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Posts posted by ckayser

  1. www.efnet.org

    there is a list of servers there.

    i think I was using irc.prison.net last night at my dad's

    I haven't had OOL since I moved out but when my computer was ALWAYS on IRC. Efnet get shitty for a while but its kinda recovering, however you can thank the dicks w/ OOL that cause problems for the others.

    I just logged onto irc, checked what some peeps on OOL were using





  2. I flew out to Chicago from Islip a few weeks ago to do some work on our Chicago office's network. I had a buncha computer equipment and the security at Islip went through EVERYTHING. They even rescanned some of the equipment again. Not like I was shocked. I just didn't want to check it because I was only there for the day so I just wanted to zip in and out.

    On the way back (left from Midway) they xray'd my bag (minus most of the computer stuff cuz it was left in chicago) and they told me to take the laptop out and they scanned that seperate. They checked my ID 2 times before I got to the xray machines.

    You have to kinda expect security is going to be tight in some places and lax at others. With the amount of people going through they checks are only as good as the people doing them.

    Oh, one last thing. I was waiting to check in for the flight home to Islip and I saw a buncha cops and a few National Guardsmen (Guardspersons for the PC people out there). Cop was walking a guy cuffed behind the back. Musta did something bad cuz he was asking the cop 'So this is a misdimmenor right?'

    Musta sucked to be him.

  3. Tell me which shop it is so I know not to do business with them. :)

    For real though, changing grounds wouldn't affect/change static coming from a speaker. That speaker could be shot. Wires could be crossed. Could be a problem with the amp too. Simple shit like that, just needs the right person to investigate it.

    As far as your engine noise. Best way to cut back on that is to have a common ground in the trunk and have the proper gauge wire shorter then 12 inches (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't played the car audio game in a long time). Also run power wires down one side of the car and audio cables down the other side. Try to avoid (if you can) other power wires when you run wire to the back, also shielded RCA can help filter some noise. Not much.

    I never liked taking shit to shops like that, I wanted to be the

    one to get into my car, no one else. I've seen what some shops can do, the alarm in my car was one mess that could have went on fire thanks to a stupid shop. Went back for repair and they told me they replaced the brain of the alarm, I looked where the unit was housed and they just cut into the unit and spliced some wire into it. Only did that for insurance purposes. Never again.

    I've had this car for about 2 1/2 years and I had huge plans for it, however I never got the time to do it. I was going to start and rip out the whole interior (done this before in my truck) and dynomat the whole thing, then take it from there. Never got past step one. :( Now I have my Diamond Rio and a tape cassette adapter.


    good luck

  4. Last time I checked there is supposed to be 9 players on the field.

    Not 2. Pedro and Nomar don't make up the whole team.

    Also, last time I checked Nomar was in a wheelchair ;)

    2 of the best players in the game hurt, even after Pedro said he was hurting they still made him pitch. Brilliant move.

    I'd rather have a field of 9 great players that can produce rather then a few individuals who can outshine the others.

    Go Yankees!

  5. Not trying to be a dick here. That is a hoax.


    There are real viruses to be worried about out there to be worried about.

    Like this one which is pretty new



    Nimda, Sircamm, etc...

    You can find out which ones are actual threats as well as hoaxes @ http://www.sarc.com

    Also remember if you are using Outlook/Outlook Express and it isn't updated/patched correctly you can run the risk of running the virus w/o even opening the email. It may be a little annoying but check to make sure that you have all your service packs and hotfixes installed. Also, run a virus program! Don't be cheap. Make sure that you check for updates on the software every so often. And don't open up every damn attatchment you see!

    I manage about 55 workstations, a file server, and an email server and I make sure that the virus software has options to update (it contacts a local server, as well as looking for updates through the internet daily). E-mail has it's own virus scanning software that is updated daily. In a business enviroment it is very important to make sure that you maintain machines more then you are fixing them. ;)

    The last time a virus was introduced into my network was when someone opened up an attatchment from their hotmail account. That was my mistake because I didn't see his machine wasn't getting the virus updates. It only infected like 5 machines and was easy to clean. But I can't stress the importance of virus programs.

  6. Could be the DXM in there. Who knows but I stopped taking it because I was sick in the beginning of the year and I couldn't take the buzz I was getting from it. I moved onto Sudafed which is just legalized speed! YAH!

    Ya though, definatly some wierd shit going on in that little bottle and it didnt start happening to me till this year.

  7. Nothing major. Just thought someone would be interested in this story. What is the security like at Space? I guess we might see more undercovers in the Hamptons now. Who knows, only an idiot would sell in a club.

    Drug arrest at Hamptons nightclub

    (08/12/01) WATER MILL - A drug bust at a popular nightclub in the Hamptons has landed a Shirley man behind bars. Michael Chiovaro was arrested after cops say he sold ecstasy to an undercover officer inside Club Space in Water Mill.

    Police say after Chiavaro was taken into custody, they found more ecstasy in his possession. They also found close to three hundred dollars in cash.

    He's being held on four drug-related charges, and will be arraigned Monday.

    Meanwhile, the case is being handed over to the State Liquor Authority because the bust was made inside a licensed nightclub.


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