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Everything posted by gsk411

  1. yellow girl check out wantickets.com, search on "pimp"...check out the pussycat afterhours. also ... http://wantickets.com/default.asp?sponsor=hardball this is for the sundays afterhous at voodoo lounge... hope this helps...
  2. I am going as well... would recommend getting there between 11 and 12, the party goes pretty late so I don't think you need to get there early. I am sure it won't get really pumping until after 12am. Also, there is an after party (starting at 4am), at Jaguars, a strip club. are u going to the sunday party? this should be good...a couple years since they have had it in a big venue that can fit everyone who wants to go. last year people were scalping tickets at the rain for a few hundred a pop. have fun.. Gordon
  3. hey canada people... the pimp and ho is the party to go to IMO also some crazy afterhours lots of other parties, victor calderone at the C2K for example sat pimpnho at the oleans arena, 10000 peeps, need to prepay for tickets (eventvibe.com) $60. sun rain in the palms, pimpnho 2, $30 prepay, probably more at the door, 5000 people pimpnho afterhours on sat at jaguars, its a huge stripclub
  4. I am going to both the big party at the Arena and the palm party. the rubber people know how to throw a party and the dress-up is off the chain, altho a lot of those LA people can be kind of stuck-up. Any club planet folks want to meet up out there...let me know, I am solo to at least one of the parties, might even have an extra ticket or two depending on whether one of my travel companions will go.
  5. Now that the smoking ban is in full effect, does anyone have any comments on what clubs have the best and worst smoking areas... In LA the clubs have some great smoking areas, with gardens and so on..and some really nasty ones, like inbetweeen the dumpsters.
  6. >> WFACTS Since California instituted No-Smoking in bars / clubs / restaraunts... Reporting earnings and sales have gone up on bars & clubs. We've contacted the State of NJ, and didn't get a straight answer on a smoking ban in NJ as well. You smokers are killing us non-smokers. So, Basically, your all murderers! << Well....interesting logic, to say the least. But typical of the hysterical nature of the arguments of the anti smoking brigades. My biggest problem with these people is their general disregard for a really minor little concept known as FREE-DOM. Because they don't see that it's all a slippery slope, and one day the big boys are going to take away a freedom that they value. But hey, take away other peoples freedom, NO PROBLEM! For example...people go to bars, they drink, they get drunk, they get on the road and they have accidents and kill people. Or they get belligerent and beat up or shoot people or engage in unsafe sex, etc. etc. etc. Ergo we need to ban drinking. You can still have bars...just no booze. Gatorade and red bull. I'll be so happy when I can go to a bar and not have to deal with those belligerent and obnoxious drunks (as I don't drink myself, I won't be missing anything really). Of course we tried that already, and it didn't work out so well. Basically, if you cheer every time the government takes away a freedom of someone else to do something you don't really care for, someday you will not be cheering, I can guarantee you that. You might believe today that the government knows where to "draw the line" before they start cutting info your own defintion of a good time. If you believe that, you would be wrong (look into the "RAVE" act, for example). The point is that if you value freedom than you have to value the "principle" of personal freedom in all its manifestations - even the right to smoke in bars. Even if you personally may feel better about going into smoke-free bars. The principle is...no one is forcing you to go into bars, or work there. Businesspeople are free to open smoke free bars, or create smoke free areas. If there is demand for such things...over time more and more of them will exist. This trend is already occurring. The people who want to drink without smokers will get their wish. And the people who want to smoke and drink will get their wish. There is no compelling argument in my opinion for the government to get involved. There is nothing in the constitution about a guranteed right to avoid unpleasant smells when you go out to drink. There is a cost to inviting the government into your lives...so when you ask for it, you better be sure it's for something really important.
  7. Well... I guess my take for what's worth (I'm from Chicago, which does not yet have a smoking ban, but probably will someday soon if you guys get one), is that I have always thought clubs were sort of like dens of vice. The sound factory is not church, even if you take away the smoking. Vices, pretty much by definition, are dangerous in some fashion, to oneself, and usually to others. If you banned drinking in bars, you would probably save many more lives than banning smoking by reducing drunken drivers, but of course, no one would actually show up in bars anymore, since what would be the point. Many people don't like smoking, but believe it or not, a whole lot of people dont like drinking....they are into other refreshments or just plain sober and find the behavoir of drinkers to be pretty obnoxious. I for one, would love to see drinking outlawed, all other things being equal, but I would never propose such a thing because it is obviously completely ludicrous. As far as danger to employees...an easy compromise, one never even considered, is establishing clean air standard for bars, to force bar owners who want to allow smoking to install ventilation equipment that will take most of the smoke out of the air (such things exist, not even all that expensive). Not perfect, but for sure much better, and would probably reduce the risks to less than that of the other risks of working in a bar or club (and there are many - clubs, dont even talk about resturants are not the safest places in the world to work, smoking or non smoking). This thing is all about who has the power, and the group with the most power dictating to the group with less. When everyone smoked, this would never even be considered (as in most of europe, where they would even now consider this a joke). When there are enough non drinkers...you won't be drinking in bars either. Happened once before. I say let people have their damn vice dens....there's too many frickin rules for everywhere and everything as it is. Lets all be cool and leave a few relatively "no rule" zones left. Smoking is banned indoors EVERYWHERE else. Isn't that enough for all you people? Can't there be ONE public gathering place where it is allowed? Isn't there any kind of compromise here? After all, it is still LEGAL. If society is really serious about not liking it, then make it illegal like other supposedly "dangerous" things. Then its de facto banned everywhere, done deal. oops...can't do that, the government is addicted to the taxes the way smokers are addicted to smoking. By the way, I myself do not smoke, and I also hate the smoky clothes, etc. from going to bars. But you know, I still don't want to sit on a high horse and tell other people what they can and can't do.
  8. $100 per is harsh for only a few nights...but it would suck to show up for Tenaglias set and not get in. Esp since you have to make the trip downtown. How far is south beach from Space in a cab?
  9. $100 per is harsh for only a few nights...but it would suck to show up for Tenaglias set and not get in. Esp since you have to make the trip downtown. How far is south beach from Space in a cab?
  10. Hedonism, Yeah, I have gone twice...first time was great, second time sucked. First time I coincided my trip w/ some people I knew from online. This freaky couple. The woman was into a serious slut trip. While she was there she fucked 120(!) men. No joke. Mostly Jamaicans (in a train kind of thing) but plenty of the male guests as well. Lots of parties in rooms w/ four or five guys. Her husband just watched, while she fucked all these guys in an apparent trance. It was some head trip kind of thing, she told me she didn't orgasm except with her husband. She liked things very rough, like anal sex with no lube at all. Also lots of double penetration. I actually have lots of pics of this, I should post them online sometime. I would have to scan them however, and I dont have a scanner. She was from a conservative small town in Oklahoma, and eventually had to move out of town when she was on a real sex segment on 3 way relationships (w/ disguised voice) but people in her town figured it out. But it is definitely not some wild thing where attractive women are louging around naked waiting for guys to come around and fuck them. More like lots of horney middle aged couples. Some crazy younger people as well, but that is more the exception. Here is a story from a message board on someones trip to hedo (not me): . I don't even care about the sexual activities at night...those are to be expected. What I am referring to was an incident that occurred one afternoon in the hot tub. There were over 30 folks in the tub, it was almost overflowing, and we were all having a great time. The "couple" next to us (an older man and his 20 something bimbet) were splashing all over each other, bumping into us and everyone else. The next thing we know, they are having full penetration sex, he is sucking her breasts, and she is splashing all over. Then she slides off, turns around and the man next to them starts penetrating her with his fingers and she is moaning all over. This was not the first or last thing that happened in the afternoon. Many of the 40 single men were given the time of their lives on New Year's Eve when a planeload of 18-20 year old Russian strippers were brought into the resort. Desperate to find a way to leave Russia, they were having sex all night with the single guys in the hot tubs and I watched all this from the window of my room. In the morning, one 18 year old girl was white and repentant about what she had just done as she waited in the lobby for a taxi and I waited for my bus back to Montego Bay. She cried as she explained to me that she was just trying to get an American men to help her escape her poverty. Yes, there was open sex, no, there were no sex police, yesssssss hubby and i christened the hot tub, the pool, the ocean and the jacuzzi (ohhhhh the jets in the jacuzzi, ooops getting side-tracked here!). We were pretty discrete about our little displays of "affection", we chose quiet corners of the pool etc, but there were those who just did it wherever, whenever, and however they chose to. (my note: the planeload of 18 year old russian strippers were quite the bonus for the men staying there at the time - though quite sad as well)
  11. >>Every club in NYC should have the search policy that Limelight does.....NONE! I love that place.......<< I've heard somewhere that Limelight uses a metal detector at the entrance.
  12. Coming in this week from Chicago, wanna try SF, but my friend has a thing about clubs that body frisk (she hates it, finds it degrading, etc.). Can any of the SF heads tell me if SF does a body frisk on everyone who comes in? Does it vary by night? Are there any of the big clubs in NY that DONT do a body frisk? (I know they all have to show that they are cracking down on drugs to keep their licenses)
  13. Man, caught Digiweed at RednoFive when he was in town. Basically by accident, just happened to be there. F'ing amazing, wish there was more of that caliber in town.
  14. Drink is for sale..awesome space...but there are issues. I am pretty sure they are not selling the liquor license with the bldg. There are alot of issues with their license because of problems at the club. The city could shut them down at any time, as a result. If you buy the license, you inherit their problems as far as the city is concerned, not necessarily a good deal. To clear up any misperceptions about the liquor license thing, a license is not connected solely to a bldg, but to a bldg and a company. To transfer a license, you basically take over the company that ran the club. Licenses are so hard to get in Chicago that most new licenses (for straight up clubs in particular) are actually transfers. Licenses have been known to go for as much as 1m dollars. Also, my understanding is the 2am thing is for the first six months after you open a club. Then the city will review your license and potentially extend it to 3 or 4am. That is why all the new clubs are 2am. I am leading a group here that is looking to open a club space, so we have done a lot of research. Our concept is quite a bit diff from anything that currently exists - we are looking more to the London scene (i.e. Space) for inspiration, but it is still quite a bit different even from that. We sure as hell do not need another Nocturnal or Transit. I'll let those guys handle that niche. -g
  15. I think it's fair to point out that Clubs are in some sense intended as venues where vices of various kinds can be pursued without persecution. Drinking is a vice. Smoking is a (pretty related) vice. Smoking does indeed offend many people. I would also say that for those people who don't drink and prefer to trip or toke, are often offended by the relatively sloppy and often obnoxious behavoir of drinkers. "Banning" something (i.e. prohibition) is a very blunt instrument, and inherently favors one group (say, in this case those who indulge in the drinking vice but not the smoking vice) over another. There ARE other options. For example, some clubs could go non smoking and thus attract the crowd looking for that (the fact that this hasn't happened already is testament to the fact the smoking contingent is pretty sizable). Or multi floor clubs with non smoking floors. Really good ventilation systems (not perfect, but does deal with the smell issue for the most part), as some clubs already have. In other words, a compromise. A foreign concept these days, when every party wants the world to conform to their view of it.
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