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Everything posted by gritor5

  1. Yooo Noc...lemme first start out by apologizing for calling u nieve!! Shouldn't have used any negative words!! It seems we can actually have an intelligent conversation about this without using names!!! We might not agree but at least we can both make our points! Now as far as her reasoning for getting naked...I'm not exactly sure!! That is something that only she can answer...but to be honest with you...I don't really care what her reasons are...she wanted to & that is her perogative!! Maybe she was looking for attention...maybe not...if she was...it certainly worked...but whatever the reason was...she has every right to do it IMO!! Would I do it...prolly not...would u do it...obviously not..but that is our choice!! That is why we live in America! If she wants to take her clothes off...so be it!! I thought you were associating being naked with being a whore...that is why I got defensive...cause she's not a whore!! I guess the bottom line is...to each their own...u may not agree...but let's at least agree to disagree OK? Again sorry bout the name calling...I shouldn't have gone there!!! Chances are we will never agree on this but hey we prolly don't agree on a lot of things! Have a great day!! SMOKEE
  2. Well unfortunately...you're just as nieve as some of the people on this board...u are making assumtions that are just not true!! She has absolutely NO regrets!!! And I hope you weren't saying that she was on E & that's why she did it!!! She would do it sober & besides...I'm almost positive she didn't take any E on sat!!! Just because u would feel that way doesn't mean everyone would!! U shoulda saved your first post for something a little more intelligent!!! SMOKEE PS - Please explain to me the corrolation of being naked with feeling like a whore????? Call me stupid but that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me!!! PPS - I'll walk around with her next week without any concern of what others may say...that's the problem with some people...they care too much of what others think! U seem to be one of them! Correct??
  3. Rally...are u stealing my lines again?? HAHA SMOKEE PS - fuck off!!
  4. Bro...you act so fuckin hard behind a computer?? Why??? If I recollect correctly (and I could be mistaking u for someone else) VS called u out a couple of times & to no avail!!! If u can back your words...come say them to him personlly!!! U obviously know him or at least know of him...but yet u won't confront him!?!?!?! Why is this???? Now as I said...I could be mistaking u for someone else...but either way FUCK OFF!!! SMOKEE
  5. I'm NOT going if you're gonna be there...EWWWWWWW!! HAHA SMOKEE
  6. I'll be at Surf on Sun...hope to see ya there Kara...it's been a while!! SMOKEE
  7. Thanx Gene...I needed that!!
  8. That was KINDA funny...ummmm...well...maybe NOT! Sorry u're not a winner...try again! SMOKEE
  9. HAHAHAHA Are you hitting on me??? Sorry but I don't go that route!!! SMOKEE
  10. Buck...u know u base all your decisions off of my opinions...so STFU & stop trying to hide it!! No problemo on the disc...sorry bout the Dub...I can't figure out how to burn it with that blip in it!! SMOKEE
  11. Now how did I know I would get a response like that outta u??? When are you gonna stop being my little bitch Jack??? SMOKEE
  12. Waddup everyone?? Can we all please just get along? All this DJ bashing is fuckin ridiculous! Not everyone is gonna agree who the best DJ is or what the best club is...so can we at least agree to disagree? As you all know I go to SF on Saturdays but by no means do I think that JP is G-D...I enjoy going there cause all my friends are there & the music is to my liking...I DO NOT go there just for the drugs!!! Now some of you hate JP & SF but to each his own...I would never judge you cause u like someone I don't! BTW - I also like the euro stuff...I enjoy listening to PVD, Oakie, a little S&D...etc. Now don't get me wrong...the last couple of days have been kinda humurous...but enough of the drama already!! U know...we can have intelligent debates over music, clubs & DJs without this BULLSHIT name calling! That just shows how ignorant one can be...and trust me...I was guilty of some name calling myself...and to those I did...no harm intended...MY BAD!! Now of course there are still gonna be those ignorant people that will prolly bash this thread...but u know what?? I don't give a shit...I'm above that (and I don't mean that in a conceited way)...just not gonna respond!! SMOKEE P.S. - Have a great day! :-)
  14. OK OK...Listen up here NO SENSE...why don't u just STFU already???? I didn't wanna get involved in this sensless BULLSHIT...but u insulted me since I happen to be one of Scramble's friends!!! You are so tough behind that computer aren't u??? Were u neglected as a child?? Do u have a small dick??? What's ur deal?? C'mon fess up!! Bro...it seem u really have some issues u need to work out!! Why don't u grow the fuck up & get a life!!! And if you were a REAL man...you would stop hiding behind the computer & come say these things to Scramble's face....he obviously isn't hiding...you know what he looks like & you know where we hang out!! Come find us! NUFF SAID...Have a great day...ASSHOLE! SMOKEE
  15. Yoooo Blaze...I hear it's 20 beans to get in...is this true?? Not that I'm cheap but to charge 20 beans for a NJ club/lounge is ridiculous!! Also, a friend of mine went there a couple of weeks ago & was waiting behind this girl on line...well the owner came out & said to this girl, "you're johnny's (the bartender)girlfriend right?"...she said yeah & the owner said, "I'm sorry but no significant others are allowed in the club....sorry I'm gonna have to ask you to step off line!" Can u believe that shit??? SMOKEE
  16. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....want u...u gotta be kidding me!!!! I want u as bad as I want a hole in the head u fiznagggggggg!!! Sorry bro...but I don't go that route! ;-) SMOKEE And hope we get a chance to meet jamjimvin!!!
  17. Scramble you're such a hottie...hahahaha *PUKE* SMOKEE PS - jamjimvin...no disrespect...just had to bust his ballz!
  18. Dickweed???? Is that some new kind of herbs?? I haven't tried that yet...can u roll me a blunt of it??? Thanks SMOKEE
  19. Would you like a lesson too Blaze??? SMOKEE
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....ROFLMAOOOOO Hey Dickhead Dan... That was not the you're I was referring to...HAHAHAHAHA....you wrote...and I quote..."You're writing/spelling skills are lacking a bit."...now tell me something Dan...you are writing/spelling skills are lacking a bit makes sense????? I DIDN'T THINK SO!!! HAHAHA NOW who's the rocket scientist???? SMOKEE PS - Relax bro...I'm just fuckin witcha...no harm intended!! Hey Smokee(rocket scientist), Where did you go to school? "You're" is the contraction of "you are". That is exactly what I wanted to say. "You are such a successful DJ...." So no, you weren't ballbusting. Dan [This message has been edited by smokee (edited 08-18-2000).]
  21. Yooooooo Reallylimpdick2000....if you weren't so busy telling us to STFU...maybe u would be able to mail out those CDs already!!! Geeeeeeez! SMOKEE
  23. Don't quote me on this...but I think he will be there on Sunday at C2K in the Venetian...he was there the Sunday of 4th of July when I was there & I heard someone say he will be there the sun of Labor Day as well!!! Enjoy!!! SMOKEE
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