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Posts posted by kingartur

  1. Originally posted by divalicious

    The examples I used were only two of the many racial incindents, and my mentioning them was not in any way to ignore what may have happened to white, spanish, asian or any other nationality. They were just two highly publicized incidents.

    I know Brooklyn, and yes, I know Bensonhurst. And sorry to burst your bubble, but Bensonhurst is still prejudice, it's just not as openly so nowadays. If I tried to get an apartment there, it would be very difficult, unless it were in an apartment building, where the landlord cares only that I can pay my rent. I know lots of people from that neighborhood, who hate the fact that Russians (especially) and others are moving into "their" neighborhood. And don't even try to deny that the old school folks aren't upset by this as well. I'm not putting down any one neighborhood or people. Most neighborhoods in Brooklyn have the same kind of mentality, that it is "their" neighborhood, and others should stay out.

    Granted, and thankfully, many in the younger generation are definitely more tolerant and accepting of differences, but many in the older generations, and even some young folk are not. I find this quite sad, because we all have the opportunity to learn about and explore our differences.

    I'm not trying to sound like an asshole.. but you mentioned brighton beach, Bensonhurst being prejudice. But what about Flatbush. I don't think any white person would be able to live there, that person will be killed or kicked out.

  2. if you're in a relationship that is making you unhappy, or makes you worry.

    get out now, it hurts and you think you can't live without her, but you'll get threw it. i'm goin threw it and i'm getting better but atleast i'm happier then when i was in a relationship. Keep you head up and don't let the girl put you down:blank:

  3. Bro i know how you feel, don't its not worth it.

    I felt like that when i broke up with my girl, that i was in love with.

    I wanted to kill myself, but the realized that, you can always find

    another girl, it will take time. I'm goin threw the same shit you're goin threw right now:blank:

  4. Originally posted by somebitch

    so whats the problem??

    she misses you

    you miss her


    you should hang out with her. this is a reason to be :D not :(

    Cause if i see her my feeling for her will come back :mad:

    and she hurt me and i can't be with her anymore cause i don't trust her

    but she can't understand that:(

  5. Originally posted by marcid21

    Is anyone else in a disgustingly good mood today???

    Maybe it's because the weekend was longer and this week is shorter....or maybe it's cause I got some good lovin' this weekend.....or maybe it's just because I'm beautiful....LOL....

    Anywho....be happy.....too much time is wasted being miserable...

    :D :D :D :D

    I'm miserable. but my weekend was great untill yesterday morning when my ex called me:(

  6. Originally posted by marcid21

    Sweet LIL' MarciD is sick as a dog :cry:...and not going to the Nazi Camp (aka WORK) today.....

    Who's coming over to treat me like the princess I am????

    Forget that whole Valentine thing tommorow....today is MarciD Day!!!!;):tongue:

    Hope you feel better:balloon:

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