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Everything posted by lolly

  1. That sucks BUT sounds like more than an EX girl to me......
  2. Well it usually depends on the night, who I'm with, if I'm having a good time etc etc. But some nights I could drink 4 beers or so and be pretty tipsy but other nights, like this past new year's for instance I threw back about 5 car bombs (1/2 pint guiness with 1/2 shot Bailey's 1/2 shot Jameson dropped in it), about 3 shots of vodka, many games of beer pong, wine, champagne and a 3am blunt. I was hurt but still walking. Thank you college:D
  3. :laugh: :laugh: HAHA...he's back!!! Hey juiceboy....does your IROC still have the BRA?? Just wondering. Also, where do you go now that it's not summer? Tempts has gotta suck during this time of year...and GOD, that Zombie Nation song?!?! What about that??? O-o-o-o-o....o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
  4. In my opinion a good dancer is someone who I see that has good rhythm, doesn't look like a complete idiot (I guess if you're havin fun tho thats all that should matter). Someone who just dances carefree and feels sexy while they do it....you can tell. If you have fun dancing with someone then you know they dance similar to you and that's the best feeling in the world. Good dancing just goes beyond bouncing around and waving your arms around...it's feeling the music and moving your body with the music (just like someone said above). You know a good dancer when you see one.
  5. I got a DVD player..hell yeahhh. Lots of clothes that were well needed, Angel perfume, money, bracelets, CD's, the usual socks and undies (thanks mom), makeup, gift certificates, and a leather coat....not too bad for being 21. Felt like I was a kid again.
  6. Depending on the situation...it's difficult. Dinner doesn't mean that you're cheating on him or anything. Even if he does find out, who cares. If you are in a stable trusting relationship this shouldn't be a problem. Of course there will always be jealousy issues. Everyone gets jealous even when they say they don't. If you trust yourself, that's all that matters. It can be a tough situation though if there are still feelings there on both of your parts. If you still have feelings for him and you are in another relationship, I would have to say that going out to dinner with him isn't exactly your best option. If there is room for weakness there (i.e a good night kiss), or if he still wants you AND he is single....then that's your call. If I were in the situation, I would go if I felt that I could be strong and felt 100% loyal and devoted to my current boyfriend. Dinner is nice...it's a time to catch up on things and chat...especially around the holidays. I say go for it.
  7. WoOHoOOOOO:D I didn't know this....thanks for makin my day. Now, I just gotta get there when I'm down at school....hmmmm. Brings back Twilo memories....SebSebSeb
  8. I guess if you got it flaunt it...but PLEASE, if you're sweaty and nasty please don't bump into me. Because no matter how hot your body is, if it's a sweaty mess and you're bumping into me I'm not a happy camper.
  9. Umm, if you're really looking for a rating, i'll give you an 8. Is that really yours?? Who does that?
  10. Well, if it's any use to you, Viagra. ALthough you may not suffer from any impotence problems, this shit will make you hard for hours and you can boink like bunnies for hours on end. I mean HOURS. Just thought I'd help
  11. No, seriously, call it....I swear to god. First of all, it's a 212 area code (NYC), so even if they DO charge you $10 a minute, sue the shit outta them. This will make you laugh your ass off I swear. Come on, it's the holidays..you think I'd do something like that?
  12. WAY too much time on my hands.....way too much time.
  13. OMG!!!! Press 2 to listen to the sad poem!!!! I'm having way too much fun with this :laugh:
  14. Ok, anyone who needs to reject someone and have a great time doing it....you MUST use this number. WHen you are talking to a guy or girl somewhere and they aren't your type or they're just plain annoying, give them this number. 212-479-7990 Call it now. It's hilarious! I'm defintely using this in the future...haha
  15. Morpheus...it rocks! Just like Napster, plus you can download all sorts of other crap like games, software, movies, videos...everything. Just go to Morpheus.com and get it.
  16. Fuckin late night muching gets me all the time. BUt, it's only when I'm at school. At home I never munch. I've learned that during the winter months there is no way to conquer the pastey whiteness of my skin, or the holiday bulge fromt the late night drunken muchies. My roommates and I will sometimes cook meals for ourselves when we get home from the bars. It's disgusting. And please answer this. Howcome when you munch so much at night...you wake up in the morning STARVING, but if you don't much, you wake up hardly hungry. Puzzles the hell outta me.
  17. If you want his medical records, I know my aunt and uncle have them...as well as the coroners report linking his death to marijuana.
  18. Are you kidding? This is not impossible. NO, it's not cigarettes, but do you think it's good for your lungs? Umm, no. I am all about smoking weed, but don't be naive like that. Also, I have heard of many people getting into car accidents when they were stoned. I personally drive fine when I'm high, but this isn't the case for all people. My cousin also has a friend that died from an overdose of...YES..marijuana. He ate entirely too many pot brownies and died. I defintely think weed should be legalized but this is not going to happen for a long long time.
  19. I actually enjoyed the special. I thought it was a little different from the usual..."Parents Beware when your kids go to clubs b/c this is what they do" type of information. It wasn't just a hidden camera at a club with kids bumping E up there nose and rolling all night. It was about college kids who get really really fucked up, taped it, then attempted to make ecstasy (which would have happened if Dateline didn't catch them). As a college student, I see this a lot. I go to a school where most of the students come from very affluent familes and backrounds. The kids here do the dame exact shit. Get fucked up day in and day out. I think it sent a good message out. I know that I've been in that boat....fucked up to no end....crushing up E with my school ID like they were. I'm not proud of it and will actually admit that in my days, it got outta hand and I often felt like a complete loser for it. Watching Dateline last night actually made me realize what a fool I looked like and I never want to be in that boat again. It was a screwed up story though. I knew that "Strike" was that guy the whole time.....ummm, yea...Hi I'm on probation b/c I'm a convicted felon...but I published this book on how to make E while I was in prison and now run the Science Alliance so I can also make the E too. What a fuckin idiot.
  20. Ok, let me get this clear. First of all...a girl is going to have some sort of natural smell to her. If she smells like flowers or dial soap, then she is TRYING to cover something up obviously. Now, I don't know how many girls out there will be with me, but in my experiences with going down on men, it smells like an armpit down there sometimes. Sweaty after a long day of being crammped into jeans and whatever else. It is natural for someone to sweat especially in the genital area. As far as girls go...it is moist down there. Combined with sweat, it is natural to have an odor. I don't know about your experinced, but I've never smelled a good sweat, or thought my sweat smelled like roses. Give a girl a break. Just because she smells or has some sort of odor, doesn't mean she her snatch is ranck and nasty. Now, if she's got some nasty ass shit goin on down there and a smell that absolutely makes you wanna vomit, then she's got issues. My 2 cents.
  21. Are you fucking serious?? SO the FDNY and NYPD were just supposed to sit there and watch?? You have got to be kidding me. Their purpose of going in was to save lives and also to keep things under control. Think of all the commotion going on during that time period. Obviously you had your thumb up your ass during all this time to even THINK about what it was like minutes after the first attack. If you had a relative or friend who is now missing, as many of us do, you'd sure feel differently. The FD and NYPD are heroes to the victims and to this very nation. Just because there hasn't been much recovery from the site does not mean they aren't people that should be emulated by everyone in this entire nation. I can't beleive that you are so insensitive to the feelings of everyone affected by this tragedy. You are a schmuck and I'll remember that if you are ever in a fire, to not have the firefighters or police called to save you....dipshit.
  22. lolly

    Who gets "it"?

    Whoever made the guy cum, gets the prize. ------------------
  23. Well I'll tell you why I've cried or teared after a good orgasm or just plain ol' good sex. I was with this guy for awhile who I was head over heals for. We weren't in a relationship, but we had sex. Sometimes after we had sex, I'd sit there and hide the tears that were falling from my face b/c I wanted so much to have something more than the sex. It killed me. I don't know if this is a GF or what, but I'm just sharing my experience. She also could have just had a really intense orgasm that made her cry. I don't think a man understands the amt of hormones that run through a womans body, especially at that time. WHy don't you ask her? ------------------
  24. lolly

    Love Handles

    Things that drive me nuts on a man are his neck, shoulders, and chest. I think men who are extremely muscular, although attractive, I don't like a man like that for myself. Love handles...hey whatever. We all have our flaws. Who cares. ------------------
  25. YES!!!! A fund for me!!?? The poor ass college student that can't afford to do anything but eat jelly sandwiches!!! I am one poor poor girl and finals have stressed me out to the max! I need to get the hell outta Philly and go clubbing NYC style! I cannot wait baby! Did I mention that I am poor?? ------------------
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