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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by sethboy

  1. don't forget the coat check guys.. what do you think they have all those little tickets for ?
  2. oooh. the sex bulletin board.. cute gay or bi boys only apply here LoL cute ravers/clubkids in particular hahah
  3. now.. isn't that confusing, being that "Yellow K" refers to one brand of liquid ketamine ?? y'all sure someone isnt pressing some fucked-up (badly cooked) goopy K into a pill? *shrug*
  4. oh Planklet.. how MUCH you are missing !! K has gone TOTALLY up in price, and become VERY hard to find in NYC. liqs now run around $70-90 a pop (remember the good old days when they were available for $20 ?)... jars have gotten SMALLER (everyone seems to use the tiny .4 gram jars now, instead of the normal .5 or .6 grams from years past) and everything i have seen is SHORT FILLED and STEPPED ON too much. i haven't seen anyone selling for $40 anymore.. its all for $50 nowadays.. which sucks. I understand from fellow master bakers that the new K-III stuff is a slightly different formula.. and you have to modify your cooking methods... but i haven't cooked my own in a while so i'm not sure. This SUCKS. Its a shame. Oh well.
  5. why do you think in England they call GHB "GBH" for 'GROSS BODILY HARM' ?? I remember many times having to carry certain drag queens and others off dance floors, all due to GHB. Never tried it, and i never will...its BAD stuff. even people i knew who didnt care what drugs they did, would not go near it... *shrug* to each their own i guess...
  6. i don't recall ever having INCREASED concentration on K... it IS a disassociative, and what Amy said is basically the way it goes.. coke has that "paranoia" effect...
  7. No one will EVER know all the secrets. I will NEVER tell...neither will my friends. NEVER !! (ok.. maybe after a few bumps...)
  8. mmm.. bumps of Tina.. even MORE naughty LoL Hrmm.. speaking of the powerbar, i decided for the first time to treat myself to something other than tap water and sugar (remember when they used to give us coffee and stuff at tUnneL - i used to gulp down glasses of milk)... i bought one of those powershakes from the powerbar this past weekend.. *VOMIT* it was like.. take your entire breakfast (bacon, eggs, toast, coffe, juice, cereal with milk; add in some plastic, and some ice.. and blend) what a waste of $7 dollars. *shrug* but it was refreshing i guess.. and that coolant thing on the dance floor was CUTE.. about 4pm when Jr flooded the place with icey fog..
  9. actually come to think of it it DID look like a DJ booth over there where the stage used to be... *shrug* during gay pride i noticed that.
  10. keep the FDNY and EMS seperate from the NYPD the FDNY save lives. .they work hard and they have a LOT of shit to deal with. NYPD, however.. well... most of them are just obnoxious.... anarchy can be fun.. as long as you have the biggest stick... (or just sit in a k-hole and watch...)
  11. My oh My.. we all seem to know our ELEMENTS, hrmm? *raises eyebrows* Lasers. Hrmm. *shrug* From what I hear, the lights at Exit are just average.. but.. i haven't seen the club.. altho the space has got great potential. Back to the original tack, if Dave whoever is going to spend money to make his clubs look nice (especially a nice lighting system which makes ME happy) then kudos to him. Gatien.. well.. *sigh* its a shame he hasn't put money into his clubs, but.. all those problems... he's a target.
  12. how about what club HAD the best light show.. which would probably have been Palladium, when it was Arena, with Junior Vasquez and Mike D. on the lights...(of course, Palladium many many years ago was even nicer looking.. the walls used to be covered by fabric for blended colors of light.. from what I understand). However, Palladium had the ORIGINAL Vari*Lites (those big moving lights that were flown on motorized trussed from the cieling) and the original Vari*Lite control console which was just cool in and of itself (these were the ORIGINAL moving "intelligent" lights in club-land). Not to mention the walls that lit up, etc. tUnneL was where i fell in love with lights and the club scene.. back when tUnneL had the kick-ass pinspots in rows down the length of the club.. it was a great effect, along with the double rows of Intellabeams also down the length of the club - able to do some great chases and stuff. Twilo. it sucks.. its such a low-cielinged, boring space.. but Mike D. makes good use of what they have.. i like the new mini-strobes all across the cieling. Limelight.. well.. its got SO MUCH potential.. but it was always rather boring and underequipped...they could do some great effects and all sorts of nifties if they put some more $$ into it (ha ha). Even now, the new Limelight, is still kinda boring. Roxy has great potential also.. but its EXTREMELY boring.. they haven't moved the lights since they reopened, i think. I haven't seen the new Exit, but, if i remember the Carbon space, its also got a ton of space and great potential (height = creative lighting freedom).... that's all i can think of..
  13. my opinion exactly.. i will go every so often to hear Junior and see old friends. but i HATE the twilo space itself. its horrible. when they have the vip lounge open, its ok.. somewhere to sit.. otherwise.. its horrible. altho, sunday for pride, it did look pretty nice.. they spruced it up a little. and Mike D re-arranged the lights yet again.. i liked the new design, and the mini-strobes on the cieling. he's gettin used to that space.. and he is awesome on the lights.
  14. ahhh...goood old tunnel.. someone else said their heart and soul and home were at tunnel.. part of mine too. Tunnel was GREAT back in the days when Jr. was spinning there. The crowd was awesome (mixed gay/str8).. the drugs were never a problem (hrmmm)... the drag queens still showed up and livened things up (except when they had to be carried off the dancefloor)... who remembers the police room ?!?! oh.. i could go on and on with the memories... tunnel now: it SUCKS. it looks horrrible and shitty and run down. the last time i was there.. at least a year ago, the Kenny Scharf lounge was held together with duct tape, they had removed half of the good old lights (remember the pinspots?) and the rest of the place just looked sad and empty. if gatien would do something and put some $$$ back into it, they could once again make it a beautiful place. i think kurfew is the last gasp of a great old club... *sigh*
  15. is Exit in the same space formerly occupied by Carbon a few years ago?
  16. twilo was ENTIRELY too hot for pride.. i'm talking, the k was clogging my bullet. and people were dripping. but it was an entirely good nite with a nice crowd, no major drama. naughty anthony.. k-holes are only for the truly experienced *points to self* oh and romulus: Jr spinning is not something new at twilo.. he's been doing that since sound factory (the original) and certainly back at tUnneL and Palladium... *sigh* who remembers the 48-hour marathon weekend at tUnneL??
  17. Angel where in montclair are you ? chat me on irc (sethboy) or icq (16205878) or aol (sethboi2k)
  18. Well.. i worked security at the Pier Dance 2000... it was a NIGHTMARE. The pier was entirely too crowded, and the barricades near the DJ booth (as well as other places) almost collapsed !! (think, hundreds crushed and trampled). Security sucked, (i was a volunteer, and we were all taken advantage of) it was entirely too crowded. However, it was a beautiful day/night. Twilo... hrmm i got there about 5:30 am.. it was a SAUNA. my k was sticking in the bullet kind of sauna. i mean, as fast as ppl drank water they sweat it back out !! people were just soaked. i sat in the vip lounge and tried not to MOVE. but Junior turned it OUT ! especially after about, hrm...2 pm monday.. and at the end he played come together (which i just LOVE). all in all, a very fun weekend.
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