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Everything posted by wakeup

  1. :laugh: , no nickfeg i meant research on places such as record shops w/ audio samples then u can be a leach and run searches for the tracks on whatever mp3 site u use, cause we all know u wont support the music by buyin it. obviously u dont have ur own taste if u come on here to see whats being talked about "oh so and so said this is hot let me dl and see" thats not research . as for my own deletin/keepin mp3s sorry nickfeg, i have a vinyl collection and very seldom have shit sent to me. like djcalvin said time to move back to nj or get urself some hookups and do some homework w/ music
  2. well instead of reading a board looking for tracks. how about doin some research for whats new and establishin ur own taste of what u think is quality tracks happpy new yr
  3. im sorry dad ill go to corner now if everyone is so young on here how old are you since most on here are in their mid-20s, now go hit the slopes..sorry im being immature now
  4. i agree im gonna be mature and positve, but sometimes people ask for it cause 1 they ask stupid questions or post songs that are god awful. i do the same when i get tracks that are absolute garbage but i guess i shouldnt state my opinion cause its only my view on it and im being negative. lately i havent posted shit and probably wont. someone else might love it well thats fine and good but if something is absolute garbage in my eyes im gonna say it. plus when people post i had the track for 3 weeks now but didnt listen to it im gonna point out how full of shit they are, cause we all know they have no hook up. lets be honest fliz if u post 10 tracks im pretty sure 8 or 9 im gonna think suck and im gonna let u know same goes if i like something u post i say it such as 928 track the instrumental is definately one of my favs right now
  5. i can see it at the CP meetups "hi im flizz77" "i cant stand t3chmuzik, hes the downfall of the music board." who the hell cares its a music board, let me guess i am too . if u need friends from a messageboard and go to meetups thats pretty sad too but to each their own. i dont know who would care what someone thinks of me or anyone behind a comp screen. unless u take it seriously like a few on here. i know alot of people on the nj board long before cp and none complain they laugh how people take this so seriously and get upset when people state their opinion or bust balls. pretty much every board is exactly the same except the high and mighty vip and naughtybooth. personally i like boards with or without drama doesnt matter to me nor do i get bent out of shape. like always its the same few who get upset. happy new yr
  6. maybe u should spend some more time out on the patio and keep those pit stains goin :laugh:
  7. maybe i should go thru ur top tracks of 2002 that tech quoted to re-affirm that "i dont listen to ktu"
  8. awww its the little whiner bitchin like always....check ur mailbox for last months hot tracks
  9. exactly and i respect that atleast u dont get all bent out of shape like a few on here when someone says a song sucks
  10. mindfag u better get used to "techy" sounds since just about every producer is jumpin on the bandwagon and putting techy elements into their productions. so no more queer cheesey vocals for u. otherwise looks like ur dave mathews cds will be back out along with ur bottle of pellegrino
  11. uuhhhh wrong, i just dont listen to tech. i listen to progressive, tribal and house. tech is probably last on the list of choices unless its tech trance
  12. its probably just me i dont have hot taste in music
  13. mindfag maybe u should check ur email u probably have this one already since u had "the hurtin" when he 1st posted about it
  14. i thought we established this track blows back in the beginnin of the month
  15. :laugh: thats basically what i was gonna say
  16. run a search for it, i posted about it back in nov., i had a promo white label of one mix that was good. but there are a few out in england now that are horrible
  17. kirk lopez no man can play the same tracks like he can week after week at surf club
  18. might be mara-fall from grace........i cant remember the exact lyrics though its few yrs old..nice chill track
  19. whatd marco v play since he can range from progessive trance/hard progressive trace and tech?
  20. wakeup

    attn ibclubbin

    :laugh: :laugh: holy shit that was funny coming from u
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