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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by lock16

  1. wanna REALLY laugh??? that BOY was me........ so pathetic.. I know... sorry to you all....
  2. I am with you on that one.... but you were fortunate enough to not see me on my way out... NOT apretty site.... we need to dance again soon.. lol
  3. we were Moving on the other side of the bar for a bit with Zee.... and then TRADGEDY hit me....... next time......
  4. I know, I know...... SOOO not my style..... Tell em Brian....
  5. Hey hunnie.... Thanks for the drink, so bad was I, don't be mad.... we all sometimes go beyond our capabilities... I am SOOO not that bad impression I left on EVERYONE I met last night....
  6. I know we met, but I didn't eben metion you inmy post , b/c the they time your PR rep found you... lol, I was in a BAD, BAD place... I apologize for embarassing myself, maybe next time, I could actually SPEAK to you......... :(
  7. WHat a fuckin' embarassment!!!!!!! I had a great time, until all the shots, and drinks, and partying, mixed with no dinner CAUGHT UP to me in BIG, BAD WAY!!!!!!! That place is def chill, will be back..... I know I met a bunch of you..... Tooch, thanks for the hook-ups, mad cool..... SFPig, didn't mean to insult you.. lol Dan, always a good time.... BMWjay, Jp, Joearmenio, HYpe, nice meeting you guys.... that is about the extent of what I remember..... Oh, and Dancing with Latinaz....... get down girlie.... You know, I broke my BIGGEST rule last night.... I was THAT GUY!!! and you NEVER want to be THAT guy.... Next time I will bring my A- game....
  8. every time you tell me to call, you NEVER answer.... I'll find you..... don't sweat it....
  9. get fucked up WHERE?????? Deko???
  10. I will call you in a bit, I am still at work.....
  11. I have never been , but that is what I hear.... it is the whole SHOES thing that will make it so difficult.... I am sure I will manage though.... it could be a good warm -up..... find me.....
  12. who's going where????? I am leaning towards Deko.... gonna make some calls right now.... what about you????
  13. well, if that is the case, you are excused.. but if you are not there, I willnot be at the Loft... sorry..... you still in for the 12th??
  14. Does it anoy you??? if so, 100% chance of me jumping on the bandwagon..... lol
  15. WOW... you REALLY are a Pussy...lol Go to the show, hang w/ me before AND after.... feg....... Or can you not handle it??? what you have better to do????
  16. in that case, 40% chance of me going....
  17. Check your PM's................................... gonna be ROLLIN' in my hood and no love for yours truly????? WHAT IS THAT ABOUT??????
  18. I just read 2nd chance, and the Beach house by Patterson.... both good, I flew through them.... Read Jackdaws by Ken Follet recently>>>>> REALLY good I am Reading the Emperor of Ocean Park .... tough read but not bad Basket Case..... okay... the Summons by Grisham >>>> I liked it alot.... Painted House was okay... off beat for Grisham you think I like to read???? these were all over the summer....
  19. getting yourself ready I see... good boy....
  20. Dear MR. KostaP(ussy), I would like to apologize.... I was not clear... Metro is YOUR place.. and will be.. I was talkin g about where we are going the 12th........ that night I will teach YOU a thing or 2.. or 3 or 4.... LOL
  21. You are a dick... Always hear all these stories about how you hoon people up, but I NEVER seem to be there when it happens.... It is always ME bearing gifts...... DICK!!!! Just kidding man.... Oct. 12 you ready..... Metro may be home to you..... But ask my friends...... that place is ALL ME ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!! better tell mom not to wait up........ Insanity rumming AMUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. ask everyone????? WHO??? I know very few people from this board....... Where do you hang out???? I will have to look for you.... and if I come, you BETTER have your sneakers on... b/c there will be NO excuses....... this should be fun.........
  23. MAYBE don't know yet though.... could tonight be the night????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  24. Talked to my cousin, and he wants to go out... so MAYBE.... still not sure yet though..... going on very little sleep......
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