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Everything posted by wakeup

  1. :laugh: preciousgrl was my bro and his girl fuckin with me,on my laptop in another room. i was wonderin y they asked what my name was on here and how to use a splitter for my cable modem last week. though that was weak. they also did the louiedevito posts hahha. got to give them credit on that one that was good, poor louie
  2. alright he just rents out stuff
  3. u want to buy or rent? my boy has a lightin company
  4. noreaga /nas their all the same shit to me
  5. i think ur talkin about the dirty funker track that samples nas
  6. do u think anyone actually went to exit on a fri night to hear draper besides maybe u and a couple of other people. all they did was go to eat pills and say they were at a club over the weekend. i wonder if the bouncers for the "new" party will still take $20 bucks to get in for no id. come on zack stop worryin about draper and exit, i highly doubt this new party will work but anyhting is better than listenin to rhythm read every week.
  7. who cares, u think draper is any good. ive heard the guy a few times he is awful and plays the same shit tracks week in week out. i highly doubt hes gotten better in the last yr since i last heard him. oh wait maybe he has i heard he actually tries to spin vinyl now :laugh:
  8. alot of places ive spun at have had cartridges but there usuallly shitty ones. thats just the places u spin at. alot of places have no idea about equipment nor do they care. ive dealt w/ broken mixers, broken tables and the best one ever was a guitar amp for a monitor. also had no monitor just a few weeks ago. as for ur promoters comments and #'s couldnt agree more. 1st thing they ask now is do u have a following, how many people can u bring in u think. well thats not my job neccasarily, the promoters are supposed to bring the heads in. luckily the person i work w/ to get spots in the city now doesnt ask me to do a thing besides play good music. he deals w/ #'s and all the other bs.
  9. i was just gonna say the same, any dj knows when u go out u bring ur needles and head phones
  10. barry how long before the other track i sent u tonight is all over . i can see the posts now "you know whats a great classic........"
  11. u have to give credit where credits due
  12. im no fan of jr anymore but when he wants to he can rip it up, and fuck with everything
  13. shit i wish i could find progressive on the radio. djaqua i dont know you but good luck w/ the party im all for new sound but from the looks of what u want to play good luck in NJ. i think u posted this enough in the past 2 days too
  14. wakeup


    yea did u send it out on ur "list" :laugh: or did you hear a clip of it, since i see a record shop finally got it today.
  15. no i understand his comments about the bar are funny. unless he spun on a sat night like i did a few times, no one goes there for alcohol they go to eat pills and spin glowsticks to the shittiest hard progressive trance. oh wait its "hardstyle" now
  16. zeeker, little thing you should know exit fucks u over w/ guestlist #'s and like bugout said its not about talent. anyone can spin there if u sell X amount if tickets now. its a fucking joke and the kid should of done what i did and break the tables for gettin screwed out of some good $ 2 weeks in a row.
  17. i dont doubt it, considering my gf is from LI and i love LI girls. just as long as their not to jappy or guidettes;)
  18. i totally agree. you ever see christina with no makeup?
  19. yea i want to see the face that "dirty rotten cunt" came out of :laugh:
  20. :laugh: , hearin a girl say that is great
  21. take a deep breath and relax
  22. i definately agree cause its worse and worse orderin shit there even on the right days as i say. goin into the store is pretty much worthless too cause ull never find 1/2 the tracks u want. the people there aside from maybe 2 dont know shit except how to empty the crates and restock. though theres only been maybe 2 or 3 times since the summer where i didnt get all the tracks i wanted. pretty good since i order atleast once a week.
  23. i hate to knock it cause i loved baez back at sf yrs back before there was JP lol but do they honestly expect him to be consistent and draw. his roxy party goin back bombed as did his recent sf fri party. he couldnt even handle the jersey shore at XS. cause i know plenty of people who have heard him and said he hasnt changed with the times (musically) one bit. i haven theard him since last yr but his msuical selection was a little pathetic.
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