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About a691vcc

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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    deez nutz
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  1. if it wuz all about the music than i would do even more drugz so i can feel it better. ya feel me
  2. the dancefloor at that trash-ass club smellz from all the body odor.
  3. I'm only 20 but i'm done with clubbin. The drugz don't work az well and the scene haz gone down the drain in the 2 yearz i wuz in it. I went to exit last night and saw people havin fun, but i just didn't see what wuz so cool about it. damn,Ihave some great memories and don't regret going to all the clubz i went to but it iz time for me to stop. This wuz just another stage of my life haz come to an end. The only timeIwould go out of retirement factory had another sex in the city party, otherwise i'll be a the barz sniffen c and gettin sloppy drunk. this shit iz kinda hard to read. my bust, peace 1
  4. people usually don't have a problem being searched unless they have something to hide. When someone actz funny 2 be searched itz probable cause becuz u are doin it for a reason. u think they have some personal vendetta against u? think naught, it could help someone from bringing in a knife and ending your life. paaaaaayease
  5. any hot shit goin on. or iz it gonna be me wishin i wuz on some island or some shit where peoplez only worry iz gettin sun burned. people seem to have no personality on this board anymore. anyone else gettin board of the bored. yeah i know i spellt it like that on purpose. paaaayease west siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide
  6. i know this kid who got pulled over and he had 20 pillz on him at the time in a little dime bag. so he swallowed the bag when the copz came up to him. they gave him a couple of ticketz and he went home. When he got home he stuck hiz finger down hiz throat and up came the bag. there wuz a hole in the bag and alot of it got into him. he wuz fukt up for mad long. He sayz he still feelz a little weird and that wuz like a week ago. that shit funny.
  7. when i get it i sound like ice cube. uhhh yay yay [This message has been edited by a691vcc (edited 03-15-2001).]
  8. 105.3 iz pretty bangin 2. But i have trouble gettin that 1.
  9. stay in other clubz man. Your not factory material. I'm not sayin itz good or bad, but u gotta stay alert and not look dudes in the eye.
  10. u could where a paper bag on your body and get in if have the 30 bux to get in. itz probably still 20 with list though.
  11. I think I contradicted myself when I said there iz no correlation between the 2 becuz i said that possibly the so-called psychic could tell that fame wuz something on your mind,(by what u said N shit) becuz that modeling agent woman came up 2 u. But in termz of the possibility of some kind of psychic phenomenon and the meeting of that modeling agent i believe iz quite absurd. 1
  12. Therez absolutely no correlation between the 2. If u go 2 psychix than you'll probably get jerked by this agency if they are trying 2 do that. Maybe she said that becuz she knew u wanted 2 here something along those lines. sorry to be so harsh but the love i give iz tuff luv baby. good luck in all your endeavorz. i modeled when i wuz a kid but had 2 stop becuz i wuz not right kind of personality for this kind of work. i wuz a bit of a pussy mommaz boy at the time. 1 [This message has been edited by a691vcc (edited 03-09-2001).]
  13. whatz the deal aaabody. did u guyz know that the active ingredient iz ephedrine. thatz the same stuff they make crystal meth out of. I think those pillz R illegal in australia. just don't think they R'nt dangerous cuz they know little about what it could do 2 u in the long run. i'm out.
  14. I just get tired of havin a ill fuken hangover. Itz not the clubbin but the druggin. Thatz why I gotta take breakz from it. Clubz aren't az good az they used to be too be. [This message has been edited by a691vcc (edited 03-07-2001).]
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