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Everything posted by divalicious

  1. They do have ass implants??? Well, that sure is a good thing... When I finally do dance mine off, I can go get myself the Jennifer Lopez model... ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  2. Hehehe... Am I that predictable?? Ah well, so I'm obssessed with sex... That's what happens when you don't get any! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  3. We fly down on Friday, 3/23 and return on 3/30... One whole week in sunny Miami!!! And I'm not going to behave!!!!!!!! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  4. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  5. Lucid dreaming (knowing you're dreaming when you're dreaming) is the shiznit!!! I used to do it all the time when I was younger... It happens less often now. In my most recent lucid dream, I explored bisexuality... In another, I performed an experiment to see if I dreamt in color, and to see if I could actually feel in my dreams. All ov a sudden I was on a beach, and felt the sand run through my fingers... And the city skyline was full of bright vivid colors. It was very interesting indeed! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  6. Aaaawww Maaaaaan... I sleep diagonally!!! Dayum! Am I out of the running now?? I make for a real good snuggle bunny! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  7. Oooo, and beagles are cute, aren't they? Oh well, I can't take in a puppy... I'd feel terrible for leaving it alone all day... ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  8. Hey girlie!! Well, I'm having a pretty bust day, but that's not stopping me from checking out the board! See your sexy self on Friday! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  9. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  10. Aaaww, that is such a nice dream! And Nicki, I think I had the same dream you had... Or did that actually happen on Sunday? Anyhoo, get the body oil ready!!! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  11. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  12. I believe the next guy who becomes my boyfriend, should be a potential best friend and everything that goes along with that, first and foremost. This is so important to me, because if I can't be his best friend, why do I even want him as my boyfriend? I don't need to say that he should also be my stud muffin, do I? I see so may relationships where the bf/gf is this completely separate entity in their someone's life. And I think that those relationships are doomed to fail, because the two people are obviously not right for eachother. I see no reason that I should treat my bf differently than I treat my friends... Except, of course, when he is in stud muffin mode. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  13. Uuummm... You! You big ol snuggle bunny, you! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  14. Here's a "ladies" bathroom story from Sunday... So this beefcake dude's eyes are all in some silicone girl's chest. She says, "And they're all natural too!" He then proceeds to squeeze her charmin. So she says, "Well kick my tires why don't you!" Oh the antics of these people... they really can be very entertaining. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  15. No one ever walked in on me. But my sex life was legendary... My roommates heard everything! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  16. While I abhor any kind of cheating... The cheaters to whom I was referring are not the ones who cheat, because of problems with themselves or their relationships. I was speaking to those who cheat simply because they want to screw other people. They have no desire to date, be emotionally intimate with, or otherwise attached to anyone else but their significant other. They want to hook up with someone and get down. This happens all the time. I understand that sex can be just about sex. I can certainly see a benefit to having a certain type of open relatioship. Maybe one where you and your partner share someone, or swap with a couple every now and again. The lust we all have would be satisfied and there is zero deception. You are in an emotionally exclusive relationship, you only spend time with your partner, building your lives together or what have you. Of course I also understand that for this type of relationship to work, the two people would need to be open-minded, honest and believe in candid communication. I am not asserting that this is something that I can or am willing to do. But it is something about which I've pondered, and had round table discussions. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  17. As I walk this world, experiencing, talking to and observing people, I'm starting to question the rules we have in place. I question these rules, as well as other things, because I am the type to try to look at things from different perspectives, accepting the one I feel is most beneficial. It has come to my attention that very many men and women cheat on their girl/boyfriends, and I think that it's just plain dumb. I mean, it really makes no sense at all. Why become exclusive, if you want to see other people? Stay "single" and you can do as you please... simple! OK, but if you are one of those people who has to be with someone (note: you may have issues) and you are one of the cheaters, or maybe you are just honest with yourself and want to be honest with the person you want to walk the world with... Or if you are just an opinionated ClubPlanet member =) luv you guys... What do you think of "open" relationships? Are these relationships healthier, because they don't deny the two people sexual variety? ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com [This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 02-21-2001).]
  18. Now you all know that I have nothing against SF. On the contrary, I love it! There are hotties everywhere (and not meathead, either), and I love the hard shiznit JP plays! But, there seemed to be an inordinate amount of Silicone Boobheads and Meatheads trolling about. And at one point, I went into the womens' bathroom, to find that it had become unisex. That I didn't mind so much... the guys on the line were cuties, hehehe. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  19. Well go figure... Hey, do you think it may have something to do with the fact that we New Yorkers have a lot more recreational activities than those in the rest of the country? I mean really, in many places, the most exciting thing to do is get some beer and hang out in the woods, or by the lake, or where have you. Wow, we're so lucky that we have more than just sex to entertain us. ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  20. I like to think of myslef as a bit of chef... Especially when I get a craving for something... Watch out! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  21. *crossing fingers, eyes, and toes* ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  22. Oooo, I'll be all ears! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  23. I was wondering the same thing! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  24. Come on Steve... Don't let a few bad experiences sour you on all women. There are a few of us left out there who are trustworthy, and not out to make men's lives miserable! ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
  25. Your imposter may give you a run for your money Crackdoll... ------------------ Is it Friday yet? Peace Love Happiness y'all DivaliciousNYC@aol.com
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