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Posts posted by sethboy

  1. *sigh*

    now i have relocated to Philly. even FURTHER away from everything i know and love. and TOTALLY retired from clubbing.. (well, ok, i will be back out eventually)

    stay safe and happy everyone.

    do a bump for me.

  2. yeah are those pics from Fletcher's website about Palladium? Do you have any other pics from the "Arena" days? i'd love to see them all....

    someone took a pic of my on my infamous birthday (birthday cake day) there... and i never got a copy...

  3. Hrmm.. the question would be, could you get enough people to come to an after hours in NJ. Now, figure, ALOT of people go to NYC for clubbing (and most of the NJ clubs suck anyway). So.. are they gonna want to come BACK to NJ for an afterhours... or are they gonna just want to do the Diner/Coffeeshop kinda thing after clubbing? Are people who went clubbing gonna wanna go somewhere else afterward...

    Liquor License is a pain... and then you're just another club on the market...

    No liqour license, open after-hours is probably MORE of a pain... cops.. "nuisance laws", the times you can stay open, drug stings, parking problems, noise problems, crowd problems... traffic to and from the club.. (don't forget, you may have a nice isolated commercial property in a commercial zone where its empty late at nite.. but do people have to go thru residential sections to get there? will they be driving drunk at 3am from the club to go to your place? parking,speed traps, vehicle traffic thru town, noise, crowds etc again...) and how small a town is it.. they probably won't want to have to have an all-night venue, which means they may need extra cops on duty to cover the venue, etc...

    all night during the week... will enough people come to keep it open...

    age problems...if its non-alcoholic, do you let in any age... but then the cops won't want young/teenage kids hanging out... or do you keep it over 18? over 21? fights... can you provide good, responsible security inside AND outside... or will too many people be "hanging around" in the parking lot, etc... coffee bar? juice bar? how about food? are people gonna want to spend lots of money (enough to keep you in the green) in an afterhours club?

    not to play devil's advocate...Just alot of stuff to keep in mind no matter what you decide.

    If you need help with design, security, and/or Especially with LIGHTING (design and a lighting "jockey") for the club (you will of course have music i assume)... keep me posted too...

    sethboy@home.com or sethboi2k@aol.com in case home.com disconnects me LoL

    good luck

  4. ROFL

    Her name is TINA. She keeps you awake ALLLL nite long.




    NO. I don't have any Crystal tonite. I retired what, 3 years ago? HELLO?



  5. oh yeah.. i certainly welcome any music that happens to fall my way...just tell me where/how.... old Junior stuff from tunnel, Arena especially, now that mp3's suddenly became so addictive...


  6. that recording can be found on napster.. its like 45 megs of mp3.. its cute..

    gee.. bootlegs of junior... NO COMMENT

    *hides behind speaker*

    oooh.. be careful Tommy... people who shall remain nameless

    *ahem*(BarnE,Ceasar,Peter) among them *ahem*

    have caused major scandal with Junior bootlegs.. smile.gif


    I never stole anything from any clubs. Especially not tUnnel, Palladium and Twilo. I'll give it all back. Honest. smile.gif


  7. Just one word: Ketamine.

    hrmm. but, been there done that with all the 'standard' club drugs (C,K,C,E, and miscellaneous other things)...(i view things like heroin, pcp, crack as things for homeless street people, not for club kids.

    No matter what you do, moderation and control are the keys.. thats why they call them "recreational drugs" mmm'kay, people ?

    One more word: Ketamine.

    Reference my post under the "Substances" message board here on clubplanet. smile.gif


    Long Live the K Warriors


  8. Most of the security guards i have known, and seen working, at clubs like twilo and tunnel, are big black men. when you say that they singled out certain people as possible drug dealers because they are black, i can't imagine that to be the case.

    i agree that the guards (and the busboys) at twilo can be exceptionally rude, nasty, pushy and obnoxious.

    however, it is a TOUGH job to work as a security guard in a club, standing for long hours, when the club is packed with people, some of them high, some hot and grumpy, etc. especially with the current political climate in NY, however, i can see where things might get a little tense. altho, there is still no call for being rude. i've seen some professional guards who can be very polite and courteous.. it just takes the right guy.

    as for people dancing right in front of you.. yes thats rude.. my solution... turn your back to them, get right up close, and do the chicken dance for a while (lots of ELBOWS and legs flying out).. they should get the hint...

    as for feet getting stepped on.. thats almost a given, fact of life.. get used to it... hint: don't wear expensive new shoes..

    i used to wear steel toed combat boots smile.gif

    yeah.. its a shame guards and other staff can't in general, be nicer....

  9. Random thoughts:

    1) the prices have gone sky high lately... Evan... $60 a liq ? yikes.. i remember when i used to get 'em for $20 or less.. but that was years ago. Now the licks can't be had for less than around $70-90 each, and jars of course have gone up to $50 each, stepped on, (nowadays the k you get is shit.. its like half salt, half baking soda or something) and short filled, in smaller .4 gram jars instead of the .5 gram ones.

    *sigh* how sad and depressing.

    2) lines.. oOOoh.. lines always fux0red me up big time..i never do lines .. always bumps (even if its mount everest) something about the longer time it takes to snort lines (its all mental i think) makes a difference..

    3)actually, i NEVER used to cut my K. moral responsibilities and all that kept me feeling too guilty.. so, those who had mine, had pure, well baked, fine ground powder. however most high-volume dealers do cut, especially nowadays.. the profit margin being so much narrower, they feel they have to step on it.


    i wish i had kept track of how much k i gave away to cute boys and friends...and how much money it was worth.. i'd probably be able to buy a new car or something now...


    charity is always welcome.. especially in powder form... smile.gif


  10. hehe y'all BETTAH give me kudos... it took me like an HOUR to type all that smile.gif

    needles.. you play with those, don't hang around me and thats all i have to say on that note.

    Ok yeah, speaking of X... which i very rarely do... (they DON'T work for me at ALL, 95% of the time).. in fact, there are about 5 in the last 5 years that worked.. (smurfs.. the old mitsubishis.. a few others..) so, i don't waste money on them anymore its just not worth it to me.. not to mention, you really DONT know what is in them (a little of this, a little of that? etc)...

    this past sunday at slimelight, i took two that a friend gave me... when the club shut down at like 6am and they threw us out, i was still fucked up on something that was in those two pills..(and of course, Tina was nowhere to help)...so.. at least, as i say to people, with K, you know what it is.. yeah it may have some baking soda, or salt, or whatnot, but.. one sniff, and you know if your person accidentally gave you coke or if its just K...

    uhh.. ooo this bumpie just kicked in.. where was i going with this ? biggrin.gif

    i am too verbose anyway...

    *swirl for life* *dance for Love* *werk, Miss Aviance !*


  11. Junior at tUnneL was the BEST of all worlds as far as i am concerned.. a GREAT location (its a shame its gone to seed), a GREAT mixed (gay/str8) crowd, NO problems, good drugs, only the kind of DRAMA we wanted, no the bad stupid drama. Everything was just perfect back then.. even the old drag queens and club kids were out in force.

    Arena.. well.. it holds a dear place in all our hearts i hope... the second-best of Junior's work (of course i was too busy with other matters to listen to much music)... god.. i cry every time i think of Palladium, it being the world class nightclub, the beautiful old theatre, etc. (of course more time was spent in the bathrooms than anywhere...) Altho, i don't think the crowd was as nice, as fun, at Arena as it was at tUnneL.

    I personally HATE HATE the Twilo space.. its just an awful setting (altho they have spruced it up and now there is at least some places to sit like the vip lounge). but, in terms of the space, i think its cramped and crappy. and the crowd has TOTALLY changed from previous venues... no more old skool divas, no more old skool drag queens, no club kids... and now that Fernando and Darryl left, well, its not even fun going in to the club frown.gif

    i think junior still has it in him, and every time i go, he is still just as amazing and talented as ever.. but i think he needs to figure out where HE is going, where he is taking his scene, where the whole nyc club scene is going.. things are too much in flux right now.. its all unsettled... i think, personally, he needs to get his own space.. and go back to a sound-factory like, after-hours, gay/mixed party with fabulous people.. and none of this crap that goes on at twilo...

    pride weekend this year was awesome.. even at the end, at 4pm.. but.. its not the same as the ends of tUnneL or even Arena.


    Arena.. are you there?

    The Spirit of..Arena.. is "floating higher"


  12. let me inject (bad pun) my 2 cents now...(all the following is my opinion and experience - not to be construed as medical advice)...

    1) Ketamine is a form of sedative, a dissassociative drug normally used in liquid form (injections) as a tranquilizer for both animals (veterinary use) and for humans (mostly for small children now). They stopped using it on adults having surgery due to complaints of bad hallucinations and nightmarish dreams. This is where its use as a club drug came about. Dried (or "cooked" so that the liquid evaporates, leaving a white powder) and then snorted in small doses usually called a "bump", ketamine became popular as a mild hallucinogen, a "designer" drug (as the media likes to call both K and X) altho there is nothing designer about Ketamine, since it is made by a pharmaceutical company.

    2)In its dried powder form, its a self-effacing drug. I personally feel it's extremely hard to overdose on this drug, due to the fact that in order to overdose, one would have to ingest massive amounts over a certain period of time. However, due to the action of the drug, as a person "snorts" more and more, they are less able to physically function, therefore less able to simply lift the vial to their nose and inhale. Of course, there are ALWAYS ways around this, and there is, as with any chemical, always a possibility of OD. In addition, as with any pharmaceutical sedative, there is a possibility of one having an allergic reaction (this is why hospitals have anesthesiologists administer drugs during surgery - to avoid those kind of problems) leading to respiratory arrest, coma, or other severe problems. Your bf's "paralysis" probably had something to do with this, Brandie.

    3) The effects of Ketamine: As i said, K is a tranquilizer, a sedative, a mild hallucinogen, a dissassociative drug. Used normally, K can induce level 4 sedation (or is it 5, i never remember), which is the condition under which surgery in a hospital is performed, (complete unconciousness). As the dose increases, one passes thru the levels, heading to that ultimate state where they are actually ready to "go under" and you could, theoretically, perform surgeries on them. As the dose increases, K relaxes all the muscles of the body, can lower blood pressure, decrease nerve sensitivity, etc. (One danger is that K can relax the diaphragm, which could lead to problems breathing). K also allows the brain function to seperate from conscious thought (dissassociation).

    4) Describing the effects of K in a club setting: The way i usually describe the effect of a single bump of K is that of being drunk, almost immediately (within a few minutes the effects of a bump should be felt). Of course, its more than being drunk, and its also like being drunk without the horrible side effects of actually consuming alcohol (headache, nausea, hangover, etc etc). Speaking of alcohol, there is a saying that should hold true for all "newbies" to doing K, as well as to most people who have done it in the past: "K and liquor, never sicker...". K and alcohol do NOT mix well, at least until you have done K for a while and know how to mix the two together (nowadays, i can drink like a fish and do k-holes with no problem). If someone is going to try K, i would suggest they have not been drinking anything (alcoholic) for several hours before hand.

    5) More effects: Beyond the feeling of being "drunk" K can make you feel as if your sense of distance, proportion, time passage are all "warped". Its possible, especially as one approaches the "k-hole", to hallucinate mildly - not really seeing things that aren't there like giant spiders or whatnot, but more like seeing things that ARE there, but seeing them in a very warped, off-kilter kind of way. For example, judging the distance to a couch or wall can be difficult when doing K. Time passes very slowly to you, altho it passes much faster in reality. Feeling "drunk", feeling dizzy, feeling like you are "floating" or "drifting", feeling like you are out of touch with reality... all these things can take place on K. Slowed/slurred speech, inability to concentrate, inability to remember what is going on, what you were meaning to do, what you ARE doing... as the muscles in your body relax, some people have a slight hearing loss problem (also related to the inability to concentrate and only a temporary thing)... many people experience balance problems (especially problems walking normally/ in a straight line - "stumbling") or standing without "wobbling" from side to side...etc. Feelings of cold, of extremely relaxed muscles, lowered pulse/heart rate, uncontrolled "sweats" and cold tremors, tingling in the extremities, etc.

    6) The K-Hole: As more and more K is consumed, the body approaches that level 4 state of tranquilization. This can be described as a "catatonia" a "coma" "unconsciousness" or "deep tranquilization". The effects mentioned before are dramtically increased. Some people stop moving, blinking, showing facial emotions (the facial muscles are also relaxed) and basically they are zombies who, in other circumstances would be lying on a gurney in an operating room of a hospital. The extreme state of being under the influence of K is the K-hole.. so called because some people feel like they are in a "hole" - smothered, trapped, unable to control their own body (or mind), unable to move, to communicate, etc. They are, to some extent. Muscular coordination goes right out the door, which means that balance, movement, etc are all gone. Hallucinations are more likely to occur at this point, as well as any other severe problems being magnified at this state. Hallucinations are usually mild, as i mentioned, more like distorted perspective, "floating", seeing things in a new way, random and disorganized thoughts, etc.

    7) Beyond the K-hole: For most people, the K-hole is the "bad" stage, akin to the part of being drunk where you are puking your guts up, the point of being high where you are incoherent, the point of doing too much coke that you're bouncing off walls, etc. To most people, the K-hole is what they want to AVOID..it being a state where they are incapacitated and not having any more fun at the club. However, when you have experienced K in all sorts of ways, and for a long time, it is possible to "master" the k-hole and turn it to your own purposes. People can use K-holes to "trip", to "travel" and expand their minds and experience the club scene in an entirely new way. For example, i can use K and dance for several hours (yes its a tranquilizer right??) getting energy from my "high" on just K. I can use K to "trip", i can use K to just mellow out, before bed, i can function on K while doing other things, and my particular favorite, sexual activity on K. So.. for me, K can be an upper, a downer, a hallucinogen, a sedative, a recreational "high", and i can still "get it up" on K (which many people find impossible - maybe its just my sex drive hahahah). I go on "K-Voyages" along with several other people i know. One time, a friend and i went "swimming" around the club, in some sort of mind-meld, mind-groove, trippy thing. We were sitting on the couch, but we "swam" to the bar, the dance floor, etc... and we beleived we were there. (we were sitting on the couch doing the breaststroke). So.. its possible to go beyond the K-hole, and to "master" K and make it do what YOU want it to do.

    8) Coming out of it: Well.. there are several ways to finish your K experience. The best, of course, is simply to let it run its course in your body. One single bump of K should wear off an average person in about 2 hours (less? more?). A large amount can take more time obviously, and a K-hole itself can take a few hours to wear off

    Remedies: Orange Juice, sugar, soda.. anything with a high-sugar concentration seems to give the body some energy and help disspell the effects of K. Of course, the immediate remedy that can take a person from a deep k-hole to instant sobriety is the use of "Tina" - Crystal Methamphetamine. A tiny bump of Tina and *boom* you are back to full sobriety (of course then you have to deal with the effects of the crystal). I do NOT reccomend the use of Cocaine during or after K, although some people do enjoy even mixing them together and "swirling" or "twirling".

    I also don't recommend the use of other drugs in combination with K, but.. since all drugs affect each person differently, you have to determine that for yourself. I also don't recommend doing K when you will be driving, or otherwise going places in public (the security guards at a club may laugh at the poor clubkid stumbling around in a k-hole, but the NYPD won't think its as funny.

    9) More advice: As always when clubbing, and doing substances, drink LOTS of water (who the hell wants to pay for liquor ANYWAY - just think: one jar for $50 is alot more fun than 5-8 drinks for $50 anyway...no hangover the next morning). Always keep control of what you do.. don't expect others to save you, and don't expect others to ruin their night because you get all messy and puke (if you puke, don't make such a big deal out of it.. go to the bathroom or the nearest trash can, do your thing, rinse your mouth and face, pat your face with a paper towel, take a sip of water or a coca-cola, and sit down and rest for a while, Then go out and have fun again.). Some people can panic if they fall into a k-hole. Just remember.. if they are able to panic and communicate their panic, they are probably gonna be ok anyway. Remind them they will be ok, stay with them for a while and let them know you are with them, they are safe (some people feel "lost" when they begin to hallucinate on K). Follow the above procedure, including orange juice or soda, to help bring them out of it. When you finish clubbing, i highly recommend a bowl of nice chicken soup to cure those aches and pains, as well as juice or gatorade to replace lost electrolytes. (some people do not even want to THINK about eating food after doing K). If you time things right, and start sobering up 1 hour before the end of the night, you will feel alot better when you come out into the bright sunshine after being out all nite.

    Sheesh.. my fingers are tired from typing...

    Good luck. As always.. do things in moderation.. the point of going out is to enjoy the music and the people, not to sit in the corner half-unconscious. Long live the K-warriors (they know who they are).

    Stay safe, have fun, do a bump for me!


    [This message has been edited by sethboy (edited 07-05-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by sethboy (edited 07-05-2000).]

  13. *SnOrT*

    been there, done that. gone past that.


    who else has gone beyond a k-hole and gone on a K "VOYAGE" ??

    seek and ye shall find. snort, and ye shall discover.

  14. but will his Highness, Junior, deign to spin from there? or will he still stay in the icky little corner over there?

    (after all, i didn't hear that D&G spent many millions building this booth (*koff*Arena*koff*).

    Speaking of twilo tho, how can Junior stand to be over there in the corner. and it looks so cramped. i seem to recall him not liking tUnneL because he couldn't see the crowd.. well... twilo isnt much better.. is it.

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