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Everything posted by shadowchaser

  1. puhleeze...you have jackie collins and danielle steele writing this for you? next you're going to say i am woman hear me roar... ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 02-28-2001).]
  2. tough. . . you just aggravated the wrong person. . . well. . .ya know men don't like women who get aggravated easily. . .men might think you're a bitch. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  3. get off this damn computer and stop calling people assholes that you don't even know. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  4. Digweed vs. Tenaglia would be the tag team to end all tag teams... or Sasha vs. Nick Warren. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  5. ya know i'm gonna be there vejita...Tiesto & Ornadel gonna preach in church. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  6. yo...also don't forget about Guy Ornadel...guy will rock LL too. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  7. i'm coming out of my sick bed for this one. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  8. they're posing as chickens. . .DuH. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  9. wow. . . hope you feel better Ooana. . .glad you're getting treated and hope you make a quick recovery. ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  10. noisebitch didn't show last week..."i'm too tired..." bitch better have my money. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  11. skool my ass...testify! ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  12. LMAO ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  13. i still remember you being the board bitch. . .and you said you can kick everyone's ass on the board? ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  14. ya know, i'm not the one who is bored...she posts another stupid thread about clubs and why people bash it...then she calls me an asshole... just pleading for attention are we? better end it now 'cause you won't win with this drama bullshit... ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  15. asshole now? ok...i'm not the one who constantly posts stupid and annoying bullshit..."oh i'm bored...i'm having such a bad day...ooooo i found a twinkie!" no i don't make those cds...yur parents make them so they can afford to have your ass in front of the computer 24/7... so pucker your fat lips up and kiss my ass. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  16. there's something that Twilo's DJ's have...ummm...i think it's called talent. . . i think i saw Sound Factory vs. Exit vol. 138 at the local deli on 14th. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  17. factory and exit sux. . . let the club bashings begin. . . again. . . again. . . and again. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  18. i had him locked away in my basement feeding him green M&M's. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  19. it was his first time going there...he hardly clubs at all, but him and some of his friends decided to go out and they chose to go to Sound Factory... and his response was, and i quote, " I have never seen so many posers, meatheads, crackheads in my life and the music and vibes were horrible...I'm never going back there again..." that's what he said... ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  20. this bitch needs to be slapped... ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  21. dude...you were kicked out because you had a narcotic in your hand and it was out in the open...of course he's going to kick you out and ban your ass...management wouldn't give a shit about you...they have their own problems... better yet...next time ask the security guard for his flashlight for a better look...moron... ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  22. i hope he was taking notes on how to dj. . . Diggers skooled his ass. . . ------------------ never gonna come back down. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  23. He dropped this sick track and it had the lyrics . . . "give into pressure" and it was repeated... Does anyone know the name of the track and whose it by? ------------------ never gonna come back down. . . shadowchaser076@aol.com
  24. i've been watching the show from episode 1...they haven't said yet if Duchovny is leaving the show or not...but he did say in past interviews he would still do movies if they ever were ever to do so... comparing x-files fans to trekkies...?! don't make me get the probe... ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
  25. the underpants gnomes got him tied up. . . ------------------ i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing... shadowchaser076@aol.com
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