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Posts posted by risa06

  1. I was at Neptuns all day and had sooooooo much fun. I couldn't beleive how packed that place was at 8:30 PM and everyone in there looked like they were having such a good time. can't wait for this weekend to come so i can do it all over again smile.gif

  2. nope, and nobody better tell them either or...I'm in soooooooooooooooo much trouble. I'm old enough to do whatever I want but out of respect to my parents and because I stil live w/ them I rather for them not to know about it. I try to give myself an hour to sober up be4 I leave the club so when I get home I don't look to mangeled. My parent are very young, but they are sooooooo old school and the fact that we moved to US only like 5 years ago doesn't help.

  3. omg...I stil remember that night. We got to Roxy around 11:30, stayed there till may be 4:30 or 4 and then went to my ex b/f house. tried to fall in sleep but of course that wasn't hapening (silly me)...it was 12:30 PM Sat. and I stil was afraid to go home w/ my eyes being so HUGE and say "hello" to my parents. smile.gif

    But the second time I took them I smoked some weed on the way home and I started flipping out. I mean I saw some weired shit. Now I never smoke weed when I'm rolling

  4. nightcrawler i agree they were awesome. we had them for the next 3 weeks and i had a time of my life. I think i got lucky that i had such a good pill as my first pill cause my friend had regular (not as good) pill and she doesn't remember her first time.

  5. we were on the way to Roxy (first time going to a club for me smile.gif ) and I didn't feel anything for like 40 min so I was annoying my friends w/ the same question "so what it's gonna feel like?" and the were telling me that it's better not to know and just wait a lil. As soon as we got inside I started feeling it and for a second I didn't know where i was and who was holding my hand and then..."I love u", "U are my best friend", "This feels too good, I don't want to get use to this", "OMG, people are beautiful", "Music...I love this music". I had flushbacks for a week after that night.

  6. mine was when i drunk too much of verve frown.gif and passed out for an hour and 1/2. My friends called 911 cause they couldn't find any heartbeat. They were putting ice on me (it was in December...outside frown.gif ) and after a while I woke up and didn't remember a thing.

    also when i smocked weed after dropping only one pill (it was my 2nd time) and I started seeing very bad things. We were driving home after partying at Roxy and I saw crushing, so I started screaming and told my friend to stop the car...they (my friends) stil make fun of me frown.gif

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