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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Yea I use to tan wayyy to much. I looked nasty too Ill admit it. I had this horrible orange brown mixture. YUCK! But now I go once a week...usuallly Saturdays. This tans lines though...I odnt have them under my booty. I dont think I do at leat...Ill have to bend over in front of the mirror tongiht! (lol) And even though I tan with my arms up, I cant get my armpits colored. A few eeks ago i didnt have a hair tie though so I had to let my hair hang down. Well that wasnt a pretty mark it left either! ------------------
  2. You know, everyone has different opinions on homeless people. Dont think I dont feel bad that they are living out in the streets, sleeping on cold cement with their torn blankets. Rummaging through garbage buckets for food. But what can we really do? Hold their hands and walk them through? I do feel that these people can get jobs. They can speak, walk, and use their hands. What could prevent them from getting a job. I think making $5.25 an hour in McD's is better than begging for money and maybe getting .50 p/h that way. America is an equal opportunity country when it comes to employment. Many of the homeless shelters in the winter are open for these unfortunate people yet they wont even go thee for whatever reasons. I have done many hours doing community service in Newark for homeless shelters. I have even gotten up early some years on Holidays to help feed them. I enjoyed bringing a smile to their faces. The children mostly. These people, maybe something incredibly horrible happened to them to put them in this situation but when there is a WILL there is a WAY! They can make a difference. It is possible. Nothing is stopping them except their own laziness or loss in hope even. Why should I give my money to these people when I work for it myself. I get up everyday and drive all the way to work and deal with pain in the ass customers. I dont want to but I have to do it. I dont want to be on the street like that so Im making sure I avoid it. My money goes to my bills, to foundations for cancer and AIDS. I do my part in service and donations but Im not going to give my money to people who CAN get a job if they so desire. Im not being mean but they can do something and I help in my own way...maybe not through donating money but my time! ------------------
  3. Yea if you go to the link Gonzo added, it says it is. ------------------
  4. I dont go to EXIT...not my scene. Rarely...and I mean RARELY do I go tehre. And if I do go, I hang up in the champaigne room with ENYCE2000. Whoa re you anyway? This is the first post from you I seen bashing me?? ------------------
  5. Oh boy...glowgirl bringing more of her people on hee. RUN!!!! j/p Welcome honey. Will I be meeting this one soon in person Deb or no? (slumber party)??? ------------------
  6. I have to say that I love everyone. Some people may not like me but they give me a good laugh so I love them for that. Many of you though like, Blueangel, Brandi and her honey Pfloyd, CrystalMethod, VampieNYC, ichi_gami...and others...I love for your sincerity and well balanced minds and opinions. Also for the laughs I get. Everyone is aweseom in my book. Spoonyd I love seeing at LL along with schwingpep cuz they make me laugh! Apotheosis, he Always knows when Im down and how to brighten my day unlike any person I know. Rachel for her instant messages....what a wacky girl you are..lol And how can I forget GLOWGIRL. No more silly string fights in the house either. I still have some stuck on my porch..hehe =) Got some helium ?? Well HUGZ-N-KISSEZ to everyone. Youre all special in your own way and thats what makes you unique and incredible people. Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge and opinions! ------------------ [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 09-21-2000).]
  7. Thank you. I got it from a site that sweet genevieve (sp) directed me to. Wish I had one in my bedroom tho! ------------------
  8. Breakfast Club Lost Boys Dead Poets Society ------------------
  9. Well I didnt take my cat off b/c of everyone. I just go bored and like the sparkle of this one. And honestly, i dont like cats....lolol Kittens are cute but I dont want one as a pet. ------------------
  10. Ummm it moves on the site...why dont it move now? ------------------
  11. Sorryt hat was the wrong one. SILLY ME! ------------------
  12. Im testing to see if my new image works to make everyone sleep better at night! I know yas didnt like my Kitty..oh well. ------------------
  13. A man decides to have a face-lift for his birthday. He spends $5,000 and feels really good about the results. On his way home, he stops at a newsstand and buys a paper. Before leaving, he says to the sales clerk, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old do you think I am?" "About 35," was the reply. "I'm actually 47," the man says, feeling really happy. After that, he goes into McDonalds for lunch and asks the clerk the same question. The reply is, "Oh, you look about 29". "I am actually 47." Later, while standing at a bus stop, he asks an old woman the same question. She replies, "I am 85 years old, and my eyesight is going. But when I was young, there was a sure way of telling a man's age. If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age." As there was no one around, the man thinks, What the hell and lets her slip her hand down his pants. Ten minutes later, the old lady says, "Okay, it's done. You are 47." Stunned, the man says, "That was brilliant. How did you do that?" The old lady replies, "I was behind you at McDonalds." ------------------
  14. I agree 100% with you. They can get jobs, theyre just too lazy too. I bet they pull in a killing of money each day. How many of them do you think really arnet homeless? I use to know these kids back in High school who would go get nasty clothes on and look dirty to pretend they were homeless in the city! Sad right. Well they would bring home sometimes up to $50. Not bad for pretending to be homeless huh. ------------------
  15. I HATE CHEATERS!!!!!! I was cheated on by someone I cared deeply for and now because of that, Im afraid to trust guys! Its just not fair. And its selfish! ------------------
  16. I might have a party Friday night at my house but I havent decided. Saturday Im stayn local and goin to a bar or something. You? ------------------
  17. Mikey, can I come stand by ya in the DJ booth??? I wanna see how everything works..j/k ------------------
  18. Maybe she thought she would get a reward for returning everything so figured she'd help herself to it before retuning the wallet...lol Nah but thats messed up! ------------------
  19. I knew this one was coming! KY SILKY ANYONE ??? ------------------
  20. Awww Bre Im sorry to hear that. Want me to come lick the ketchup off ur shirt??? hehe j/k Nah get some seltzer water, that should help take it out and go stand under the hand dryers in the bathroom. Dont worry hon, it can only get better! Hell its Thursday...tomorrow means "partyyyyy" xoxoxox ------------------
  21. Sample? Hmmm Yea I think we can do that. Free samples from 9-11 on Saturday! ------------------
  22. Go ahead and pick on me. I know its a dumb post but when you havent been in your room for 3 months, you get a lil exited ya know! ------------------
  23. Ok sounds good! Thanks gils. Ill have to check out both and see which is best for me! I dont need to really lose weight persay, but Id like to tone. Losing 5 lbs would make me happy. Myideal weight is 113. But I will go to GNC and see about those. I wont be able to convince mom to take them though. Oh well....maybe Ill slip it in her food! hehe ------------------
  24. My brain loks NOTHING like that. I hate shopping for clothes and shoes. I like glitter but not diamonds. I am an initiator of sex probably even more than some men. I drive better then guys too. I have beat many in drag races down the highway and GUYS have even told me so. So HMPH! Im not your average woman! Oh and Im completely forgetful. I remember anniversaries and things but thats about it. And Im not into that "I TOLD U SO" crap. blah! Im gonna have to find the one of a man's brain! ------------------
  25. Hmmm where do you get that hon? Ive heard of it and tried Diet Fuel by GNC once but it made me too shakey. Im too lazy to exercise I must admit. But I am going to be jogging in the evening with my mom starting next week. Mty sister is getting married in April and I have plenty of time but I wanna look almost as good as she does. I would like to go try that stuff though. DOes it make you shaky or have rapid heartbeat? Im afraid of those side effects. Let me know. Thanks hon ------------------
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