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Everything posted by shterenta

  1. BY the way Ya all. Ya all shouldn't take my posts too seriously. you should take a looksy at my previous posts and you might just get a clue that I simply like drama and contreversy and get a good laugh out of yous taking it to heart.
  2. You guys are all bastards. I can't even post my opinion on here freely without getting screamed at. Drugs are evil because they are the fundament of all crime. That's why police and gov't takes drugs seriously. When i say drink, you all bastards right away think it means being drunk when it doesn't. Drinking is social drinking, 2-3 beers is okay not a bottle of Vodka like you all probably drink. So in other words Eat shit and Die.
  3. I have heard a bit about it. I'm a hardcore bodybuilder currently working out at NYSC, however, thinkin of joining this Johnny Lats gym. If anyone is actually a member, or has been there. Please post some information about it. Rates, atmosphere, vibe, equipment, etc. All info will be appreiciated.
  4. You SOBs seem to miss out on one important point. That all the druggies that go to these clubs mess up the whole scene. Legit people such as myself can't have any fun because of you damn crackheadz. I wish there was a raid in every club in the city Every night. That'll show you. Drugs are evil and so are the people that do them. It's all true.
  5. DOlla BIll you are a complete moron. I've never heard anyone say anything dumber. These kids would never evvvvvveeeeer want to be black. These kids are in a way fascinated with the whole lifestyle/image of being a gangster from the hood.
  6. I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of him? I personally think he's currently the best DJ in the world.
  7. If even one of your ex's called and asked you to hang out with her you'd be there in a jiffy. You miserable pathetic man.
  8. Is SPA is the Greatest Club In NYC? I thinks it is. Any thoughts or opinions? Why you ask? 1. DJ 2. Decor 3. Atmosphere 4. Door It's true, it's true.
  9. I know sure as hell who I would be. I'd be Justin from N'sync because he's so dreamy and I could get as many 13 year girls as I could ever want. It's true I tell it's true.
  10. Are you fucking kidding me? What do you think it takes to open a club in NYC? Your $200,000 if that's even what you are making won't even cover the crums on the club's table. Your lease monthly can be as high as $250,000 for a big venue. That's just a lease. Decorations, design, consulting usually will run you a few mil. Keep in mind we're talking about a club, you're gonna wanna compete with other places, right? and be around for awhile. Permits, licenses, and all the other beuracracy = another $500,000. That's if you don't have anyone to pay off. Then throw in promotion, the bar, security, managment, phone lines, lighting, sound system and you got another $300,000 or so. And all this will only make you $ if you know what the hell you are doing. The bottom line Kid is that unless you have about 5 to 10 mil stashed away under your pillow you should stick to the internet business. BTW $5-10mil will get you a midsize club at best, AKA SPA. money wise i have it down...as far as what i need,
  11. I need to get into a club called Limelight this weekend. Enyce can you help me, I heard you can pull strings in this town. Let me know I would appreciate it. I'm going to be wearing a gucci shirt and a green bandana. Let me know if you could help.
  12. If you assholes don't mind the whole world reading about your insignificant, nothing problems then I guess you are welcome to continue. I don't know about yall but I would probably want to keep all this shit private.
  13. You two mental midgits should take this whole f**king conversation onto an email or chatroom. Secondly, Misskity i must admit i had fun reading all this retarded bullshit and anyone that types Wut or da or anything along those lines is a complete idiot. If you can't see that he's just waiting to make his move then you got another thing coming at you. Take this freaking conversation where others won't be subjected to it.
  14. It came to my understanding that people at this World Wide Web Site despise club Exit. I think it is preatty clear for a blind man to see that Exit is in fact the greatest club in the entire world. Clubs that I have visited such as Twilo, SF, LL are little turds compared to Exit and Exit has way better DJs, music and lighting system. It's true I tell you, It's true!!!
  15. Im thinking of going to Ibiza soon. Can someone tell me the best time to go so you can catch the best atmosphere and the most people up there in terms of the party scene. Also how much would it cost, I dont mean the tickets or anything. How much would a week of partying cost up there. Food, drinks, covers, etc. Is it more than NYC or less. Please let me know. Thanks
  16. Is it that hard for all of us to agree that TRANCE NATION AMERICA CD is the best trance music CD in the world?
  17. YEaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yum yum yum gimme some
  18. Hey man F**K off. I personally Love DJ Scribble. I watch him on MTV every chance I get and think he's way better than any of the people you discuss on this board. Peters, PVD, S & D, whatever the hell other DJ names that you guys discuss. In my opinion DJ Scribble is waaaaaaaay better than all these guys put together. He is the true master of his craft.
  19. Can we all not agree on one fact that DJ Scribble is the best DJ on the face of this planet. Is it that difficult for all of yous to realize that he is by far the best at what he does and no one and I do mean No one comes anywhere remotely close to his skills. No it's true, it's true.
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