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Posts posted by nycmuzik

  1. Def. not going to be any type of draft...

    I dont know what the other branches are planning on doing but I know the Army is restructuring its entire force....Alot of this was brought on becasue of Iraq and how people are serving multiple extended tours over there....Basically you wont be seeing the big divisions anymore, ie 1st Infantry Divsion...Whats happening now is that we're being broken down into BCT's (brigade combat teams) or units of action so that you have all the infantry, artillery, armor, etc assets in one location working together all the time...this will allow these units to deploy together instead of getting pieced together out in the sandbox thus putting more strain on people...Bottom line is there will be no draft

  2. Ive been really good. I decided awhile back to go airborne so I ended here in bragg with the 82nd. Sick crew, they dont mess around when it comes to training. Training so hard Im looking forward to going to Iraq...ha..sick shit huh. HIMARS, dont cha just love some of the high speed shit they let us play with. haha. I just went and got RFI last week so its any day now that we are going. I hate the rumor mills though. Iraq this week, Iran the next, sudan...etc. Blah, you know how it goes. Congrats on the Specialist, What did you come in as? Well I finally got my PFC came in as e-2 an had a bit of trouble you can say with a certain e-8..lol. Hence the delay promo.

    ALL in all, good times.

    I came in as an E-2...Dont even get me started on my E-8...I have no idea how this guy made it to where he is...All I can say is that if we go to the desert with him than there is a chance he might not make it back...Either the iraq's will get to him or a few people in my unit will...Whats your mos? I forget...

  3. Very good point. I was going to say pretty much the same thing you did. So how is the Army life treating you?

    Pretty good man...Cant complain whatsoever..Getting my spec. this well so I'm happy about that. Also we're supposed to be fielding the new HIMARS launchers this year so that should be fun but than again I'm hearing that might be cancelled cause we're gonna come down on orders for iraq.

    How's everything been with you?

  4. all right this is just an observation cause i was bored enough to read this whole thing.

    a. a solider is trained from day one and everyday after to obey orders, not question them or give opinion. it just seems a little odd that someone would write this from the other side.

    There is a huge difference in training from day one to lets say the present day for each soldier....The rank structure and way that orders are passed down is a big part of the military...But what alot of people dont realize is that everyone is encouraged to know the job of the people around them...This is what makes our military the most lethal in the world...Our biggest asset is that free thinking and the flow of ideas is actually encouraged....An example is the AAR's (After Action Reviews') that are conducted after each training event....Officers, NCO's, and junior enlisted all participate in these and everyone gets to put their 2 cents in....

  5. wait is the only son rule still in effect?

    cuz if this shit goes down im getting my ass shipped over to iraq WTF :worry:

    yeah its still in effect....You can choose to waive it though once you enter the military.

    BTW...The draft is not happening.....The military(at least the army) is getting completely re-structured in term of untis and where people are getting assigned to....Its gonna prepare us alot better for conflicts such as this one so that people are over there for years at a time...

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