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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. sariman, we don't talk about each other's day. well, she does and i ignore her and talk to her as little as possible. your idea would be the solution for most people, but i think my roommate here is a special case. she doesn't pick up on anything subtle or diplomatic. a friend of mine, who used to be friends with her, once said a conversation with her is "her just talking" because she doesn't hear other people ------------------ FOR SALE: ROOMMATE. CHEAP
  2. "Mooooom! i told you i wanted it in BLUE!!!" ------------------ FOR SALE: ROOMMATE. CHEAP
  3. ...things they would never want to hear but they need more than anything to hear? what i'm thinking, and smelling, in particular right now is my roommate's stench. it's a cross between BO and Ramen noodles. don't ask me why. i think it's because she eats a lot of spices and has dreads. oh, and she doesn't shower very often and to my knowledge has never washed her bedsheets. dirty girl. the other issue is why no one really likes her and she has no friends. we conclude this is because of some character flaws. (i'm going to hell for this.) although it is hard to change a personality, there are definitely some things that she could make an effort at to make herself more likeable. and i KNOW she wants friends because she's always going at me like i'm her best one. so seriously, should i, and how would i, tell her these things? if someone told her these things years ago, i truly believe she'd be a happier person. i don't think i'm above criticism. my other two roommates and i are tight, and we long ago told each other to just say if there was something wrong with any of us. so we'll hear from each other the occasional, constructive "take a shower; you smell like shit," "shut up, you're stupid," "you can't get ass because you're a fat ho," etc. but none of us are close enough to my roommate to tell her these things as bluntly as we do each other ------------------ FOR SALE: ROOMMATE. CHEAP
  4. MATTY! i found your guy from work! ------------------ FOR SALE: ROOMMATE. CHEAP
  5. you poor fool. what's your major? you should transfer into Gallatin so you don't have to take the required MAP courses. i don't know why i bother telling you this, because you're not going to do it, and only when you've already taken a few of the damn MAP courses, you'll remember "hey, some girl once told me i should transfer into Gallatin so i'm not wasting my life studying all this boring crap that has nothing to do with anything i want or need to know." but then it'll be too late. and i'll laugh at you ------------------ FOR SALE: ROOMMATE. CHEAP
  6. Claudio, i've been talking to all the women on this board, and we've all conceded on something: we would jump you in a second (individually or all together, depending on your preferrence) but there's one critical problem: you're nice and sweet and we only want evil assholes maybe in another life. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ------------------ FOR SALE: ROOMMATE. CHEAP
  7. deanna11


    you're in a great situation; don't fuck it up. you're a virgin, are in love with someone, and can have that person be your first. don't throw away your first to some random person for the fuck (pun intended) of it. tell your guy the truth (BEFORE you have sex). if he feels the same about you, he should feel flattered that you want him to be your first. after you tell him, if he acts like he doesn't want the emotional responsibility of being your first, then you have to make a decision. if you still want to do him, regardless of how he feels about you, then assure him it's all in good fun ------------------ in this nightlong puppetshow, he is my master. spin that record and make me dance
  8. all this talk makes me want to suck some dick ------------------ in this nightlong puppetshow, he is my master. spin that record and make me dance
  9. how old is this girl? i don't know how socially responsible or personally concerned you are, but you can report this. if a roll is enough to lower her inhibitions to tell these things to strangers, it sounds like a pretty desperate cry for help. she wants someone else to know of her situation and, like you said, give her some protection from her father. although she may outwardly be angry at having her "secret" betrayed to any form of authorities, i think at very least subconsciously she is seeking intervention i'm sorry you and your gf are involved, on the level of knowledge, in such a bad situation. but i'm more sorry that such fucked up things happen to people such as this girl
  10. i like big, like any other girl, but to a certain point. if he's the size of a potato stix canister, then he's not going near me. i don't even eat potato stix, but if i did i'd buy them in the cellophane bags (no, there's no metaphor there, about buying, eating, or container) this one friend of mine is HUGE (i've heard). a time he was with a virgin, got the fish ticket, and afterwards she had to go to the emergency room. i'm not kidding! after a couple other true scary stories, girls are seriously scared to fuck him!
  11. deanna11

    Doggie Style?

    i think missionary has the deepest penetration. can hurt too
  12. now that i'm no longer infatuated with my last ex, i can objectively say he was not good. i can't believe we spent so many hours, even consecutive days in bed together. of course, at the time when i was into him, i really enjoyed it. well, i guess that's a good sign for me: i enjoy the guy more than the sex. and now that i know how he is, i couldn't ever enjoy him in any way again
  13. nooo... i say TRANCE and/or HOUSE i was just talking with my roommate about that. that's the only music to have sex to. that's why i need to find a club guy
  14. how many ritalin would you say it takes to get wired for dancing? takes me about 2 to cram for a midterm
  15. i think you did the right thing by making sure that someone was still watching her. if you leave her with someone decent, then they'll do what you would do to help (if she needed further assistence) and relay the watch to someone else decent if they had to leave
  16. you sound like you're at a fork in the road. go with it or no. i've done my share of E and other stuff for years and recently quit for my first and only time. looking back, i wasted a lot on drugs and the scene: time, money, friends, values, brain cells. if i could trade back everything, i would. if this makes any difference to you at all about your decision, i would feel somewhat recompensated. peas o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
  17. the basic info you can find anywhere. it's a dissociating tranquilizer, essentially. can be addictive, as all tranquilizers are. if you want to try it because you need something between your rolls, i recommend not doing it. well, i actually can't think of any good reason to start another drug. but if you don't need a good reason, whatever. as for what to do between rolls, why don't you just party sober? do it a couple times, whether you really want to or not, and you may start seeing things a lot differently and find that you like it
  18. no, i'm 12. and it wasn't the K; it was the dust and G, cutie
  19. anthonyp, i hope you're right. but there are some other things about that night that made me think what i did. like, he first kept asking me to hook him up, he needed several. i told him i was going to take the only two i had. then he turned out to have plenty of his own and offered me one. i've met this guy once before, through a club friend. that night, he asked me, "so, what's your real name?" i was like, "whaaat?? i don't have any fake names." he acted like he didn't believe me for a little bit and asked what was my last name. unfortunately, i told him. isn't this kinda sketchy? really, i hope you're right. because i'll probably run into that guy again
  20. friday night, i was clubbing with two friends and some club acquaintances. we were all rolling and bumping a little K. we're all experienced with both. when it was getting late in the night and we were all pretty cracked out, one of the acquaintances gave me a lil' baggie of a bunch of rolls to hold onto "just for a second" and then he left. i was wondering why would he ask me to hold onto his stash. after a little bit, i saw him talking to some guy and looking at me. they both started walking toward to me and at that moment i realized i wasn't in the clear holding on to all those rolls. i jumped up and walked away quickly. they followed me rather quickly through the club and so i just left and called my friends' cell when i got outside. my friends figured he had to have been undercover or a narc trying to bust me for dealing, but then i also wonder if i was just flipping out because i was so k'ed up. but i've never gotten paranoid before. and i've done k several times and done more before. and why would he want to set me up to get busted for dealing when i wasn't a real dealer? my main question: was this really as i thought it was, or could i have just been flipping out on the k and imagining it all? has anyone ever made up an entire scenario on k?
  21. glass, crystal, meth, crystal meth, it's all methamphetamine. speedy stuff. great for partying. haven't found any in the city. wish i could...
  22. this one time, my friend Flipper (he wasn't always called that) and i got some trees from a reliable source in wash. sq. park. it was trippy as hell and we found out it was because of the Raid they doctor schwag with. so Flipper said, "wtf we wasting our time with gardening stuff for?" so we got some Raid, industrial strength. while at the store, we also picked up some whippets (same aisle) and Robitussin DM (different aisle). Flipper explained, "dude, this cold medicine is what Tino puts in the rolls he sells." so back at Flipper's, while trying to figure out how to consume Raid with no trees, we downed the Robitussin and did an aerosol can. Flipper gets the best revelations after about a can; "we just smoke it, like we did before!" problem was, we smoked those trees in a blunt. but Flipper got his mom's crack pipe, so it was all good; we had a piece. Flipper took the first hit of the Raid. then he started vibrating like a dildo on turbo. then he went still and his eyes rolled around. then he tried to stand and was bumping into things. i tried to restrain him, because he looked like he was going to hurt himself. but he didn't know who i was and freaked out, and started trying to bite me. so of course, i let the damn bastard go, but then he started to bite himself. actually bit off his right thumb next day, after he had that lil' wound sewed up, he remembered that he loaned his mom's pipe to our friend Lemming. Lemming's crazy. god knows what Lemming smoked out of that. well, i personally blame whatever the hell that residue of Lemming's was. in any case, that's how Flipper got his nickname. he was born with webbed fingers as a result of his mom's crack habit while he was in the womb. the right thumb was the only un-webbed digit
  23. this one time, my friend Flipper (he wasn't always called that) and i got some trees from a reliable source in wash. sq. park. it was trippy as hell and we found out it was because of the Raid they doctor schwag with. so Flipper said, "wtf we wasting our time with gardening stuff for?" so we got some Raid, industrial strength. while at the store, we also picked up some whippets (same aisle) and Robitussin DM (different aisle). Flipper explained, "dude, this cold medicine is what Tino puts in the rolls he sells." so back at Flipper's, while trying to figure out how to consume Raid with no trees, we downed the Robitussin and did an aerosol can. Flipper gets the best revelations after about a can; "we just smoke it, like we did before!" problem was, we smoked those trees in a blunt. but Flipper got his mom's crack pipe, so it was all good; we had a piece. Flipper took the first hit of the Raid. then he started vibrating like a dildo on turbo. then he went still and his eyes rolled around. then he tried to stand and was bumping into things. i tried to restrain him, because he looked like he was going to hurt himself. but he didn't know who i was and freaked out, and started trying to bite me. so of course, i let the damn bastard go, but then he started to bite himself. actually bit off his right thumb next day, after he had that lil' wound sewed up, he remembered that he loaned his mom's pipe to our friend Lemming. Lemming's crazy. god knows what Lemming smoked out of that. well, i personally blame whatever the hell that residue of Lemming's was. in any case, that's how Flipper got his nickname. he was born with webbed fingers as a result of his mom's crack habit while he was in the womb. the right thumb was the only un-webbed digit
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