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Everything posted by shadowchaser

  1. Lay off the smack, m'kay? ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  2. Ahhh good post If I knew how to spin, here's my line up: Stereo Dancer-Absolute Reason Prodigy-Smack my Bitch Up DJ Remy-Pumped Up La Forge- Second Contact Breeder-TyrantTanic (Slacker's Kingdom come mix) Bedrock-Voices (Slacker's dumbstruck mix) Breeder-Sputnik(new york fm mix) Origin- Refined Intricacy '99 Hybrid- Kill City Moby-Bodyrock (Hybrid 's bodyshock remix) Crystal Method- Vapor Trail Planishpere-So Many Ways Hybrid-Beachcoma Mara-Desanitize Forth-Reality Detached PVD- Avenue Schiller-Ruhe Aztec Mystic-Knights of the Jaguar Jericho- Way of Love Human Movement- Love has come Again BT- Giving up the Ghost Shane- C'est Musique (Armin Van Buuren remix) PVD-Out There & Back Darude- SandStorm BT- Godspeed Way Out West- The Fall Highland- No Way Out Cass & Slide-Perception PVD- The Love from Above Natious-Amber Bedrock- Heaven Scent ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  3. After last week, I gotta say Digweed. He shocked me. The best I ever heard him. I'm still reeling from last week. But to party with, gotta say Sasha, the dude's a chick magnet. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  4. Yeah, for me was Exit. Went there twice, once for the grand opening and once in this past July. That place SUCKS BALLS! I can have a better time at hole in the bar like The Dart in Dover, NJ than at Exit. If anyone lives in that area, you know what I'm talking about. I saw a knife fight there one night. Too bad it wasn't two monkeys knife fighting. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 09-01-2000).]
  5. Es gibt keine Weise, die ich Schlag Pauls Van Dyk das Dach weg von folgendem Freitag vermissen werde! In meinem Verstand bin ich bereits dort. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  6. I would go to Twilo tonite. Carl Cox is there tonite and he's always great. Spins nice sweet hard music. Plus it won't be as crowded as it usually is. It's also $25. But if it's not you're a cup of tea, then save your energy for next weekend for PVD @ Twilo and GateCrasher. Me, I'm taking this weekend off....need the rest. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  7. Me pass up BT...no way! ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  8. I'm already psyched for next weekend. I'm def seeing PVD & GateCrasher. Meet-up sounds really cool. It sounds like everyone and their grandmother will be there on those nights. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  9. Alrighty, here's my story... It was a few years, I was down in Maryland with some friends in the summer time. We were going to hit a party that was taking place in the woods when they still had them. Its a shame, all houses and condos now. Anyway, we had a friend in MD who had all the connections. He said he knew this guy who had mesc, viles of mesc. All of our eyes lit up. We said.." umm...sure let's go. " We get to this house. Its almost falling apart. Couple of windows are boarded up and the front door is almost coming off. We walk in , it's totally pitch dark except the light coming from the basement. We were thinking, ok, this is something like out of a cheesy horror movie. We walk the down creaking stairs and we see two couples just goin' at it in two corners like there was no tomorrow. There was the guy who we supposed to meet. He looked like a hippie reject from Woodstock. Shitty blue bellbottoms, acid tye dye shirt, and long ponytail. He was at a table sitting and there were shit on the table from needles to pills, you name it. Our buddy talks with him and a few mintues later, he gets 4 long test tubes of mesc. We get back into the car and we start to take it. I feel little effects from it. I started to see trails on the roads from headlights and light posts. As we arrived to the party, its totally in the woods and we're still at the car just chillen a little bit finishing what we had left. We walk in, I grab a drink and sit by a tree until I feel the groove of the party. I'm drinkin', then all of a sudden, every person there starts looking like human glo-worms and the trees are dancing. I look at my watch and time stopped and I'm starting to hear a Run-Dmc song in my head. Now as the night goes on, I walk near a fire that some people started and I see a polar bear warming his hands. I sit down and I start having this conversation with the polar bear about everyday life. I remember telling the bear I'm so tired, so the bear curls up in a ball and I lay my head on his back. After that, I blacked out. I wake up, don't know what day it is, and I realize I'm in someone's barn sleeping on hay. I walk out and I'm on a fucking farm somewhere in Maryland?! The owner comes out and asks if I'm alright. I said " Yeah, fine just lost." He said I was in Frederick. That was cool, because I wasn't too far from where my friend live. He brings me in fixes me breakfast. I'm wondering what happened to my buddies. I call my buddy to get my ass picked up. His brother picks up the phone.I ask him where he is, he says " He just called, he's on the beach in Ocean City." I was laughing hysterically. An hour later, his brother came to pick me up. It was a few hours later that my friend came back home. What happened with the other two guys, one got lucky with a girl, and the other was in someone's home, sleeping under their kitchen table and woke up while the family was eating breakfast. Last time I ever take that stuff. The absolute last final time I did acid was at a rave, Countdown 9. It was in Jersey. I think it was almost year or two ago, not sure though. This is what did it for me. Can't remember how much acid I took, I decided to sit against the wall and relax. As I stared onto the dancefloor, I saw myself on the dancefloor dancing with my friends. That's when I said, that's it no more acid for me. Drugs are bad, m'kay? ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  10. The part about seeing a 13 year old on ecstacy was true. Actually, I saw two 8 year olds on it at a rave. It was sickening. And it was their babysitter who brought them there. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  11. Getting laid? What's that? ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  12. you think so? All the cool girls I meet are already taken....I think I'm gonna start looking at ordering an Asian bride..hehe. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  13. LoL.. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  14. You're right dzadza, the last two ex-girlfriends in the past year basically destroyed it and my trust in women. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  15. Ok, here's a story of mine...Freshman year of high school. I just started, and it was me and a bunch of my " friends " from grade school. We knew each other since kindergarten. We were like brothers. Did everything, hung out, we were there for each other. Ok, flash forward again to high school...We're in the back of the school bus, chillen, joking around. All of sudden, I noticed one friend look at the other and gave each other like signal. Then all of a sudden, six of my best friends jump me. They beat the shit out of me for no fucking reason. Broke my glasses, chipped tooth, fractured jaw...i was also a bloody mess. Also due to the bashing my head agaisnt the inside wall of the bus, I now have migrains that come and go. They also stole my money...and what made it worse, one of them was holding my girlfriend back and making her watch. They never said why they did that to me. From that incident, I fell into a depression for almost two years in high school. Only person I trusted was my girlfriend.....well.....up until senior year. From what I've heard what happened to those assholes, few of them are in jail and one was shot by police while running out of house with TV. Well...there's my uplifting story. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  16. I mainly listen is electronica now. Been listening it for years. Beautiful noise. I rarely listen to rock anymore. Only a few bands out there that can still kick ass. Everything else with the rap/rock shit sounds like on big blah. I listened to rap when I was younger, Public Enemy , NWA,old skool stuff. Can't stand the new hip hop/rap out now. Big Pimpin, spendin' G's...ahhhh shoot me. Here's what I else my ears like: Garbage (my fav band),Nine Inch Nails, A Perfect Circle,Tool,Mdfmk/Kmfdm, Deftones, Rammstein, Cardigans,Filter, The Cure, Depeche Mode,GodSmack, Fear Factory, Static X, Coal Chamber, Rob Zombie, Ministry, Bauhaus, and some punk(Offspring, Blink182, Green Day) & ska... Cannot stand country music. It all sounds the same. It's always about break ups, drinking, and always something about a car and a motorcycle. I'd rather do 5 hits GHB than listen to that shit. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  17. A girl like Gwyneth Paltrow or one that will never break my heart. ------------------ Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. shadowchaser076@aol.com
  18. Does anybody have their fav chillout cd to listen and relax to when they comehome after a long night out partying? Mine are : Nick Warren- Back to Mine Dave Seaman- Back to Mine Mono- Formica Blues ------------------ Go crazy, go crazy, don't let your body be lazy. - BT shadowchaser076@aol.com
  19. Haha so true, especially the part forgetting about my name... ------------------ Get Busy Child!! - Crystal Methodshadowchaser076@aol.com
  20. Just rubbed one out...oowwww my eye. ------------------ Get Busy Child! - Crystal Method shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-31-2000).]
  21. I had a so called friend break into my new car and steal my car radio. ------------------ Can you trip like I do? - Crystal Method shadowchaser076@aol.com
  22. It's a carbonated energy drink. To me, it tastes like mountain dew with two or three times the caffiene. Drinking at least four will keep you up all night. Also heard it goes great with vodka. ------------------ Can you trip like I do? - Crystal Method shadowchaser076@aol.com [This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-30-2000).]
  23. *cough* ------------------ Come together and try to make a better world. - Crystal Method shadowchaser076@aol.com
  24. I'm just going to gamble, try to make some cash. I'm taking a break from clubbing this week and saving my energy for the insanity next week. ------------------ Come together and try to make a better world. - Crystal Method shadowchaser076@aol.com
  25. I'm heading out to Atlantic City to become a millionaire. ------------------ Come together and try to make a better world. - Crystal Method shadowchaser076@aol.com
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