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Everything posted by smfd

  1. Aw c'mon Pete... It wasn't that bad... except the part about Boris... I think I'm still a little nauseous from that one. Is someone a little hungover today?
  2. OH MY!!! Can you believe this one??? [This message has been edited by smfd (edited 11-02-2000).]
  3. Fuck Artful. Where's Luigi???
  4. LUIGI! Did you dress up? I was thinking that we would be able to find you as the guy dressed up as cameltoe… but to no avail…
  5. I heard that he saw Luigi_Scarpini there and they went off looking for cameltoe together
  6. Uh… Luigi, you didn’t answer Pete’s question. I’m sure there are a lot of people waiting in anticipation over this one.
  7. i love the new/old scene they put in when she is crawling backwards down the stairs!!! fierce!
  8. i totally thought that too... but i did hear that both of those places are pretty whack
  9. SIR DANTE! do you have a pic?
  10. DAMN!!! you're hot, but not as hot as supergreg, sorry. oh, the things we could do with that bone....
  11. totally, and he needs to get rid of that damn dancing baby!!!!
  12. really? i thought it was s/wallowed m/y f/fucking d/ildo actually it's neither of those.....
  13. I agree, some are wayyyy too long! I don't mind a small one but when i have to scroll down for five minutes to get to the next post, it sucks. especially, the one with that damn dancing baby egad! that one really pisses me off.
  14. oooooh my...... alpha you are evil... we should meet. hee-hee. i don't know... i think someone is going to owe you fittie smakaroos. no offence to misskittie of coarse...
  15. Thanks guys... i'll still be around, just not as much. it's just funny because pretty much my job consists of reading the board... and uh, reading the board and looking like i'm actually working when, in fact, i'm, you guessed it.... reading the board.
  16. Today is my last day at this job that I hate. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! The sad thing is that at my new job I don't know if I will be able to check the board regularly like I do at this job. Regularly meaning all day long . At my job now, no one else can see my computer screen but me. I do have the internet at home but I never get on it except to check my email. So, this may be goodbye for awhile. It's been fun. Be good!
  17. Ahh, diva, we were both upgraded today... how special how 'bout s&d this friday to celebrate?
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