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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by cynful

  1. Oh, yeah, you know what else I love about my married friends? Besides for all of a sudden being as exciting as my parents, the disapproving looks I get if I tell about a cute boy I kissed or if I drank too much and puked at Neptunes (yep, puked all over, 10 feet from a cop car, lost my goddamn $80 Steve Madden shoes too, alcohol is a bad, bad thing!!!) My girlfriend was tossed around the guys in our group like a football, now that shes married I tell her some guy felt me up, you'ld think I said I killed a puppy!!!! Sorry, just bitchin'today ------------------
  2. yea!!!! I'm not just uncool, for a while I thought maybe I lost my mojo or something, ok at least everyone is feeling it, my friends are more into going to K-mart on fridays for lawn ornaments than to the factory or the hamptons, i don't get it. We should all meet up, always into making new friends, I'm 26 by the way, from Suffolk County, cute and love to dance, since we're all playing matchmaker!!!! I wasn't trying to hook up so you know, just looking to find some people like me, into making trouble and looking good when they do it!!! Well, good for 26, that is... LETS GET SOMETHING GOING ------------------
  3. Hey, how the hell do you guys meet new people to club with? I'm losing my friends to babies and husbands, I need openminded friends guys or girls to dance my ass off with this summer, my group is getting smaller with every wedding I have to buy a present for, $ that should be spent on clubbing getting spent on china and crap. ------------------
  4. I'm 26, been partying since 14, clubbing since 24, once i dumped the lame boy i was dating. I pay for it with cash, when absolutely necessary, or just flash my 36D's at the bouncers and smile like a mutha, don't know, it works sometimes, i must be charmed. The $ thing does suck, guys have it the worst, even if i pay to get in, girls don't usually have to buy too many drinks, at least me and my friends don't. If I want to get in somewhere free, I try to go with one other girl, preferably a cutie like myself, usually my cuz, we seem to get what we want between the two of us when we work it, it's good to be a girl!!! Cyn ------------------
  5. I hit some cheesy hole in the wall on friday night, CJ's I think, it looks like a freakin log cabin, sad, full of old men and just me and my cute friends, we rocked that place, the old men were wheezing by the time we left. Sat. went to Neptunes and had a blast, drank mudslides on the rocks until they ran out of milk, then everything is a blur, a fun blur, but definately foggy. Went to Brazil that night, nice place, hot girls, hot young boys, great. Looking to hit fire island this weekend, if i can tear myself away from the hamptons long enough!!! Can't wait to hit Bridgeview this summer, I just wish I didn't live in lame suffolk, its a hike. Cyn ------------------ [This message has been edited by cynful (edited 06-07-2000).]
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