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Everything posted by kingspin

  1. bastard - If you don't like clubs why are you on this website? Do you get rejected from all the clubs you go to??? Is that why you're so angry?
  2. The holier than thou attitude around here is getting out of hand. Lighten up people it's just a message board...
  3. What do you mean commercial??? It's a corporate record store, it's supposed to be commercial. i think someone is taking the term 'underground' a little too far.
  4. Do you have a problem with Italian names shadowbitch?
  5. There are people who love the drama though. If they didn't you wouldn't get any new posts in the Drama section. People say they hate those posts but check the drama board anyway. Sounds a little strange to me...
  6. If you want to find Danny you should go to his website http://www.dannytenaglia.com He used to post on this board but I dont think he comes here anymore because of the drama (i.e. losers who bash dj's just to be annoying).
  7. I think she's talking about the new VIP area on the message board page.
  8. That makes some more sense. As far as dancesafe is concerned they have tested thousands of pills. But like you said there are millions out there so you never know. But testing those thousands should show the probability of certain things being in a pill.
  9. Then you're fucked for life. It only gets worse as time progresses so you better get to a doctor now.
  10. The connection between E and parkinson's is the number 1 myth about E. It only exists becasue of a lazy writer who didn't check up on his information. There was a chemical (MDTP -something close to MDMA) that was linked to parkinson's but the writer made a mistake and wrote in the article that MDMA was linked to the disease instead. From there the rumor exploded to the overblown urban legend it has become today. Read for yourself http://www.dancesafe.org/erumors.html
  11. Do you realize that one drop of A (from an eyedropper) is enough to mess you up for over 12 hours. And you're saying they "dip" pills in acid??? Think about that for a second. No offense, but i think you're wrong. Next time you get a hit that you think is laced or has been dipped why don't you send some of it to dancesafe for testing. Then you would find out the truth.
  12. I seriously doubt it. Did you have the pill tested? If not you can't say it was acid just because you had visuals. go to dancesafe.org and you will see for youself. As for it messing up your back that is one of the biggest myths about E. like I said earlier go to www.dancesafe.org and you will get all the info you need.
  13. He's listening to the light fluffy trance now because like most of the "Factory Heads" he's a few steps behind. Next year he'll be hearing The Baggio Track and Roaches in the Factory, Tempts and Exit.
  14. Because of that comment you can no longer be taken seriously. Carl Cox not as good as JP???? Are you kidding??? Actually, you're right...Carl Cox isn't as good as JP or even Tsettos for that matter. Don't ever go to Twilo to see him - he sucks! And lenghth of sets does not make a great DJ. I could spin El Debarge and TKA for 14 hours straight and I would still suck.
  15. someone's taking The X-Files a little too seriously.
  16. The UK might have the best scene. But, my question is...why can't europeans dance? No offense to any europeans on the board They lead the world in almost every aspect of house music but they just can't grasp the dancing thing. Very weird.
  17. I know some people who graduated from Suffern in 91. Do you know Andy Bellin and Gary Crockett?
  18. The key to an S&D night is get there early (around 12:30 like I do) or go late (around 5:00). If you get on line by 12:30 you won't wait more than 20-30 minutes. Then, when you get in, find a good place to chill where the crowds won't really get to you (it's easier to do if you go with a lot of friends) . Then when it clears out around 5:00 you can move around all you want.
  19. First of all it's Communicate. Are you sure you have that CD??? Not as good live??? Are you kidding me?? I bet you've been to an S&D night once. Now you just base your posts on what you see other people writing. S&D are an amazing live experience. Maybe it starts off slow but by 4:30 the place is rocking. This music is meant to be played live and in clubs not on a cd. You lose so much on a cd. My $0.02
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