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Everything posted by shadowchaser

  1. i'll believe it when i see her in person... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  2. oh yeah...ummm...diego...impatient? We always close out... we hardly see you at closing... didn't you leave danny/cox early cause you were "tired"? ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 03-18-2001).]
  3. and if you're into her music and like hard, acid trance... then you'll dig it...It features 7 tracks and starts bangin' from the beginning...nice dark haunting sounds as SpaceGirl is known for...makes ya wanna bounce and shake yur ass... you can pick it up at Satellite records... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  4. IMPATIENT!? we stepped in from the beginning and it was slow...and it was slow through out the damn night...i wanted Howells to slap me in the face from all this fucking hype that everyone built up for the past two weeks..."oh he was awesome in Jan...every track he dropped was the bomb..."...so of course we never saw Howells live and we wanted to hear what the hype was...and we were dissapointed... no...i don't care if a dj doesn't start bangin' from the beginning of his set... if he can't grab your attention from the beginining, then his set blows...Digweed, Sasha, Lawler, Pappa, Seaman,Tenaglia, Warren, Sander and others sometimes start off slow but still hold your attention, they take you along for that journey with them...shit, PVD took my ass on a journey back in July...Howells just picked you up and dropped your ass along the side of the highway saying to yourself what just happened? no...we weren't expecting something "harder, faster, melodic, or trancey"...we were expecting be impressed and we were disappointed...he dropped a few good tracks...that's supposed to make his set awesome? He was playin' more progressive my ass...guy Ornadel's set at the last GateCrasher was progressive at its best... Impatient? Last Digweed, when Diggs was dropping the techno after 6am, everyone left even YOU...and said i wasn't feeling it...I stuck it out with a few others here, in this same thread, 'cause we wanted hear what Digweed was going to go with it...hmmmmm...sign of a good dj I suppose? Howells kept building, and when when he was going to drop...he left you hangin'... so apparently we give a review of last night...and everyone thinks we were impatient... thank guys for all the hype you built up for the past few weeks...it was like a high budgeted movie, lots of hype and then when you get to see it...you come out saying WTF was that.... shove Tong up your ass... Howells deez nutz... Warren and Sander this friday... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  5. howells = yawn best part of the night was at the diner...oh yeah EzDreamer fixed me turn signal... just disappointed in many ways... oh well. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  6. howells blew...i love his NuBreed but he didn't impress me at all... made me yawn... he wasn't going anywhere his set...he only dropped three good tracks and that was it... all hype...yeah he sucked...bite me... Warren and Sander this friday. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  7. ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  8. ahhhh dammit!! should've went to leopards instead... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  9. a guy walked in my stall while i was taking a leak...when both other stalls were empty and the urinals were free...WTF?! ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  10. someone's dumb. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  11. never play leap frog with a unicorn... when in doubt, mumble... bagel and cream cheese - $3.75 god i love women. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  12. sasha and digweed are trendsetters... they evolve...when a trend catches on...they move on... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  13. we're gonna party like rockstars. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  14. hmmmmm...foreplay...ya know me to well... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  15. becareful...she'll pick yur ass up and toss ya down a k-hole... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  16. chemical brothers and the crystal method at twilo. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  17. ahhhh...the young one is now seeing the light...she will be a jedi in no time. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  18. oh my god. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  19. LMAO fuck PVD's anniversary ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  20. LMAO ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  21. WHAT!? that was one of the best sets at Twilo last year...he fucked up the system...i asked the sound guy and said yeah he did...why do you think the system was turned all the way up for Cass? ya know what forget...no matter what i say you think i'm bashing... ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  22. even better, maybe. . . Deep Dish Digweed Danny my release. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  23. just say you'll be late for dinner. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  24. This was posted on the Twilo board by MjR who found a link saying to a possible but still a rumor that Digweed might be spinning with Danny for Twilo's anniversary instead of Deep Dish... here's the link to the Twilo post which has that link... http://www.twilo.com/cgi-bin/dboard/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=1681 if it's true...you know how fuckin' sick that would be...two legendary DJs in the same booth...it's both their dreams to spin together and ours too... ya can kiss Twilo's roof and that Phazon system goodbye... if god's a dj...hope it's true... dance to the beat, shuffle my feet. . . ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  25. ya really want EzDreamer to beat you with his glowstix? ------------------ give into pressure. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
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