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Everything posted by lolly

  1. This is off topic but NYCHUNK.....you've got an awesoe sig. I like, I like.
  2. So tell me on your personal experiences with ALtoids. Do they really help/enhance oral sex? Likes/hates?? Please share. Personally, I've never done it.
  3. Hey MissKittie that's what I just posted....ALTOIDS. What really is the deal with altoids. Do they really work? Maybe I'll post a topic about it.
  4. Damnnnnn.....well said. That was intense!! Go MissDiva!
  5. Either that or some ALtoids. Even if I'm not really kissing him, I still smell it. And I know mine is just as bad too. There's no avoiding it.
  6. I love when people try to attack other people and just make themselves look like assholes. Threadmill?? Try treadmill dumbass. And the "waste" on your body is a waist. Maybe you should read some books and stop watching so much TV. Misskittie has a nice new one for ya! Grow up!
  7. LMAO! Well, I'm glad you're back safe and sound and also glad to know that you didn't take to much G and you're still alive!
  8. Love it!! What a way to start the day! But the thing i hate is MORNING BREATH. Ugh. Any cures for that?
  9. The double standard in our society considering the topic of sluts is this. Lets say a girl meets some guy at a bar, goes home and fucks him. She wakes up the next morning and more people than not have labeled her a slut. The guy on the other hand is "the man" and "go you!". WTF? Why is it that a girl is always labeled a slut if she has a one night stand with a random person, or anyone for that matter. HELLO? The guy is just as much of a male slut as the girl is a slut, if that's how you want to look at it. Back to the question though. I don't think there is a specific number that will bring a girl to the slut status. If you are promiscuous in your actions, you will be looked at as a slut. That's not something a girl can avoid b/c that's what people will think. A girl can sleep with one guy and be considered a slut or she can sleep with 40 guys and be considered a slut. I hate that!
  10. lolly

    Doggie Style?

    I am also a huge fan with a well hung man....but god DAMN, it hurt like hell the first time I did it doggie style. And trust me, I had sex many many times before I tried doggie, and I couldn't handle the pain. OUCH. This happen to anyone else? or am i just a weirdo?
  11. THis is so funny b/c I was just having this conversation with a friend of mine last night. I was telling her that I love to give head to my man. It defintely is an ego trip when he's squirming and moaning and grabbing pillows. Then when you're done...and he just kinda lays there and looks at you like, "DAMN GIRL". I love that. I think it's an aquired skill that a girl learns, and hopefully masters. There is defintely a "way" to do it.....don't just bob up and down....that's boring to men (so I've been told).
  12. YOu also have to take into consideration that DJ Skribble is much more....comercialized?? than PVD. Not many people have heard Skribble live. They've listened to his cheese CD's like MDMA 1, 2, and 3. Or listened to him on Global Groove on MTV, or KTU Sat. nights. I think if Skribble took over Twilo one night he'd probably be pretty decent. I'm not one to judge since I've never heard him live but I think PVD is off the hook. Skribble doesn't really make much of his own stuff (if any at all) and PVD does.
  13. I could name all the states in alphabetical order too. Yeah 3rd grade chorus!! It's funny how it just burned into my memory forever. Even 13 years later!
  14. lolly

    ? for the ladies

    I like hair personally. I'm a big fan of running my fingers through his hair when we're in bed. He is also a big fan of it. He says it's relaxing. A bald head just doesn't have the same effect. KEEP THE HAIR!!
  15. I pay $2700 a year for a 99 Maxima. I think it's pretty ridiculous since I have a clean record. My mom booted me off her plan though so I had no choice.
  16. How the hell does Jonathan Peters get your phone number? I would laugh my ass of if I got home and my mom told me there was a message on the machine from a Jonathan Peters asking me to go to Soundfactory. Ha ha....I could see it now.
  17. Sorry I couldn't help to mind my business. WELL DONE BRANDIE!!
  18. Your best bet is to carry them on yourself. Try this trick. If you're going with any females and they want to take this risk.... ok, ya know those old school "scrunchies" that girls used to wear in their hair for ponytails? Put a hole in it, slip the pills onto the inside of the scrunchie, sew it back up and THERE YA GO! Just walk right through the metal detector and there ya go. Just make sure you sew it up well. I had one break on me once....and it was a disaster. We also had a LOT more than 5 in there though.
  19. All I heard was that it was MAD HARD to get into. Supposedly if yu get in, yoi should get on a severe ego trip. Very tight at the door, dress to impress like you were gonna meet God in person, and be with an equal male:female ratio.
  20. Trust me, they use scanners in NY. The things they use at clubs just take a pic of the ID usually....like what they have at SF and Tunnel (those are the only places i've seen them uses). Say I go to the local gas station near my house, buy some beer, and they scan my ID. You think it just takes my pictue down into some database in the back room? Nah, sorry! Didn't you ever look at thing thing? When your ID gets scanned it will tell if you are of legal age to buy tobacco products or to drink alcohol. THere are also bars near my house that use these scanners and they DONT take a pic of you. One of my friends worked the door at this bar near my house and she gave me the inside scoop. Just some factoids to share with ya
  21. Ok I'll try to help ya out a bit on my personal experiences: Twilo: likes: the awesome music, the awesome crowd, the vibe, the venue. Even though I think it's too small, I think it adds to its character. dislikes: not many, but the bathrooms have got to be one. Dirty and not too many stalls. twilo gets really crowded but it never really bothers me b/c everything else is just ridiculous!! Exit: likes: the music was pretty good. Didn't get good in my opinion until about 4 in the morning, but again,that's my opinion. The venue is HUGE. But it is still elbow to elbow in there. Too many teeny boppers it seemed that were borrowing their 19 year old, older siblings ID just to get in for 18. dislikes: the fact that there were only 2 bathroom stalls in the whole place...at least that I saw. The crowd wasn't that great and it clears out really early I think. Limelight: Not much to say about limelight. I LOVE the venue but I've hated the music everytime I've been there. I couldn't get into it at all. Not to sound like I'm trying to bash Europeans, but I thought there was a lot of "Eurotrash" there. I had about 4 guys from London, sweden, etc, come up to me and ask me if I wanted some "disco biscuits" (LMAO) and then ask me if I wanted to go out sometime. I hadn't even talked to these men ever before! Tunnel: Haven;t been there in about a year and a half but I loved it when I did go. The tunnel is what first got me into the club scene but I don't know what the deal is with it now. That place changes from year to year. SoundFactory; I've only been there once and I also had a bad experience when I went so I just generally hated the place. JP was off the hook though. I pictured it being a lot bigger than it actually is. In my opinion it's kinda small....even compared to Twilo. Well, that is my personal NYC club guide. Hope it helps a little. Also remember that other people will have totally different opinions. My "heaven" might be their "hell" and vice-versa
  22. Gotta go wit everyone else and say Twilo. I've had good times everywhere else (Exit, Tunnel, SF, LL) but I ALWAYS have fun at Twilo no matter how crowded it is
  23. I thought I was your friend TOO!?! WAAAAAAA.....
  24. Oh-my-GOD.....ha ha. Ewww...some of those are NASTY!! But still funny. I can certainly say that I'll never see another bouquet like that again
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