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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by freaky2girl

  1. hello boys and girls...

    next friday most of us will be celebrating the end of finals...well at least me and my friends are..so we're planning on making it an all nighter and going both to Exit and SF...

    soooo which one of you kooky kids are gonna go too to help us celebrate? heheh

    i know XsmackitX, glowgirl, and malik26 will all be there..wahoo!! crazy night for a bunch of crazy girls!! =))


    *freaky 2 Dee* =)



    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  2. Originally posted by sutogame:

    HEY HOW U DOIN yup u know u love us croatians

    u hot italiana if ure tanned reply back to me wink wink cuz im the game b/c im jus tthat damn good if ya dont believe me try me cwm12.gifcwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm20.gif

    hey sutogame..with XsmackitX comes me too!! just to let u know..we're the FOB-MOB connection ahahahah right smackit? Ahhahaah


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  3. to XsmackitX: HEYYYYYYY..how YOU doin?!?!?!

    Aj em from di Kroeshia...Jes i like to go to dance club jes? Vill ju go vit me ?? hehehe

    I LOVE FOB's!!!!!



    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  4. ANGELINA JOLIE!! i'd do her in a heartbeat..i'm straight as a board..but dude..she's BANGIN...anyone would be stupid not to mess around with her given the chance (minus her ugly husband of course)

    oh and here are some of my "hot girls to do even though i'm not a lesbo" list: rollergirl, britteny, dido, and jennifer lopez


    i'm a crackhead..yes i know this =)~~


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  5. Ok honestly now --> me and all my lil freak-ass nasty best girlfriends r pretty much for the most part attached at the ass. So naturally, when we all go out clubbin it comes like second nature to booty-shake all up in eachother's buisness ALL NIGHT --> yes we get touchy feeley --but its all in the name of FUN FUN FUN!

    so guys...is this an attraction..or just the biggest turn off imaginable?!?

    get back to me

    Luv, freaky2 and co. cwm7.gif


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  6. hey heyyyyy

    its me..freaky2girl

    aka Diane...aka Dee..aka Deez nuts..aka crazy girl wink.gif

    more about me..hmmm...

    let me ask my freind nikki..she's next to me.."hey nikki..describe me on three words"

    Nikki says:

    1). Crackhead

    2.) overly faShionable MINUS the 'tude which goes along with such beauty which she possesses...

    3.) HEYYYY..........

    hehehe thats MEEE ...DEEE

    heeh write back



    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  7. Happy holidays and thank you for calling Gap stores Freehold...my name is Diane..how can i help you?

    yeh thats where i work

    i'm just joe schmoe at the mall..i'm not up in the coporate ladder just yet..mwuhahahaha

    hehe at least i get discounts

    and no i'm not IN the gap commericials wink.gif

    hehehe cwm35.gif


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  8. Originally posted by grepanelli:

    Customer Service for NY Times Home Delivery (I hope none of you have subscriptions and don't call asking for me!!!)

    Anybody interested in the paper? cwm2.gif


    awwwwww panelli...u a paper boy...how cute..i'll be u friend wink.gif~ heeheh

    u can deliver my papers anytime WINK WINK


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  9. Originally posted by grepanelli:

    Applaud!!!! (Clap clap clap) Well said my friend!!!

    Hey freakygirl, where you at?


    hehe sorry but i was in class trying to learn something...

    but i'm from south jersey.but i go to school up north..and hang out up north...

    get me on IM's sometimes "Prodigy412"


    how you doin?!?!?! hehehe


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  10. hehehe hmmm grepanelli ...we can start off as B's...then if u know how to work it on the dance floor we'll see about the a's...wink wink

    then once we're wron out we can turn into D's..new category: when b's turns into a's and are too tired to do anything else but each other cwm41.gif

    heheh that was bad heheheheeh


    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  11. hehe thanks guys =)

    but i do agree that girls have this misperception about guys at clubs that we should get over..and guys get over their own...

    so yeh..i love the B's..but i can also deal with B's that turn into A's..but if u eventually turn into a C..dude get over it and shut up and dance =)

    hehe peace and love kids!




    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  12. hello everyone cwm1.gif

    me and some friends of mine have been trying to figure out what guys expect when they go to clubs...

    is it:

    a) pick up any girl with a low top and see if they can get into their pants

    B) get drunk with their freinds and just have a good time and dance (and if by chance be lucky enough to get a number or a kiss is always a plus)

    c) or go to a club, all dressed nice, and stand there look at girls all night, and yet not approach them b/c they are either not up to par, or the guys are too cool to socialize with the other people around..

    please enlighten me..cuz lately...we've seen mostly A and C...only sometimes B -which are the most fun since they are have to have a good time and just dance like the rest of us..

    And ladies u all know what i'm talking about: its either the horny guys looking for some ass, the nice guys who are having fun but not looking for anything(cuz they are usually taken), or the assholes who stand around just standing there being a pretty boy..

    i just want to know whats up..



    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  13. Dido is absolutely phenomenal!(is that spelled wrong? i dunno oh welL! hehe)

    there are no words to describe how amazing her lyrics and music are...her Cd is perfect..it goes through every emotion a girl (or guy) could ever have about the people they are in love with...i'm DYING to see her live..but she's done touring in this area for now...

    i would love for some kick ass DJ to remix one of her songs...(not just Eminem cuz he cut the best part of that song in his )i just hope Dido doesnt get overplayed on the radio b/c she would lose her "uniqueness"..cuz when a song is overplayed people get sick of it..and no one should get sick of Dido.in my humble opinion =)

    and just to let u guys know..this is going back a few years ago...when i was in europe, i fell in love with this group called Faithless...then they hit the states and had a few songs in clubs...you know INSOMNIA..the one that goes "i can't get no sleep.." well, Dido was in that group...and she did all the girl singing parts on the album..so if u thought Dido sounded familiar thats probably why....

    ok..i probably babbled enough and annoyed some people..but hey i love dido! hehe



    ...."and i wont go.. i can't sleep...until ur resting here with me.." ~Dido~



    "Dance like nobody is watching...and love like it will never hurt"

    "Fightting for peace..is like f*#king for virginity"

    think about that one..


  14. ahhaha those pics were funny as hell!!! me and some good freinds of mine went to roxy on friday night and just had a really good time..those pics made us laugh cuz we saw and talked with a few of those people-

    too bad u didnt have our boys on there! hehe

    who was taking those pics? do they do that all the time? its pretty phat..

    well laterssss

    *dee* cwm12.gif

  15. yeh me and my friends went to Exit for haloween...

    After freezing our ASSES off on line for about 10 minutes,we got in..and it was dead at first..but afterwards it was pretty slammin...besides the meat heads with no shirts on and the 16 year old teenieboppers that used their fakes to get in..other then that it was pretty good...

    alice deejay did three songs...and then the soko boys??? yeh ok !! what was THAT about!?!?! does anyone actualyl listen to them...

    everyone frocklicked around in costumes..while me and my freinds dance on some tables and had a good time...

    the drags were fabulous..even though the costume contest was b.s.

    so after a night of fun haloween mischief at exit..we lost our money by accident b/c it fell out of my boot..so we asked some people for like a dollar..all thought we were fucked up..but weren't..so then a savior of a man gave us ten bucks to get home...if he ever reads this dude..THANK YOU!! you saved ourlives..no joke...

    so yeh ..all in all..exit was pretty good



    now that i've bored you with this long ass post..i'll leave now..



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