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Posts posted by cuteboobie

  1. i know exactly how u feel....sometimes it is so hard to say those first few words...my face gets all red and out of nowhere i get this heavy russian accent...but then i just say to myself calm down relax...ur a nice sweet cute girl...of course the other person wants to talk to u and i just go for it...and if they dont their loss, rite?


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  2. these girls r amazing...where do u get one or how do u get to look like one?


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  3. factory bathrooms...aaaahhhh...but getting caught does suck cause if ur the girl ur the one who has to flirt with the bouncer to make sure neither of u is in trouble...have fun be careful keep loving


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  4. well everyone...i am off to sucky cold binghamton once again for the next few months...ggrr i cant wait for the summer so i can be back from school again...enjoy the city...club for me...and hopefully when i get back i will get to meet some of u...if school gets too boring i will be popping up on here...mwahs mwahs


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  5. Originally posted by ReginaP:

    Amazing!!! One of the best shows I've seen smile.gifMusic, performers, storyline, everything about it worked. Prepare to cry though cwm36.gif

    that is so true...i cried all my make up off so prepare some waterproof mascara before the show...definitely one of the best and i tend to frequent broadway at least once a month


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  6. when i was younger everyone called me boobie...a simple jewish pet name...but as i got older and my chest grew everyone took the simple boobie and turned it to boobs...now, i am in college and all my friends refer to me as superboobs...stop the insanity!!!


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  7. u know it is very possible...i used to be big into the whole drug thing...but if u really want to stop u can do it...i believe in u...

    oh by the way...CANCUN 2001!!!


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  8. u should all read LOLITA by Nabokov...i am reading it rite now...it is honestly one of the best books i have read so far...another great one is MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA...i am sure a lot of you would enjoy that one as well


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  9. hey joey...i swear i was on the train yesterday coming home from work and there was a guy who could have been ur twin...but he was hitting on some ugly girl so i figured it wasnt u cause if it was u u'd be hitting on me...anyways hun...hope u enjoy the new office...if u want i am gonna be in the world trade center and soho neighborhoods all day today and tomorrow...maybe we can meet up for lunch...u know how to find me


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  10. thats so true...i have become much friendlier too...but u know what else..i have also gotten stupider...in high school i was like the smartest in the class and at the end is when i started doing drugs as well...now i am in college and oh boy...its a totally diff story


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  11. so that time is here again when i get to go back to that really cold place i call home away from home...yup thats rite...i get to go back to my stinky school up in binghamton...well i am working on a few mixes for myself so if anyone can recommend some good music, i'd be forever grateful...thank u thank u


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  12. how does everyone feel about their boss????? i personally hate mine rite now...so i've been working for a family friend for a few weeks now and everything was going nicely. last week i had emergency surgery and wasnt able to come in for a few days. today was my first day back so i did all the work i had to and since i was still in horrible pain, i asked to leave early...and u know what this family friend said??? NO...thats rite he told me to stay till 5 so i said forget it and just walked out....what a dork


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

  13. so how was factory last nite????? at like 4 am i was so ready to just get up and go...but the pain of my surgery got to me...did i miss a good nite????? i cant wait to go back....once every 5 months is really not enough...


    never frown....u dont know when someone is falling in love with ur smile...

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