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Everything posted by pilla

  1. dude you talk about whacking a lot i bet your not even italian ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  2. i was wondering about what a club gives its promoters if anything. and how you go about being a club promoter ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  3. anyone gonna be there ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  4. this week eddie baez vs nero drama thursdays are back they are gonna have a guest dj there on thursday and last week denny tsettos had that place jumping i dont work for the club but would like to see it prosper because it is in my home town and would love to have a regular place for thursday nights. ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  5. jersey city is a tough place to go to party the area around the holland tunnel is not the nicest area so i wish the guy good luck and if he can book big names i will be there but a juice bar in jersey where everybody is an alcoholic is gonna be tough good luck dude ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  6. there are rumors that gu was doing a twilo but i think it was s&d ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  7. i am looking for a club on fri and sat cause i will have some free time prefebly not a gay club ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  8. the queer richard sorry if that wasn't clear ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  9. right on smokee music is a stae of mind ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  10. cause im stuck on a island with queers i dont want to be blamed for stealing any of h****d s****s material so i will give him credit i am sorry i dont know if i can say his name on the internet ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  11. i am sorry if i mis led anyone denny tsettos is not taking the residency at drama they are going to have a guest dj every thursday this week will be eddie baez vs nero they are in negotations with other djs for the thursday party i know that last year thursday was always a good party cause eddie baez was the resident last year ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  12. dude your right i just talked to the bouncer at drama tsettos turned down the rsidency and baez will be there thursday and they will have guest djs every thursday for a while coming soon danny tenglia in negotiations now ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  13. dude i am looking at drama right now and the sign says denny tsettos is the dj on thursday and i talked to a bouncer there and he told me tsettos is the resident for thursday ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  14. dj frankie pep dj lucas oakenfold dj gagon dude from c2k in vegas ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  15. is anyone gonna go to see denny tsettos thursday its his first night of residency at drama i know its in jersey but it is pretty big and the music is the closest to city clubs i have found in jersey ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  16. never happen ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  17. ponderous f'in ponderous ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  18. did you ever hang out in fairview because i recognize the people in your pictures ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  19. gotti my ass whack yourself for the blasphamey of using that name y r u a dick? ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  20. thursday nights denny tsettos took a residencey at drama nightclub in fairview should be good cause drama has a nice venue and tsettos is a jersey guy who would rather spin in jersey ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  21. without a doubt gi joe was a must every weekday after school the hulk not the cartoon was also a must see ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  22. wednesday night because the crowds are not that big and you can go out and party and it makes the week go by faster if you party in the middle ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  23. please a moment of silence for the late yankee dynasty new century new teams mets and white sox and the red sox and cubs still will not win a damm thing ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  24. if you all remember 1986 game 7 the mets beat a red sox pitcher by the name of roger"scared of piazza so ill bean him" cleamens. ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
  25. grey goose vodka on the rocks tangueray vodka on the rocks long islang iced tea or any other drink the bartender gives me free ------------------ music is an escape from reality-----------
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