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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Can I come to Florida?????? I promise not to bother you. I wont even say a word....zip! ------------------
  2. Well bad boys, the ones girls know are going to break their hearts, always have some sort of game...from my experience. They really are assholes and everyone knows it but the girl....well she plays like she dont know. So, she gets pulled in, wined and dined and lied to. They can treat her like shit all they want and she'll stay. Most likely she stays because she likes how she looks on his arm. Or, maybe even because he has great big muscles and he can protect her weak, feable self. I have found from female friends that they chose assholes because they always have a sense of "danger" to them. You never know what kind of stunt they'll pull or where they can lead to next in the great big adventure. Whatever thats all supposed to mean. Maybe Im wrong. Maybe these girls arent staying with the guys because of appearance. Maybe they have low self esteem and feel they can't find a really great guy. Maybe when they do meet those really great guys, the guy makes it seem like he's not interested. Like he only wants to hang out and be her friend. So, she turns her head away from him thinking..."Well, there is another absolute awesome guy who I can see myself with, yet he appears as though to be completely uninterested in me". Low self esteem seems to lead girls to the assholes. Many feel as though they arent good enough for anyone so they will take what they can get. Even if it does mean feeling like crap everyday because of the way they are treated. I think Im way off in all this but the MAIN reason girls go to assholes.....THEY THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THEM! Its true. I was one of those girls who thought I could do that to an old boyfriend. It never works though. They never are successful in being able to change these guys but girls go to them, are sweet to them, will bend over backwards for them, have sex anywhere and anyway because they believe they can miraculously transform this creep. But it doesnt work. So, she goes to another jerk and then another and well you get the point. All everyone wants is happiness but with guys constantly treating women like crap, how does anyone ever expect to find this? (btw. Im not just saying guys ruin everything b/c girls now a days sure arent no angels. Just my disclaimer to avoid drama!) ------------------
  3. This is by me. But is there concession stands with alcohol too or no? Maybe Ill stop by and check it out for a few hours ------------------ [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 09-21-2000).]
  4. Well my mom tries getting me to use those "insta tans". Gosh I hate those. Shes not a sun person but she swears this stuff looks good! I dont think streaks and dirty lookin knees and elbows are attractive....that makes ya look like you were doing something you shouldnt have! Id rather be wrinkly when Im older as long as I look decent now. Anywa, wrinkles can be taken care...face lift, tummy tuck..etc! ------------------
  5. Well any tanning can be unhealthy for you of course. But actually, doctors suggest tanning salons to cancer patients and those with very oily skin that has break outs. It stops you from getting pimples...weird huh. Now tanning for cancer patients is good because the radiation helps delay the cancer. Its also good to use indoor tanning salons when youre sick. It helps build your immune system back up and and rid your cold faster. The only way to be safe about any tanning..particularly indoor is to moisturize like crazy! Eat healthy food and make sure you drink your milk! Hey...why b pale? ------------------ [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 09-21-2000).]
  6. I use to the 10 minute stand up tan. I go all bare. The only white left on me is under my breasts...and boy am I really pale naturally. But if I ever start dating...Ill try that g string idea and see how it works out...lol Thanks for the idea. ------------------
  7. And hear crap from your family about it? My mother hates that I go tanning. I even get picked on my my supervisors at work. Any of you get this too? ------------------
  8. MY BALL IS BROKE! WTF?!?!?!?! ------------------
  9. hehe ------------------
  10. Youre just one big horn dog arent ya Joey???? lol ------------------
  11. You need to be desired by one. But honestly, all drag queens ork differntly. I know one who will ONLY date straight men. And she gets them too. They are all different but most drag queens do go for straight guys. I dont think it has anything to do with the challenge. Its just what they like.....this is coming from drags themselves. If your attractiive physically and your personality is just as wild as theirs, I think you'll be a shoe in. ------------------
  12. I have been getting that magazine for about 5 years now...lololol. Thanks though!~ ------------------
  13. Uh Oh...now you have to smoke an extra j for being late. Sorry thats the rules! ------------------
  14. Im a girl and I do. I find them to be incredibly erotic. They have no shame and fear noone and nothing which is just incredible to me. I love drags. They mesmerize me and put me into this trance. I particularly love Alexis from Limelight. She is such a sweeite and makes me laugh incredibly! Yet, shes also incredibly real. ------------------
  15. As long as you are not committed to one of thos people I dont believe it is. ------------------
  16. I like the cat suit and the corsets. Oh yea!!! The big sexy boots. They need more outfits though. Ill have to call them up. Is there a male doll too by any chance? ------------------
  17. Its not for me. No way would I do that! Thats sick and Im not happy about my friend looking into it either but Im just trying to find out if maybe it would be ok once or twice. ------------------
  18. Whoa there it goes. This thing is great!!!! THANK THANK YOU! I owe you one now..hehe ------------------
  19. Its not doing anything. :::Sniffle::: ------------------
  20. Anyone ever try them? Are they dangerous or addictive? A friend of mine wants to try them and can get his hands on them but Im a little skeptical. Morphine is addictive and I dont think Id really want my friend to start doing them. Anyone know? ------------------
  21. Oh yea? So that would stop it from working properly huh? That SUCKS! Espeically since I just put it up today! UGH! ------------------
  22. My ball seems to be broken and I tried switching back to my crazy cat and that wont even work. What the heck am I doing wrong? ------------------
  23. I do the stand up too hon! But I put my arms dowen about 5 minutes into it. For some reason, if I leave my arms up the entire session, the front top of my arms dont get tan. But i dont put my arms down against my body. i STAND KINDA OF WITH THEM IN FRONT OF ME AND AWAY.I must look like a robot! ------------------
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