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Everything posted by nokes4

  1. What was the name of that hip hop club around the corner from the Lime Light around 95? Thanks!
  2. I just picked up these and I want to see in anyone out there knew anything about them. Thanks in advance!
  3. I have partied in a lot of places, and the people in Philly are as close to New Yorkers as you are going to get. I had such a good time in Philly, I will definitely be making the trip down there again. Got to Transit at 10 to avoid the lines that never were. I was the first one in and the last one to leave. ( that was a first for me ) The club was so dead, and so fucking cold in the beginning. That whole member thing has gotta go. We got there so early and they wouldn't serve us drinks because we were not members. Whatever...The resident DJ was really bad, but when JP came on the fuckin place came alive. It was louder, and it got packed instantly. I have seen JP spin in a lot of places other than SF. Sobe, Boston, Vegas, Cancun, and now Philly. I have never heard him off when he is on the road. I wish he would spin like this all the time. Friday night was the JP that I know. He was amazing. There was something in the air when he started spinning. He spun from 12:45 to 6:15, and was on point every second. I don't know how the scene is down there on a regular basis, but it was good for a change to go to a different venue and hear great music. All in all my time in Philly was off the hook. Anyone else out there go to Transit on Friday? Feed back....
  4. Check out this place FInocchio's. I'm not sure where it is....look it up. Good house music for San Fran.
  5. black and white Bobka Loaf of bread Kenny Roggers roasters Sandwich
  6. Try these on for size...... Who gave Jerry the Astronaut pen? Who does Jerry talk to on the phone when he is staying in Kramer's apartment. What flavor shaved ice did Bette Midler ask for? Who likes to wear sneakers in the pool? What was the missprint on the trivia persuit game with the bubble boy?
  7. Easy guy....you got for out of six . The answer to number 3 is not gotrex. I'll give you a clue...if socially acceptable George would drape himself in it
  8. Prizes will be give out to all people going to Transin in Philly on Friday. If you can't make it, I'm sorry. The prizes will be well worth the trip! Not to mention JP is spinning there!
  9. Here are a few.... What is crazy Joe's last name? What was George's password to his bank account? What is George's favorite fabric? What brand sponges does Elaine use? What did Elaine put on the cover of her first JP Peterman catalog? What specialty license plates did Kramer get by accident?
  10. Seinfeld trivia for the real fans out there. What religion was George going to convert to for a woman?
  11. I know it's a little early to be thinking about spring break, but the earlier you book the better price on your package you get. I'm sick of Cancun and I just wanted to know what plans the board has for spring break? Feedback....
  12. I have lived at home my entire life and now I have my own apartment. What some of the necessities that every bachelor pad should have?
  13. Apparently you did not go to space. Everything was conducted out in the open. That is Sobe's version of the Factory. When did you go?
  14. Are we going to have a CP meet up @ Transit?
  15. Is anyone going to Transit in Philly on 9/22? JP is going to be spinning and I'm thinkin of taking a road trip....
  16. Space was the shit!!! I went Friday and Saturday, and had the best time there. What was the deal with no frisking? The only bad thing was the day time. SB is turning way too ghetto for me. What was up with the Clevelander? That used to be my spot. I don't think I'll be headin back down there any time soon. Did you get the same vibe?
  17. The crowd is definitely there to have a good time. I love the place. I go every couple of months. I love the fact that I can carry on a conversation with a girl there. No crack heads is definitely a plus. A must try at least once for all clubbers, especially the ones with no game...it's real easy to hook up there.
  18. Got to Goddess a little after 11 to avoid the massive lines to hear JP spin in SB. What a mistake. He didn't get there till 1:30 and the place was fuckin dead. The club over all was a nice set up. Very small. Goddess wasn't even 25% packed and they were turning away people. The whole thing was run very unprofessional. JP came on and he was awesome. It was kinda like I went to a house party and JP was spinning. I was able to get really close to him and watch him work his magic. He really wasn't feeling the crowd. So after and hour he put on a CD and was hooking up with chicks. I heard groups of girls were walking away because they were no letting anyone in. I knew something was up when the cover was only $20. Then we went to Space for after hours with JP. Here he really got into it and the place went fuckin nuts. This is the JP I know. Space was definitely more my scene. Thank god he didn't play his Janet Jackson remix. All in all SB is on the way out. It turned way to ghetto for me. I definitely won't be going back down there any time soon. Any one else there let me know what you thought.
  19. Are these any good? Has anybody heard anything? Thanks!
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