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Everything posted by Rebecca07

  1. hehehe....yeah I like that and I like the one smoking. HHHMMMMM....wonder why??!
  2. I want those animated faces too
  3. 100% Boriqua Baby!! Born and raised in Brooklyn.
  4. I'll be there - wearing my bathing suit. It gets so damn hot in there...minimal clothing is a must.
  5. I have a six yr old son and seeing how young kids are starting to use drugs nowadays is pretty scary. I know I'm not going to volunteer anything to him that he shouldn't know about me until he's old enough but I'm going to do my best to educate him on drugs. There are going to be things that he's not going to tell me or he's gonna be afraid to tell me and that's what scares the hell out of me. I wanna be "the cool mom" but at the same time I have to be the disciplinarian. It's a touchy subject because you have to be very careful with what you say to kids. Becca
  6. I heard the same thing and if you have the flyer you get a whole $5 off. What a break!! Later for PVD, I'll stick with Danny tonight.
  7. Hey Corbett, You gave my boyfriend (one of the bartenders at LL) your cd this past Saturday and I just wanted to tell you that it's awesome. I think you're doing a great job. Becca
  8. I need to get my hands on some hydro!!
  9. The last 2 times I was there the music was really good but the crowd is a little weird. Being it's the summer everyone is down the shore or at the hamptons. They have a lot of out-of-towners there now.
  10. Vinyl is a very mixed crowd. "Be Yourself" is the name of the party. No attitudes - a very relaxed atmosphere with people who want to dance their asses off all night long. The music is by Danny Tenaglia who is, in my opinion, one of the best dj's out there. Definitely worth checking out. DT spins until 8. By the way, Vinyl doesn't have a liquor license. Becca [This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 07-20-2000).]
  11. Tara, Go to Vinyl, 18+, no dress code and the music is off the hook. Becca
  12. I'm just curious as to where you guys got all this information from regarding the accident. Thanks. [This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 07-20-2000).]
  13. Alexandra, We've never met but I've read many of your posts. No matter what people say about not taking things personally, sometimes a personal attack does hurt the persons feelings. I know I've taken some things a little personally (even though I know I shouldn't have) but whatever people wanna be assholes so be it. I totally understand your leaving, so many people have left because of so much bullshit. Good luck to you. Maybe we'll meet at S&D in a couple of weeks, I plan on being there. Becca
  14. I'm there!!!! It's a mixed crowd, you name it, it's there. No dress code, "Be Yourself." The cover is $20. [This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 07-14-2000).]
  15. Cover is $25 and dress is casual. If you're trying to get away with wearing sneakers you'll probably get in as long as you look neat, but personally I wouldn't take a chance, you never know what kind of mood the guys at the door are in.
  16. I'd have to say Palladium. The best but I busted my ass plenty of times. It wasn't easy getting up and down those stairs when I was f----ed up.
  17. Hey Shawn. Nothing much is new with me, same old, same old. Work, being mommy and that's pretty much it. I went to Cali on vacation with my boyfriend, which was great and coming back to work really SUCKED!!! I'm going Vinyl tomorrow - it's a little belated birthday celebration for me. Take care and don't work too hard. Talk to you soon. Becca xoxo
  18. Yeah, we'll finally meet. What are you doing this Friday? I'm going to Vinyl with Mac aka ILL HOUSE YOU and Abstrakt and I think Steve is going too. It's a little belated birthday celebration for me. You should try to come out - the more the merrier. Talk to you soon. Becca
  19. LMAO!! Good one Shawn and very true. I'm from Brooklyn and live in Staten Island and the accents are really bad. I know I have a slight accent but it's not as bad as some that I've heard. I went to Cape Cop a couple of years ago and I'll never forget those accents....hehehe. It's all good, you put some light on the topic. Becca
  20. I know what you mean. I haven't been to Vinyl in over a month, I'm due. He'll be there on Friday!! Becca
  21. There are a lot of snotty stuck up women in NYC, I don't disagree with that. Yes, there are many women who go for money, status etc... I don't disagree with you there because I personally think that's really shallow. My point was to address the rudeness and being snotty. There are just as many rude, stuck up and ugly men in NYC as there are women. Sometimes I'm snotty but never rude - there's a difference. I'm only snotty when someone won't leave me alone after I tell them nicely that I'm not interested. Sometimes people just don't get the point therefore that's when being nasty comes in. Also I think that being a confident "person" is misunderstood and taken as being stuck up, arrogant or snotty. There are some women and men who are just nasty, cold, rude assholes who think that their shit don't stink and need a reality check. [This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 07-12-2000).] [This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 07-12-2000).]
  22. I love music and dancing. Who knows when I'll stop, I know it won't be any time soon. I have slowed down a lot in the last year and now I go out 2 or 3 times a month. As far as the drugs go, I've done my share and I'm pretty much done with all that. I'll smoke some weed once in a while which is enough for me.
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