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Posts posted by xxxdrewxxx

  1. Originally posted by myrlin:

    You mistake my intent. Sure, there are ways to hack, and there are programs which make a copy of your keystrokes, BUT, the original question was aimed at if companies do this to regular employees. To that I say no. Sure, a tech can hack your pc to monitor you but the only way to "watch" someone in a corporate environment costs more money.. wink.gif

    you're right. 99% of the time they won't do it, but it is a possibilty. It all depends on what the person is doing that would concern them with being monitored. Like trying to convince an underage male/female to meet with you for instance.


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  2. Originally posted by back2basics:

    No you can use these hacking tools to view what somebody is doing, even record key strokes, delete file, take control of the mouse etc. The thing is it opens up you network to attack... but it is possible and easy to do. Thats why you need to be carefull when installing these games people send in the email. The hacking software is sometime built in, then they just need your IP to mess up your network... this is how Microsoft we had recently.

    Thank you... Took the words right out of my mouth. I'm in the IT department of my company, but on the hardware end, and if my department does decide to see whats going on with internet traffic on a certain person, that is one of the methods they use if they suspect you are doing something wrong, IE: sex websites, etc. I know there are other methods to track and snoop, but this is the method chosen by my IT department to have the hard "written" proof of what you were doing.


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  3. The only way that I know that it is possible to monitor convo's or IM's is if they are accually mirroring your computer when you are doing it. What they can do if they choose to, is make their computer in the IT department kinda like another one of yours, doing exactly what your doing at the time. So if they mirror your computer while you are IM'ing someone, they'll see exactly what is on your screen... as you type, send, and get responses. Understand what I mean? What are the chances of them doing this??? Depends on what sites your hitting, and if they are concerned.


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  4. Originally posted by bumparella:

    WOW! Why is everyone getting so overly excited over a night club. Who cares. Those who like it go. Those who don't.....go else where. Jeez! It's like people take PERSONAL offense here. Makes you wonder.


    I was saying the same thing to myself as I was reading this post again. People ARE entitled to have their own opinions...



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  5. I'm not a big fan of EXIT at all. I went the grand opening night, and then a few othernights and that place is missing some serious qualities. The club it self is really nice. A little too big, which in my opinion kills the vibe a little, but it is a nice looking place. The music is really weak, it's too hot in there, and most of the people in there are rude and generally not friendly. I went about 3 weeks ago for my boys b-day, and I hated it. There was about a handful of people who knew how to dance, and the rest of the crowd just stood there and took up space on the floor. It's just my opinion that the place blows. I love SF (which is also starting to change for the worse) and not everyone likes that place. But to each there own.



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  6. Originally posted by chrisd:

    How do girls feel about a guy dressed like a girljerking off while he is dancing ???

    That's a pretty scary thought. I saw some dude at Factory last Saturday spanking it on the stairs while watching some girl dance...


    You know everything will flow...

  7. Originally posted by risa06:

    hey...no problem hon...I hope things will work out for you........but just like Drew said.... cheatining should be out of question.....take care

    oh and Drew....I agree w/ you 100% darlin' smile.gif

    Thank you sweetie... Unfortunately, I have a lot of expierience with fucked up relationships and the problems that come along with them. I guess I can really pick em...



    You know everything will flow...

  8. Originally posted by static_cling:

    I hear what you are saying but we are stuck in a lease and I can't afford to keep the apartment myself or stick her with it. I am emotionally happy with her. I just feel I need to be happy sexually too.....

    What's up? Listen, I know exactly how you feel right now. But your at a point right now where your options are limited. Cheating should be out of the question though.

    Communication is the key here. You need to voice how you feel to her. If she doesn't know that you are unhappy with your sex life, then how can she make changes to help improve it? Try new things with her. I know you stated that you didn't want to do those kind of things with her, and that brings up another point. Why not? I'll have to agree with Risa, that you guys are more friends then lovers, and that isn't always a bad thing. But this is something that you need to think about. Are you still sexually attracted at all? No matter how shallow it seems, sex will make or break a relationship. You HAVE to be sexually attracted. Take a step back and look at the whole picture bro. Sounds to me like there might be more to this story then your letting out...



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  9. Currently, I work for a large cellular company. I am in charge of a small team of 11 people in our IT department. And I'm certified in Graphic Design, Java Script, MCSE + internet, Windows 2000, and Novel. I make more than most 30 year olds, and I'm 2 months away from being 23. I club every weekend for the past 5 years. But according to many, I am also an expection. The reason why we are so stereotyped is because there are a lot of low lifes that club. And the media makes people who don't club believe that it is just for crackheads. But it's something we have to deal with. What's that saying? One bad apple spoils the bunch?



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  10. Originally posted by candygurl:

    I know, I know...but what if you and your partner are really in love and stuff?? I dont know...Sometimes I think about wanting to break up with him but I really do love him alot. I feel confused....and I dont think he wants to break up with me but sometimes I feel as though hes thinking that...its really weird....i dunno...


    Honestly, if you think there is somehting that's not right, you should communicate with your B/F. If you're thinking that he wants to break up with you, ask him how he would feel about the both of you just having some space. Not breaking up, but just minimize the contact a little. Give eachother a little time to miss eachother or if it fits, what you both have. Space is a good thing sometimes, and it sounds like now might be the time.


    You know everything will flow...

  11. You do have a point. But I guess for the same reasons why she would consider going back out with this kid. I look at her as a package. She might not have it all together with this relationship, but her good qualities outweigh it by a long shot. And plus, the truth is I really don't know ALL the details behind the relationship, so who really knows, ya know? I guess what I'm saying is it is hard to let go of a really good thing. It's not like I'm asking her to remove this kid from her heart, Ijust want her to make room for me.


    mysteriousss - Sorry if I offended you girl. It was wrong of me to classify ALL women as stupid. I'm sure your an exception. cwm12.gif

  12. I do have feelings for her. i care about her a lot. And of course, part of caring about her means that I need to be there for her, and support her in the choices she makes that will bring her happiness. But I know that even though taking this kid back would be temporary happiness, some where down the road, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, whatever, she'll be dealing with this again. It will be that much harder then because she'll have that much more time invested in the relationship. I know that sometimes there are exceptions, but I really don't think so with this kid. Not with half the shit she's told me he's said/done. I don't know... This crap is pissing me off.


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  13. No offense ladies, but seriously, I really don't understand how a girls brain works. There's this girl that I'm friends with, and I have serious feelings for, that just found out a few weeks ago that her boyfriend cheated on her. They have been going out for a year and a half. When she confronted him, he lied to her face about it, and kept denying it. When she told me the details and told me what he said, I pretty much said she was being stupid for believing him. Well, it turns out I was right. He did fully cheat on her and finally admitted it. Now here she is seriously thinking about giving this kid another chance after all of this nonsense. I mean I understand love and second chances are needed in a relationship, but come on. Not only cheated on her, but in the same bed that she sleeps in when she goes to his house, but then LIED about it to her face, and acted like what was the big deal? Why would any girl want to take someone back that did that to them? Especially now because it's like telling him it's ok, and giving him an invitation to do it again somewhere down the line. I don't know. Sorry, just had to vent a little...


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  14. Originally posted by porn:

    I am thinking about moving to a job in Princeton. Any opinions on living in the area? Is it a crazy hassle to party at clubs in NYC? What is a good place to live? What are the rents like? Or whatever other advice you might have.

    Don't do it! I moved out of NY to Jersey about 2 years ago, and hated every second of it. I couldn't wait to move back. Jersey sucks.


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  15. My ex and I used to play the whole domination role when we had sex. Not every time, but sometimes the animal instinct came out in one or both of us at the time we were doing it. I have found that most of the girls that I did date, did like it when I took control over the situation. So in answer to your question, yes. There are a lot of girls like that out there...


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