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Everything posted by stigeleiro

  1. This Friday at Joeys, MUZIK, the party every last Friday of the month emphasizing SOUND. This months special guest DJ, DJ Boris. Boris makes his first return to North Jersey in a year. The people on the board asked for him so I am glad to bring him to you. Next Friday, RSL live with resident DJ Kirk Lopez. Friday, February 8th, the 2002 Jersey shore preview with Kirk Lopez (Sundays at the Surf) & Denny Tsettos (Saturdays at Temps).
  2. Laurie I am so glad that we have met. You have got to see the real me. Last night was just something I had no control and there was nothing I can do. Thanks for defending me.
  3. First to NOTALLTHERE, I apologize greatly for what happened last night. When I PMed you you were going to come in Friday to come see me so we can talk about the possibility of u getting a job there. It is great how everyone, I mean everyone, knows my name and expects something from me on a night like this. About not knowing what the board is. I helped build traffic on this board with the first ever CP party in NJ so that statement is totally incorrect. As everyone on this board who knows me can attest I am a straight shooter not a promoter talking shit I am management which gives me a lot more pull. Ask jarmenio, johnnyblackrock, laurie, emmitt and tempkid and the rest of the board how well they are treated with me. I never told u to come by sunday to talk to me. I dont even work sundays. I was there like everyone else because I was off on Monday too. You saw the mayhem what did u expect. My friends waited to get in as long as u did and I couldnt do nothing for them. HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE FOR YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS BOARD. MY FRIENDS COME FIRST, REAL FIRST, MOST OF YOU ON THIS BOARD WONT EVEN POST AS YOURSELVES SO WHEN IT COMES TO NIGHTS LIKE LAST NIGHT WHERE I SHOULD TAKE CARE OF MY FRIENDS FIRST I DO. ON A REGULAR NIGHT I TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE BUT LAST NIGHT IS AN EXCEPTION. Now Starbryte, there is nothing more then I can say then sorry. I now know there is an issue that needs to be addressed. I wish u did not choose last night as the first night to come there. Joeys is a very good club from Thursday to Sunday every week and never has lines like it did last night. Last night is similar to Presidents Day Sunday so dont bother coming in that night either. Same shit different holiday. One day I will meet you outside of Joeys and we can shoot the breeze about ur complaints. I do hope u can send me an email specifically listing ur problems so they may be addressed. I am not joking about this so dont look at it as a waste of time. As most people know I run one of the best parties in NJ and the reason is is that I care what people think. My email address is sergiot@brm.com. PS> If u think I am pulling ur leg speak to someone like jarmenio and let him tell u how straight of a shooter I am. thanks For everyone else, you guys should have expected that craziness last night. SORRY. peace
  4. A big happy birthday from all the promoters in NJ who love u so much. ahahahhahaha
  5. Who is able to promote on this board? When should a promoter's post be moved? What is the difference between a promoter and a bartender posting promo posts? Is it ok for people to continuously ***bump*** up posts to the top? tough assignment you got yourself here brother. let me try to give u my prospective from a manager of a night club that uses the board for a good laugh and to get some work done. this section on the board seems to be the best place to promote on because everyone comes right here first. who knows that maybe the reason 99% of the people come to this section first is because they want to see what is going on at the clubs. could happen that the promo board might be hit more often if everything is generated there first. plus, all the good drama usually starts from a promoters post (see all the promoters that promote how great last night was when it really was a ghost town). that starts controversy which is what the board is all about. Now in defense of promoters they are the ones that get everyone comped or get u a first drink. so thank god they are using the board and the member are getting a chance to interact with them. With me its different, I through probably the first true CP party in NJ this summer at the Surf. It went great I met a lot of the members and have been treating them great since. Dave the Moderator and I have also become very close friends through this party. I have included him in many different money making ventures since. With you, we met due to mutual friends but at the same point our first contact came via the board. So its tough, I would have never met people like tempskid, emmitt, laurie, etc if it wasnt for the fact that i posted on the board and they wanted to check the party out. Now for what I think needs to be done, I totally agree that if additional posts are put up regarding the same event they should be moved to the promoter board. I think one should be kept for general info. About posting again to move ur message up, thats part of the game some posts are meant just to be viewed and not replied too. Maybe allow the message to be moved to the top as they are seen and not replied too. I have this problem this week, I am not looking for a reply.
  6. Saleen, whats up. I have that this friday. see original post. take any other suggestions from u or anyone else.
  7. I would like peoples advice on what they are interested in seeing or hearing on Friday night. I am trying to keep people happy in 2002 at Joeys so I want ur input.
  8. This Friday @ Joeys, the staff of IN Fridays is prud to present Kim English performing the #1 song in America this week according to Billboard magazine, "Everyday". She will also be performing her two nightclub classics, "Missing You" & "Unspeakable Joy". This is a must see. Next Friday, MUZIK, the once a month journey into SOUND where we bring in a guest DJ, welcomes DJ Boris back to North Jersey for the first time in a year. for guest list info email sergiot@brm.com
  9. Tonight at Joeys we are hosting MUZIK are once a month journey into SOUND with a special guest DJ every last Friday of the month, tonight DJ Teo T from Club XS.
  10. Didn't know that about AC, thanks for the info. I will work on that. About Miami, I got to disagree. That town has really gone to shit. The only parties that seem to succeed down there are the hip hop parties. There is one guy that owns 4 clubs down there that just went completely bankrupt. Even Level is feeling the pinch. The place that is making money is the area of Northern Miami where SPACE is and that is becuase of the 24 hour liquor license. But we all know what a shit hole area that is. But thanks again for the facts on AC. I am a big Vegas goer and hopefully one day AC is as hot as Vegas is now to party. It will save me the cost of a flight.
  11. Guys and gals. I would like to know everyones opinion on going out in NYC. As some of you know I currently manage all the promoters at World and it has been busy one week and not busy the next. I do not think it is the place as much as I think it is NYC nightlife in general. I am a firm believer that NJ makes any NYC party strong, numbers wise. What do people feel about partying in NYC since 9/11/01. I need honest opinions because I think right now it does not pay to put my efforts into a party in NYC Thanks and have a happy holiday.
  12. I need all list by Thursday morning so I can sort it and give it to Denny so he knows what to bring. Thanks
  13. send me an email to sergiot@brm.com and Ill forward u the pic
  14. all u guys and gals shoot me an email and i will take care of everything. thanks for doing the promoting for me so Saleen doesnt get mad. ahahahaha. my email address is: sergiot@brm.com
  15. You really reached for that answer Nick. About those names that were listed, who would be left if they were off the board. Even my boy Denny has posted before as a promoter let people know whats going on. Your right he didnt abuse it, there is a difference. Nick, u are a very funny guy, we have alot of the same friends (jbr, ceootter, etc) and I know we all use the board for the same reason. One is to see what is going on at other clubs for competition and what to do and the other is to laugh at what people write about clubs, djs and other people. By you wasting ur time and listing all those people you have done nothing but get people mad. Do u think the new moderator is really going to ban us from the board. How do u think club planet makes money (you think its a non-profit organization) it promotes parties and gets paid by the head. Dave and I are very personal friends and I try helping him when I can so he could keep his board going. So us promoters some how some way make this board $$$. WHAT DO U DO TO HELP THEM OUT???? I know the answer. JACK SHIT. Now about Joel. Great guy I have been friends with him even before Temps. He does not do what any of us do. He is strictly the manager of both clubs. Yes he works hard but what kind of promotions does that place do. Joel is an operations man that just happens to know a lot of people. I do the same thing. I dont distribute flyers or send out a mailing list. I put together a great team to do that. I set the promotion so people dont see or hear the same shit every week. But call me what u want becuase it really doesnt matter to me. I know what kind of extra cash i make and I dont have to complain about spending $300 in a night. Thanks and I will see u soon.
  16. I would like to take this time to thank everyone for making Fridays at Joeys the best they have ever been. Well this Friday is another Joeys exclusive as Andrea Martin performs the song of the Winter of 2002 "The More I Love You" and her #1 hit from 2000, "Share the Love". Music by resident DJ Kirk Lopez. Door by Mike Roman and Eddy Bart. If u dont know the songs check www.morpheus.com and seach by Andrea Martin. Friday, December 21, Sergio presents Christmas in Clubland 3 (A Retro Wonderland). Music by Special Guest DJ, Denny Tsettos, playing the music you love from '97 to '00. Friday, December 28, MUZIK, the monthly journey into SOUND, returns with special guest DJ, Teo T (Club XS).
  17. Tyco, Now, I definitely understand where cmb was coming from with their original post, thanks. About Kirk, he has been around this industry for at least 10 years so he is no spring chicken. About Sundays at the Surf, he is the resident. Kirk is no KTU type DJ he plays what the particular crowd plays when its there. C'mon he even played "Someone to Hold" by Veronica. At one point, that song was very KTUish. How many DJs can go from Sandstorm to Andrea Martin to Veronica to Andrea Brown to Kim English. Not many and the ones that can don't like doing it. I am just saying he plays for us, the crowd, and not too hard to keep him happy.
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