the Bee Gees in my head. And then it would stay in my head for like half the day...

    So, last night I bought a friggin' Bee Gees CD in an effort to get it out of my head. It kind of worked, but now Jive Talkin' seems to be creeping in.

    God I need help...the tune's starting to grow on me. Anyone else ever get nightmare songs stuck in their head?

    LoL i wake up with gloria gaynor, just keep thinking about you... or abba money...

    I just think theres some evil person out there directing 70's dreams






  3. Originally posted by bodi:

    Just wanted to ask the guys if anyone else has a problem staying hard while rolling, or is it just me? Any recomendations other than taking some Viagra along with some E?

    I think the perfict answer is to pick which is more important.. would you rather roll or would you rather fuck? i would pick natural pleasure over chemical pleasure anyday..






  4. Originally posted by PFloyd40:

    and factory isn't?

    paris actually looks at id.. and turns people away at the door.. i have never seen anyone get turned away at exit...






  5. Originally posted by dschwed:

    I think I remember Twilo doing this for the 2yr Sasha nd Diggers anniversary ? anyone lese remember this or am i losing my mind ?

    i think you might be losing your mind.. i don't remember that at all, all though i do remember them handing out cd's and tshirts?






  6. Does anyone know if sound factory is having a NYE party this year? i am kinda clueless and i havent' heard anything.. is it safe to come to conclusion that i will be partying somewhere else this year?






  7. Originally posted by pintu:

    Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

    No its called 'clubs false promote' to get people in there.. It happens all the time..

    I remember about a yr ago an 18+ party at sf they said that jp was spinning.. and last minute.. jp missed his flight.. RIIIIIIIGHT..

    Exit needed to come up with something good to compete tonight.. Twilo has Picotto, and Sf has the 15$ toy drive.. What does exit have? a shitty dj, and alot of underage partyers...

    Hey Lipz

    I though Exit was doing money deal next friday and not tonight. Also I hearyou screw Exit and the money give away I would instead go to sasha and digweed.

    Yeah S&D


    LoL either or.. Exit is a bunch of 15yr olds using someone elses id to get in.. i don't care if its tonight, tomorrow night, Friday, or my birthday.. i'm not gonna be there to fight with the exit crowd over some money fake or real... maybe they should drop rolls of pennies instead...






  8. Originally posted by bassboy:


    Quick question: How crowded is this gonna be? I went to S&D for the first time last month and it blew my mind. Are they always as good as they were that night? The crowd was really not that bad...there was room by 5. Are we expecting something similiar to that crowd level, or not? Then what time should I arrive, etc. Please let me know the dilly, I can't wait for finals to end and dance this stress right out of my little system. I'll be there for the six AM meetup.(with a rose in my mouth)

    i was just at this past S&D i didn't get there untill 6am paid 35$ to get in.. lucky me they spun untill 10:30am..

    cwm27.gif I Use to love getting there early to hear jimmy van m.. but i have never been there early enuff to hear sean cusic.. I think if i can make it this friday i will deff wanna get there early to check out this talent opening for s&d.. i enjoy all the opening talent.. i also like Luis diaz also..(pvd open) I don't think it will be that packed.. alot of clubbers are holding off untill new years.. and alot of people will be traveling to family for the holidays.. But College is out! who knows.. its a hard judgement to make!






  9. Originally posted by lmsadc69:

    no, no... i know that it sounds stupid... but would CNYC email this out just patently lying?

    i dunno.. maybe they're skeevier than i thought.


    No its called 'clubs false promote' to get people in there.. It happens all the time..

    I remember about a yr ago an 18+ party at sf they said that jp was spinning.. and last minute.. jp missed his flight.. RIIIIIIIGHT..

    Exit needed to come up with something good to compete tonight.. Twilo has Picotto, and Sf has the 15$ toy drive.. What does exit have? a shitty dj, and alot of underage partyers...




    icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html


    [This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 12-16-2000).]


    A Blonde was down on her luck. In order to raise some money,

    she decided to kidnap a kid and hold him for ransom.

    She went to the playground, grabbed a kid, took him behind a

    tree, and told him, "I've kidnapped you."

    She then wrote a note that read:

    "I've kidnapped your kid. Tomorrow morning, put $10,000 in a

    paper bag and put it under the pecan tree next to the slide

    on the north side of the playground.


    A Blonde."

    The Blonde then pinned the note to the kid's shirt and sent

    him home to show it to his parents. The next morning the

    blonde checked, and sure enough, a paper bag was sitting

    beneath the pecan tree. The Blonde opened the bag and found

    the $10,000 with a note that said, "How could you do this

    to a fellow Blonde?"






  11. Originally posted by goclick:

    not yet,,, it's probably that though,, gotta get a more updated virus program...mine's is like 3 years old

    Also if you go to propertys for your C:\ you might wanna scan your hard drive for errors..






  12. Originally posted by deanna11:

    drugs don't make you puke

    drugs don't give you hangovers

    you don't have to down several glasses of drugs to feel their effect

    the effect is pretty immediate

    alcohol sucks

    Drugs dont make you puke? Guess you have never really rolled hard.. Funny thing is i use to rate pills if i puked or not.. jees now or days i do a few bumps and i get perjectile vomits..

    Drugs don't give you hangovers? how about that mid week depression everyone talks about? i would say i would rather be hung over then EXTREMLY UPSET AND MOODY becaues i got a hangnail...

    You don't have to down several glasses of drugs.. But those of you who party every weekend, i'm sure your TAKING MORE THEN ONE E IN A NIGHT!...even those of you who don't party every weekend.. the pills around are not that good.. i would rather spend 40$ on gettin drunk with a few stackers, rather spend 40$ on 2 e's and another 50$ on a jar of k.. Oh and i'm not even gonna touch the simple fact that some of you do ghb...

    effect is pretty immediate? on drugs?? HOW are you taking your e? i wanna know, cause it usually takes me about an hr to kick in..

    i would say alch kicks in ALOT FASTER..

    Sorry don't get me wrong, i don't do either or much anymore.. But this topic was kinda like the Blind man telling the deff man hes dumb...<~think about that...

    hehehe I LOVE YOU ALL !!! XOXOXOXO







  13. Originally posted by roby:

    ... how depressing. Oh well ... gives me a chance to stay home and listen to the Digweed and Oakenfold CDs I bought over there.

    Nice to be back .. I missed hangin' out with the usual crowd. Anything goin' down tonight, or should I save my energy for S&D?

    WEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLCOME HOME smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif






  14. Originally posted by eviljav666:

    funny shit...LIPS....

    i think anyone who keeps it in the family should.....well i would burn him...till he's skin turns redish and swells...then i would put some alcholo on him...then i place him on a chair... and leave him in a hot mugy room so his skin would decay....a let him die slowly with his DICK GAG TO HIS MOUTH...

    iam did counsling as a social worker so i realy feel for people who go thru this espicially children...Children our future...any one who violates a child should be SHOT DEAD...i mean that...I WOULDNT MIND BEING THE VIGILANTY ASSIGNED TO THAT TAKS...i love children and to have someone destroy them moraly and emotionaly as a child is....JUST DEATH...this topic is important to me..i know i sound a little threating right now..if the feds are monitoring my movements..but fuck it... cwm23.gif DEATH TO THOSE WHO VIOLATE A CHILD..

    WOAH calm down there killer.. i was just kidding frown.gif






  15. Originally posted by tyco:

    Yea it's not bad.......they gave him a radio and a TV, private room, food, and everything......he just had to report in a week later for questions.......what I'm thinking is laying in a cat scan while on speed.......that doesn't sound good to me.


    Actually it prob wouldn't be that bad.. times like that you forget about your body.. and let your mind take control...






  16. Originally posted by Unbound:

    I dunno just seems like a nice topic for this forum. -anybody got anything to say?


    ROFLMAO sorry you asked for that..







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