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Posts posted by apt10o

  1. I switched from Xenadrine to Stacker 2's and found the Stacker's to give me a headache and make me moody.

    Xenadrine, I feel, are way superior, much better high on even one pill and I look alot leaner too.

    One before the gym and two before clubbing.



    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  2. Reap - Vernessa Mitchell

    That Look - De'lacy

    Feel This - Robbie Riviera

    Alcatraz - Give Me Luv

    Qkumba Zoo - Child Inside

    Melody of Love - Donna Summer

    Welcome to the Factory - Angel Moraes

    Automatic - Continous Cool

    Beat Me Harder - Victor Calderone

    Strange World - Ke

    What Hope Have I - Sphinx

    Pride (A Deeper Love) - Aretha Franklin


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  3. Rock & Soul - 7th Ave bet. 35th and 36th.

    Just go to the back under the 'Records' neon sign. Great prices and good selection.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  4. The deaf gentleman's name is Patrick and does dance to the vibrations as well giving off his own good vibes. And Mikey, well, he's just having a good time. I remember he used to dance at Twilo when Danny Tenaglia was there in his undies until one weekend they threw him out. (i guess indecent exposure) but they let the topless girl stay. Go figure.

    Anyone remember Tabitha at Arena? I saw her fall off the stage 3 times in one night. ooopha


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  5. Christina Aguilerra at Centrofly on a Thursday in the restaurant. She was wearing that bandanna around her bleached head. My friend went up to her and asked for an autograph and she said "maybe later". (don't know why the hell he'd want one in the first place)

    Solidified my view of her though.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  6. <<<< To tell people that yesterdays tech stock, if they liked it at $120, they'll love it at $6? If you blow a call, what happens...you say, oh, but this other stock still looks pretty good, and you have enough left you can get into that and recoup the losses? If shit goes bad, the broker takes the hit for recommending it based on your advice.>>>>

    Yup, that's why I make my own investment decisions. No one to blame -- but myself.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  7. Nokia 8860 - great phone (the silver one)

    ATT Service - Horrible! 60% of calls get cut off or can barely hear the other party. But when I went to Miami had great service, go figure.

    (Want my Verizon service back)


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  8. ladybijan22,

    "Original WEEP (what you sew)- all time favorite"


    Im sure you meant REAP (Vernessa Mitchell)-

    One of my favorites from Junior's Sound Factory days.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  9. Mine is Amber's 'Above the Clouds'.

    Hated it when it first came out, but then started to like it more and more.

    ***I can see happiness from here***


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  10. Well, Danny Tenaglia is doing New Year's Eve, Sunday 12-31, @ Vinyl. Then Body & Soul is Monday @ Vinyl.

    Then there's Junior Vasquez on NYE @ Twilo Sunday until late Monday night. (Im sure)

    Hope this helps.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  11. At Tunnel in '96 (Junior) I saw a friend I hadn't seen in awhile on the main dancefloor. We were rolling and he offers me a b*mp of K. It was dark and we couldn't see very well so we kept inching toward the Chandelier room under Jrs booth. Finally we had enough light from the chandelier to do our business but so did security to see us. When I felt that hand on my shoulder I thought they were gonna take us out to the paddy wagon.

    As he walks us out to the door I notice that I am still holding my friend's full jar.

    So stupid ass me throws it away. We get thrown out into the cold w/o our jackets, backpack, and my girlfriend. Not fun, especially after doing the b*mp. Don't know how my girl found me but she did and we went home.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  12. Happy pills, what happy pills???

    Sorry, haven't a clue what your talkin' 'bout.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  13. On Saturday into Sunday, they'll let you in anytime. (And charge $20-$25).I remember my girl surprising me by showing up at 12 pm Sunday afternoon once. She looked like an angel walking into a crackhouse. LOL ;-)

    Made my day.



    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  14. My girl and I took 1/2 an anchor at Body & Soul 2 weeks ago. She felt it but I barely did. We took another 1/2 each and I started to feel it, but not strong though.

    But last week at Danny, I took a whole, and 20 minutes later the place was raided. When I got home I was rolling pretty well but when I took another 1/2, Bamm! I was going hard.

    So, if you want to roll hard take 1 1/2 right away and then maybe back it up with another 1/2 later on. Definitely good MDMA, just not very strong. Hope this helps.


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

  15. Kaspr,

    The site with Desyn Masiello's mix is: http://www.chez.com/clubhouse/

    Just go to the Audio section, I think it is Mix #16.

    My favorite mix right now. :-)



    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

    [This message has been edited by apt10o (edited 09-21-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by apt10o (edited 09-21-2000).]

  16. George Carlin....

    "The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death. What's that,a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch and you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, spend your last nine months floating...and you finish off as an orgasm."


    There's so many ways to do it, there's so many ways to see.

    But the only way to do it, is to do it properly.

    ~Robert Clivilles & David Cole

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