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Everything posted by copleyc

  1. stiltoncheddardoublegloucesterwensleydalecheshirecaerphillylancashireherefordhopshropshireblue...... why is bread so expensive in the US?? for more cheese fun, check out a great british cheese tradition (usually involving at least broken limbs if not broken necks) http://www.virgin.net/daysout/features/4833.htm
  2. it only gets better from here on in..... Happy Birthday!
  3. do a search on the internet using "berocca" - there are online pharmacies you can order through, but it might need to come from downunder! In australia/nz it comes in effervescent tablets
  4. SHARK CARTILAGE??? what on earth does that do for you??? I got this great stuff in Australia called Berocca (Vits B & C in huge quantities) - they don't bother saying "for the busy lifestyle" there - just cut to the chase with "drink too much, smoke too much and don't get enough sleep?" definitely helps.
  5. DAMN! now that means I have to pay you that $100, right?
  6. SLAP - is that a gauntlet being thrown down before me?? If you really want to see just how bad a dancer I am I will be enjoying myself hugely on the floor both at Vinyl and Twilo on friday night. rhythm? rhythm? what's that (apart from being really difficult to spell...)
  7. apparently very good for short term memory loss......
  8. excellent! can't wait for Friday......
  9. pOOh - should have known it could only have been you with that inimitable style. very Dramatic. hurray! made it to clubber status even though I can't dance. top. [This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 08-22-2000).]
  10. I am the world's worst dancer, but I don't care. Why give me shit for enjoying myself? Blueangel has the right attitude. Hypocritical snob that I am though (and judging from a lot of the comments on this page I'm in good company), if I have to dance behind that guy headbanging at Sushi and Dickhead again this week, I will personally kick his legs away from under him. No offense mate.
  11. hey misskittie, remember that thread about 5htp? just wondering how your night out was as a result - worth taking them or no?
  12. check out the Miami board - there's a discussion thread there with info on Kristine W....
  13. you know there's this bizarre thing called society, and democracy...... but rules are for breaking, right?!
  14. Blueangel - does this mean you're "Aunt Blue" now? have a great weekend - i'll be in the same state in Miami. trashed trashed and more trashed.... heee heee heee
  15. ohmygod - are you kidding? This guy has to be the best of all the men out there. I'm sliding off my seat just at the thought of his amazing body, his stultifying good looks and of course his amazing sexual prowess. never mind his ability to mix it up....
  16. aren't we all lovely fabulous people, us expat brits! I'm supposed to be meeting up with James on Friday night in NYC to go to a few cool lounges, Vinyl and Twilo. make sure you have fun in chicago!
  17. yayyyyyy - same here! I love getting chatted up by the young boys.... hee hee hee - and you're right plenty of life left in me yet......
  18. check out his mates at www.borntodestroy.com www.rubberburner.com and make your own mind up......
  19. I want to ride in the back seat of that ace mini metro. L reg too. nice. maybe after we've exhausted the karma sutra. only 243 positions left to go.
  20. oh supergreg babeeeeeee, come back to bed and do it to me all over again.....
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