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Posts posted by maximman

  1. Originally posted by chrishaolin

    i noticed so much BO and the 2 places i went to both smelled like piss.


    that's actually a really good point... All the smells that you normally wouldn't notice, are now becoming more apparent. After a night of dancing, I could see how the BO would start getting to people.

    :laugh: :laugh:

  2. Originally posted by roha3000

    Are you fucking kidding me??

    Don't get me wrong, I love Bad Boy Bill. He is a badass behind the decks. But...the guy is not the #1 DJ in the world. He just isn't. Especially if you are going by worldwide popularity. There are way more PVD, Digweed and Tiesto fans out there.

    He's said AMERICA'S Favorite Dj.

  3. As far as a couple of years ago, the only way to get SNL tickets was to apply for a lottery which took place in MAY. You send in your request, they do a drawing in May and ONLY May and then you're notified as to which show you'll have tickets to.

    Due the decline in the show's popularity, I'm not sure if that's how they still do it. I'm sure there's stand-by room if you get there earlier.

    Check the corresponding web sites for each show and you'll get more info there.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Originally posted by dolcemimi

    NOT TRUE !!!

    People that ask this question either 1. DOn't k now how to dance or 2. Are bad in bed.

    I was w/ this one b-boy , he's been breakdancing for like 17 yrs . he could do a backflip ,land on his head and start spinning at 90 m.p.h !! NOW - you think he did that shit in bed ??

    in 1997 - he was featured in the SOURCE magazine with his crew - he was a well known guy

    IT'S NOT TRUE SO STOP ASKING !!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not sure if you're insulting this guy or complimenting him? :confused:

    I've never seen so many people basically reply with, "I have nothing further to say on this matter" in so many words.

  5. Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

    -write cheat notes on a papeer the size of a quarter that has information on 10 chapters...

    :laugh: Not that I ever had to *cough**cough*.....

    - Getting back $3 for a book that you paid $95.95 not 5 months ago, opened it 3 times (exam1, exam2, and final)

    - Walk in to lecture hall, see everyone with scantrons, walk out of lecture hall.

    - Say these EXACT words to yourself, "Next semester, I'm going to kick ass. No more screwing around!!" or "It's only the first week of class, I can miss one" and finally, "Oh, I know this. I'll be back in 3 weeks when they're finally teaching something I don't know".

  6. Originally posted by lollib

    Sorry, didnt mean to bring you down. I guess the weather does have something to do with it. I do work out though. I guess once spring comes, I see things differently.

    I was kidding. Wow, you do seem down. It's "hump" day... hopefully, it'll get better for you by tomorrow. Smile!;)

  7. Work out. Endorphines will start pumping.

    It always helps me get out of that "phase". The weather's not really helping today either. Ugh. Now you got me all depressed. Thanks.


  8. Originally posted by heretic909

    Sorry, I just needed to type some stoopid shit to amuse myself because I'm drunk and most of the people I know are asleep right now. Don't take this seriously since I have no idea about who the fuck you are or why you're playing with stink bombs. If it's any consolation, I'm the only white person in my neighborhood that speaks English as a first language, so I understand your pain. HAHA No I don't. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. I just remember something about stink bombs and Asians whatever the hell that means. But it reminds me of the ultimate stink prank that some kid did in my high school fuckin 10 years ago. He shit into a cup and left it inside someones locker. After a couple hours, you couldn't even walk down that end of the hallway without gagging, and they couldn't find the source of the stench until the kid had to go to his locker and found the shit. But yeah, anyway... what the fuck was I talkin about? ummm... what the fuck is this post about?... damn I need to drink some coffee...

    Holy cow, that has to be one of the funniest thing i've read in a LONG time. Not the content... just the rambling... Good quasi-story man!:laugh: :laugh:

    P.S: you type better drunk than most people on here SOBER. Impressive.

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